Sex Offender in Court for Right to Go Door to Door

by jamiebowers 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers

    IMO, this jerk doesn't have to go door to door. He could get his time in by informal witnessing. No other convicted sex offender, no matter how low risk, is allowed to go door to door even for a job, so why should this guy get special rights for hs cult activity? It's outrageous that he's allowed to go once a month. The sad thing is that there are many people who are much more dangerous than this guy in the congregations. But because their crimes were covered up for lack of a second witness, they go door to door with careless abandon.

  • alanv

    I think this case is a little different to what we have seen among some witnesses over the last few years.

    He made a mistake and immediately apparantly gave himself up.

    The only thing I would say, is that the org. do not demand anybody HAS to go out on the doors twice a week.

    I agree it is not ideal but there are many witnesses that go from door to door regularly that are probably a lot worse than him.

  • JWoods

    This guy is bat-shit crazy and has no business going door to door.

  • maninthemiddle

    While not condoning his actions, this person is not a threat to the public, and I hate to see the system waste their time with it. It sounds llike they were being more reasonable than many stories you hear about the government.

    This guy is just going to give the Borg another black eye.

  • Pubsinger

    Bet the Watchtower are loving him!

    Surely even they must wish he'd shut up and crawl under a rock - especially as the obvious question is "how many more are knocking on doors?" . . .

    Hope he loses and then appeals and it makes National and International News . . .

  • dissed

    Yeah, Jamie, this guy is pretty tame compared to what they are REALLY hiding in the KH's.

    But this guy is potentially a serious liability to the WT and THEY should take steps to curb him in his association and not wait for the authorities to take action.

  • yourmomma

    He might not be a child rapist, but did he not break into a womans house and beginning raping her and then stopped himself? Now its great he stopped himself, but you have to have a fucking screw loose to even get to that point. I wouldnt want him knocking on my door.

  • Mary

    OK, the guys a jerk---no question about that. The very fact that he broke into his ex-fiancee's home and "hid in the closet until she came home" is creepy and has shades of Norman Bates written all over it. That he would be stupid enough to try and "sue" the city and bring even more unwanted attention to both himself and the Organization is just plain bizarre and is a good example of how Witlesses like to feel 'persecuted' even though they manage to bring on their own problems.

    If this idiot truly had the Borg's best interests at heart, he would quietly go out knocking on doors once a month as per his parole. There is no standard that insists that Witnesses MUST go out twice a week----he's full of shit and he knows it. He could spend the remainder of his time either doing telephone witnessing or writing letters to people living in locked apartments. I'm guessing that since his arrest, this guy has probably become a "super-fine" Christian in order to make up for past sins, and he figures that it will impress his fellow cult members, how much he's fighting for his "Right" to go out preaching.

    This is just one more embarrassment for the Borg and I'm amazed someone didn't tell this idiot to just keep his mouth shut.

  • carla

    This should be distributed with anti jw literature, shows they do allow sex offenders to knock on the publics doors.

  • jamiebowers

    I tend to agree with the "bat shit crazy" sentiment. I wouldln't want him at my door or anywhere near my kids and grandkids. And giving the borg yet another black eye is an interesting angle.

    But you want to talk about giving the Watchtower a black eye, you should read my latest post under Child Abuse. What a doozy!

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