Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum | JW.Org Community Information
The biggest, busiest JW community & support discussion forum for Jehovah's Witnesses, those interested in JW.Org beliefs or the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society
Lowrence**In German for you!
by Atlantis ini there are any more language requests, come back to this thread so that i do not clutter up the board.
( lowrence** german** s-147** announcements**2025** january.. .
How did JWs arrive at a clearer understanding of what the Bible teaches than other Christian denominations?
by slimboyfat infor jws who believe that jehovah had a hand in reviving the truth in the nineteenth century this is enough explanation for how jws managed to achieve a closer approximation to early christian beliefs and practices than other groups.
but is there an explanation for this phenomenon that doesn’t rely on supernatural intervention?
new testament scholar james dunn explains the difficulty of interpreting the biblical texts in this way:.
What the org SAYS, but what it really MEANS!
by BoogerMan inw16 april p. 9 par.
17 being faithful gullible leads to god’s the cult's approval - thousands of young christian men and women are willingly sacrificing marriage or are not having children - at least for now - in order to serve jehovah the borg to the full.
older ones too may be sacrificing the time they could otherwise spend with their children and grandchildren in order to work on theocratic construction projects supply free labour or to attend the school for kingdom evangelizers receive deeper indoctrination and to serve in areas where the need for kingdom publishers more suckers is greater.
For 57 years JW's were compelled to accept this BLASPHEMY as TRUTH
by BoogerMan innamely, that the org & its elite group of "anointed" christians had usurped christ's role.
thank you so much, faithful evil slave!
by their fruits............... for lurking jw's: how many org "truths" have you seen reversed during your life?.
Costume dramas at conventions
by AdamCzarnobay inare convention dramas still a thing or have these been replaced by videos of dramas recorded in the usa?.
Changing the Date of the Memorial?
by KalebOutWest ini noticed in the latest memorial invitation, the dates for the observance are odd--well far more odd than usual.. what i mean is that forever as i can remember, jehovah's witnesses use to advertise really big that this was nisan 14. they don't tend to do this anymore.. and being jewish, their dates now tend to align with passover, or at least with the second seder night of passover.. 2025: saturday, april 12 (nisan 15).
2026: thursday, april 2 (nisan 15/16).
2027: monday, march 22 (nisan 15/16).
If you live in Canada, they are taking away your Guns, to send to Ukraine.
by liam inhistory is full of examples of governments disarming their citizens , only to be brutally betrayed.
what follows is a litany of blood that happened after disarming citizens.
1911: turkey; citizens disarmed – 1.5 million armenians were slaughtered.
Make America Great Again.......Maybe...........For all you on Social Security.
by liam inso there's a bill called the social security fairness act that "might" help those on social security.
the bill is something trump said he would push for once he become president.of course there is some rinos and democrats who don't want the bill because they still want to fund wars that americans have no business getting involved.
all the president has to do is signed it "if" he makes it into office.. this could go in effect as soon as next year.
YouTube advice on “Types of People to Avoid”
by LongHairGal ini was doing some heavy duty binge watching on youtube.. there are lots of helpful topics including ‘how to declutter your home’, ‘things you shouldn’t tell people’ and several videos on ‘types of people you shouldn’t have in your life as well as types of behavior you shouldn’t tolerate’ (especially after a certain age).. what i got out of it (most i already knew but was nice to see it mentioned):.. first, you should live life authentically, especially at an older age.
you should be free of other people’s opinions, judgments and expectations of you.
you should be free of this as you have accumulated enough wisdom in life to know what serves you and that other people’s opinions do not define you; you should not be guilt tripped into doing favors or being exploited (financially or time wise) by anybody manipulative or irresponsible, etc… walking away is not ‘selfishness’ but ‘self care’.. it was mentioned in all of them to remove people from your life who are critical and fall into these negative categories whether they be family or other.. (the name of jehovah’s witnesses was nowhere mentioned - but i was struck by the fact that all these negative things appear in spades in the jw religion (and probably in some other religions as well).. watching all of this just reinforced what i knew for many years: ..the best thing i did was to ‘fade’ from the religion and get out of that environment!.
Financial statements of Watch Tower of Canada
by yalbmert99 infinancial statements of watch tower of canada 2023 (can't find usa statements).
assets : $276 348 600 .
liabilities : $12 665 384 .