Mother-in-law sending me dvd...need input

by TweetieBird 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    My mother-in-law called me today and said that she is sending us a dvd that came out at summer convention about the history of the organization and why it is "being used by Jehovah". She asked if we would watch it cause she knows that we don't think WTS is being used by God. I told her that we would watch it and send back to her. I'm thinking that it will be a good opportunity to write down a few things that we disagree on. Has anyone seen this dvd, if so what are your thoughts about it. I would like to start compiling info to send to her. All help appreciated.

  • wasblind

    I was brought the dvd by a member of the old cong, they also have it on you tube now

    to me it's a replacement for the proclaimers book, the dvd leave out a lot compared

    to the proclaimers books, and as time goes on when they replace this dvd with another

    they will leave out even more. The proclaimers book tells about Beth-sarim on page 76

    and on page 163 they have a pic of millions now living will never die. on page 162 a

    chart of a pyrimid , this book tell about more of the failed dates than the dvd.

    if they had it to do all over again they would have never put out the proclaimers book

    if you can try and get hold of a proclaimers book it's probably stuff in their she don't

    even know about until she read it, when the sister came back to get her dvd I showed

    her things out of the proclaimers books she looked shocked. this book was left to me by

    a sister who had studied with me previously. The JW's are kept so busy they don't have time

    to read these books unless they are studied as a group. cause ain't no way I would have stayed in after

    reading this book

  • agonus

    It's even MORE of a whitewash than the Proclaimers book, if that's at all possible.

    And there's at least one incredibly misleading statement that should raise a few eyebrows amongst seasoned dubs: The claim that the "Bible Students" were coming to "the realization that Jesus returned invisibly in 1914".

    Utter bullshit. The Bible Students taught nothing of the sort. They believed Jesus returned invisibly in 1874... NOT 1914! This was taught even by the WT under Rutherford's leadership until at least 1929! The "parousia" (invisible presence) BEGINNING in 1914 rather than 1874 was only HINTED at in the early 1930s, which was when these "Bible Students" under Rutherford's leadership had already taken on the new name "Jehovah's Witnesses"! And the DEFINITE, OFFICIAL doctrinal switch to 1914, not 1874, as the beginning of the parousia, may have been as late as 1943!

    If the Bible Students had any inkling that 1914, not 1874, was the beginning of the parousia, you CERTAINLY will not find ANY evidence that they suggested such in any pre-JW WT literature.

  • 3Mozzies
    And there's at least one incredibly misleading statement that should raise a few eyebrows amongst seasoned dubs: The claim that the "Bible Students" were coming to "the realization that Jesus returned invisibly in 1914".

    This lie stands out to anyone who has the WT CD-Rom library.

    They believed Jesus came in 1874, they believed this until 'New Light' was printed in 1943 (29 years later) in the book 'the truth shall make you free'.

    Open the WT CD-Rom & go to the book 'God's Kingdom has approached' (ka), page 209 and read all of paragraph 55.

    It proves it so clearly!

    Then after they see that, simply ask: "Why are they still lying to us?"


  • GrandmaJones

    I thought it was very interesting that they made such a fuss over Russell. I've never seen them do it to this degree. Now might be the perfect time to point out that Russell taught that EVERYONE, including ADAM AND EVE, the people of Noah's day, Sodom and Gomorrah, and ALL THE PEOPLE WHO EVER LIVED OR DIED will receive another chance of a personal trial of integrity in during the millenial reign. Everyone who ever lived or died will bow to Jehovah on bended knee and recognize his authority. Only the worldly systems of government will pass away, NOT THE PEOPLE. That is what Russell taught.

  • agonus

    The clip of the old-timey-looking (late 19th/early 20th-century) Bible Students with the voice-over about their coming to the realization that Jesus returned invisibly in 1914 comes, appropriately enough, immediately after camera-hog Splane's smug, condescending "It is OBVIOUS that Jehovah chose this organization..." Sure, Dave. It's so EVIDENT and OBVIOUS, there's CLEARLY no need to be DISHONEST or MISLEADING, is there?

  • wasblind

    Wow 3Mozzies,

    what a great find !!!!!

  • Gayle

    This picture is so laughable in this DVD,,mass producing scrolls and having their "scroll bags" going door to door in the 1st century,,,Hahahahaha

  • pirata

    One of the misleading points in the DVD was that Russell originated the 1914 idea. In fact, the calculation of the 2520 years had originated with William Miller, and Nelson Barbour has pinpointed 1914 as "the date" in the "Herald of the Morning" magazine at least a few months before Russell read his first issue of the "Herald of the Morning".

    They do show a picture of Russell standing in front of a pyramid chart which makes a good discussion point.

  • agonus

    yeah, that picture is another obvious fallacy... utterly ridiculous

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