by utahdan 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • utahdan

    Has anyone out there ever wonder who gave the organization the power to shun. Oh I KNOW YOU WOULD SAY it comes from the bible. But I suggest to you, it comes from their members it is really you. As a former elder, I know for a fact that there are members who have been DF for no good scriptural reason, in fact no good reason at all, except that elders had the power. Even if there was a reason, WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO LOVE YOUR NEAGHBOR? OR TURN THE OTHER CHEEK? the real fact is shunning goes on because you except it, you allow it. What would happen if you all would just SAY NO to shunning. If you want to help your families or brothers and sister, how about showing LOVE you would be surprised how powerful that is.

    Shunning is destroying your families, is that what; god had in mind for you? it is also destroying your congregations. TAKE A MOMENT AND THINK What would happen if all of you said NO TO SHUNNING the policy would change, your families would be stronger your congregation would put emphases on love not punishment. Whats the organization going to do DF all you. I think not, there would be no Organization. So my brothers and sisters START THINKING ON YOUR OWN TAKE BACK your power, it came from god. Make your own choices concerning your families. There should be nothing that would get between you and your families members. FAMILIES ARE MORE SACRED THAN A ORGANIZATION. What are you afraid of? The fear is in your mind, they can only hurt you what you allow them to do. Chop the head off the snake so you & your families can live with out fear of loosing each other.

  • blondie

    We are the people who ARE BEING shunned, not doing the shunning.

  • Finally-Free

    I've said this too. If everyone would stand together and just tell the elders to fuck off they couldn't do a damn thing about it. They only have the power the members give them. Unfortunately, most are too misled to recognize that.


  • sir82

    Ermm, general bit of advice: Next time you join a forum, you want to spend, oh, 5 or 10 seconds or so to actually read a flippin' post or 2, before writing a poorly spelled and grammatically incoherent rant.

    If you had done so, for example, say, on this forum, you may have discovered that approximately 99% of the posters here are ex-JWs.

    Oh, and by the way....welcome!

  • utahdan

    If you would just study on the subject don't take every thing your told as the truth prove it for your self find out what organizations shun, what was really meant in the 1st century The Organization is using this policy as a club over the heads of JW'S

  • zoiks

    Wow. Just wow. You are awesome, man!

    There is some merit to lurking for a bit before posting.


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    well to slant what i thought Utahdan was saying... we should all just start talking to the jw's as if they are not sunning us? Not that we have not tried that but some times I just want to go the KH and start chatting with everyone...

  • Finally-Free
    we should all just start talking to the jw's as if they are not sunning us? Not that we have not tried that but some times I just want to go the KH and start chatting with everyone...

    That might work for some but not me. I can't think of any JW I like enough to say hello to.


  • utahdan


    Perhaps you should consider kindness on your part, but maybe your one of those ex JW that went to college and found their judgment badge.

    I am happy for you I think

  • Finally-Free

    I think the person you're addressing is sir82. Mongolia is his listed location.

    Maybe you should follow his suggestion and read before spewing. You would appear less stupid.


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