Need help w/kids on this topic: No more Veggie Burgers for the Lions!!

by Open mind 2 Replies latest members private

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I don't know if this has been posted on before, but even if it has, I'd like input on how best to handle it with my kids/spouse. A couple of weeks ago the assigned weekly Bible reading included one of my not-so-favorite verses, Isaiah 65:25 which says, in part, that the "lion will eat straw just like the bull". I made sure the kids read Chapter 65 and asked them what they liked about it or if they had any questions about it. Sure enough, they zeroed in on verse 25. One thought it would be cool to have a pet lion and I agreed that I always (until about 5th grade science class) thought it would be cool too. Another child, who's older, brought up the whole "How's Jehovah gonna make that happen?" question. You know, predator/prey, ecosystems, food chain, etc.

    I said that I too had wondered about that when I was in school. In fact, it always seemed to me that this was a perfect verse to ask, "Is it literal or is it symbolic?" But, for decades, it 's arbitrarily been crammed down our throats as both literal and symbolic. And if you dared question the literal part, then you were questioning God and needed to work on your faith. I think I even remember some crazy quote about a London zookeeper in WWII feeding grass to the lions. As if that proves they can do just fine on a 100% veggie diet.

    Anyway, I said that this was one of those things when I was growing up that I had to put on my "Wait on Jehovah" list unless I wanted to quit being a JW. (I winked at my oldest child on that one, because he & I had a conversation about a month ago and he called it his "WHATEVER" list, with very heavy sarcasm in his voice.)

    So, I was hoping to make a comment on it at the meeting that night and wanted to have the most recent crazy quote to use. Well, guess what? In typical sneaky, never-admit-you-were-wrong fashion, it looks to me like they're starting to slither away from this teaching. I don't have the exact reference close at hand right now, but it's from the Isaiah Prophecy Bk, Vol 2. It's real easy to find since it's a verse-by-verse brainwashing. Just look almost at the end of the book for Isaiah 65:25 in bold and read the commentary. It said the lion would.............." IN EFFECT " !!!!!!!!!!! eat straw just like the bull.

    How did I miss those two little weasle words when we studied it before? Unfortunately, I had my most of my ammo taken away because of this. The F&D slave is changing, becoming more reasonable, just give them time kids, see? Well, I was able to throw in a comment to my kids that it sure would be nice if they would just own up to a change instead of quietly making it & hoping that most people won't even notice. So, I got in a little dig, but not as good as I'd hoped. Also, my wife wasn't there when I made this little snipe.

    BTW, I did comment on it at the mtng with a direct quote from the Isaiah book, emphasizing the words "IN EFFECT" and it looked like a few eyelids may have briefly fluttered open, but no one said anything later.

    So. Does anyone have any ideas about how to get any more mileage out of this one? I'd love to hear any and all suggestions.


    Open Mind

  • Mystla

    I don't have any suggestions for you, I just wanted to say that it sounds like you are doing a great job teaching your kids to think for themselves. I know it must be difficult flying under the radar, but you are doing a great job!!

    and Welcome to JWD!!


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I just took a look at my Topic History and this one was the biggest turkey on the list with ONE RESPONSE!

    Of course, I was such a newbie, I didn't even acknowledge Mystla's reply.


    A very belated "Thanks" to Mystla and a totally shameless bump up of my posting stats.

    I need to get a life. I know.

    Open Mind

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