Jesus of Brooklyn: Invisibly Present Since 1914

by 00DAD 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 00DAD

    I was thinking it would be informative and fun to start a thread comparing the Jesus of WT Theology with what can be factually stated about the historical Jesus of Scripture. In particular, how JW Doctrines misrepresent the Christ in both what they DO teach about his as well as what they do NOT teach.

    I know, there's lots to debate about who and what is the REAL, HISTORICAL JESUS, but at least TRY to stay on topic (the comparison) and let's not get all "Born Again" on me! Also, no thread hijacking, puh-leeze!!!

    Still, this is pretty open: Have fun!

  • thetrueone

    There's so much to expose and reveal its almost overwhelming to comprehend.

    One could easy start off by the self induced proclamation that Jesus returned and established a kingdom in heaven in 1914.

    1. Firstly Jesus himself stated that no one shall no the time of his return, he made this quite clear in Scripture.

    He also made it clear to steer away form false prophets who have spoken things that he himself or the father had spoken.

    Maybe he should have been more elaborate and said to watch out for book and literature peddlers ( Charlatans ) ....WTS.

    There are more to add to this list of course, I'll let others take a turn

  • 00DAD

    Of course, I'm just thinking that if we flesh out the picture of Jesus of Brooklyn as described by the WTBTS and compare that to Jesus of Nazareth as depicted in Scripture then I'm guessing we'd get an interesting side-by-side comparison.

    I'm imagining some pretty glaring differences and inconsistencies would be made obvious.

    Besides that, I just think the title of the thread is intriguing.

  • Ding

    I'm interested in why they changed the date from 1874 to 1914 and how they explained the "new light" to the Bible Students.

    Perhaps someone on the board can explain how all that went down.

  • 00DAD

    Ding, good question. Both Blondie and Leolaia have written some pretty good stuff on that. I'll see if I can find the threads if they don't see this first and reply!

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    I'm not sure what you are looking for.

    1) Christians teach correctly that Jesus was, and is, God, the God-man, God the Son.

    JWs teach, incorrectly, that Jesus was nothing more than a man.

    But if Jesus was just a man, then he died for nothing because according to Psalm 49:7, no man can redeem another man. "No man can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for him ..." (In accord see NIV, ESV, NASB, KJV, ASV, DRV, DBT, ERV, and Young's Literal Translation). To share in divinity and immortality requires the intercession of the divine, the God-man, Jesus, as Athanasius taught.

    "Christ came and freely took upon Himself the penalty of sin - death and suffering - and by so doing He made satisfaction for the sin of man. Being God and man, He could do what only God can do: have a hold on and restore the whole of human nature and race. (No single merely human individual could do so.; if Adam could so act for the worse, it was because he happened to be the head of the race).(Catholic Encyclopedia, 931)"

    2) While the JWs teach that Jesus returned in 1914, the Bible makes it clear the Second Coming will occur after the Great Tribulation has begun, which is a future event.

    The true Second Coming of Christ (parousia) takes place after the Great Tribulation, not years before as the Jehovah’s Witnesses contend.

    21 for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. (Matt. 24:21)

    Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Matt. 24:29)

    This reference to Christ’s return “immediately” (Greek eutheos meaning directly, i.e., at once or soon, straightaway, forthwith [Vine’s]), follows the pending Great Tribulation, not the tribulation Jerusalem experienced when it was destroyed by Rome in 70 A.D because the pending Great Tribulation shall be the worst that will ever be. Since the slaughter of the 20th century world wars makes Jerusalem’s destruction pale in comparison, Christ’s Second Coming still awaits mankind.

    3) The entire notion of their 1914 prediction has been proven wrong simply because the means by which they arrive there, from 607, is incorrect, but this issue has been beaten into the ground.

    4) The real Christ did not wait 1,900 years (until 1914) to receive a mere “subsidiary share” of God’s kingdom, as the JWs incorrectly teach. He received it all when he rose from the dead and ascended to the throne in heaven to sit at God’s right hand.

    18 And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. (Matt. 28:18 NWT)

    10 And so YOU are possessed of a fullness by means of him, who is the head of all government and authority. (Col. 2:10 NWT)

    Christ began to rule God’s kingdom when he ascended to heaven after his crucifixion in the first century. He did not wait to rule until 1914 right before he supposedly descended to earth invisibly. This is made all the more evident by John when he referred to the resurrected Jesus as the then “Ruler of the kings of the earth,” that is, during the first century (Rev. 1:5 NWT). Accordingly, the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ claim that “… in 1914 Christ began ruling as King,” is incorrect (Great Man, ch. 132, 3).

  • LostGeneration

    Jesus of Brookyln- Too tired and lazy to do anything for people on earth. Instead he appoints a "faithful slave" to publish mountains of literature over a 130 year period. No feeding of the hungry, or other charitiable works, just sell books and shit about the Watchtower corporation. Busts a cap in the head of sinners, by casting them out in their time of greatest need so they can endure shunning by everyone they have ever known.

    Jesus of Nazereth - Busted his ass to teach people without any books or magazines. Fed hungry people. Used illustrations like the prodigal son to teach forgiveness of those who have strayed.

  • 00DAD

    JD: You're getting the idea, but I was thinking more of a personal portrait rather than a doctrinal side-by-side .... if that clarifies things at all.

  • 00DAD

    LG - Yes, thanks. This is more in line with what I had in mind, exactly!

  • thetrueone

    In simple terms Jesus of Brooklyn was a commercialized Jesus created for the propagation and proliferation of the WTS.

    own published goods.

    Something to be used and exploited on the front cover of magazines and books.

    When you really think about just about all of the composed doctrines that the WTS created were self supporting toward their own publishing acumen.

    Vicarious lying superimposed over with a flair of religious virtuosity.

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