Here is what is new with me...

by morty 14 Replies latest members private

  • morty

    Some of asked me what is new with me so, here is a brief run-down instead of writing 20 pms...

    I did go on holiday over to England to see my family back in April...Love it!!! was nice to see everyone again. Had been years since I was back there...Took hubby with and me it was also our first trip together alone with no children.. Also his first time flying on a big plane and he was a wreck the poor guy. Took me years to convince him to get on a plane. You see, for those that don’t know us, he drives truck so, if he could not drive there, he did not/would not go...Turned out to be the best 2 weeks we had together and brought home a lot of memories to look back on....Cant wait to go back and now, hubby is asking when is our next trip???

    When we got back home, I guess you could say I had been fighting the "feelings" of needing something else in my life....I thought that maybe it may have been a "want" of another child and hubby was going a little nuts over When I look back now, it is no wonder he wanted to run out the door, leave for work and not bother coming children our now 18 and almost 15!!!!!!!!..what the hell was I thinking????)

    I think with seeing all my cousins having little children and all the newborns around, that got my biological clock a ticking...

    To make a long story short, hubby suggested that we get a pup and see if that would suffice me...(Poor guy was swimming in circles trying to come up with something other then to have to deal with me "thinking" I wanted another baby!!

    It completely filled my needs and now, we are the proud parents of Harley Andrew Davidson. Weighing in at 2lbs 5 ozs when he came home with mom and dad...

    He is described as a Miniature Dachshund and is half a dog long and two dogs

    Harley is now 8lbs and has settled down exceptionally well with us...

    I just had to share my new family memeber....

    (Hope I got the pics to load...It's been a while)

  • Dismembered

    Greetings morty,

    Nice pics. My wife wants one of those really bad. I told her someday soon, when we can give it the right attention.


  • dobbie

    Hi from a newbie.I thought you must have had a premmie baby when i read the 2lb5oz cant believe my little girl weighed less than a mini daschund!Cute little dog though, my friends got one of them and she is gorgeous!Actually, i've been feeling broody lately, maybe one of them will do instead- no more nappies to worry about but still loads of love!

  • morty
    maybe one of them will do instead- no more nappies to worry about but still loads of love!

    That is one of the perks with a pup instead of a diapers!!!

    ....... but when they do mess up, there is nothing to catch the

    BTW, welcome to the board dobbie

  • shera

    Hi Morty! Nice to see yah.

    That pup is too cute!

  • anewme

    Morty your little guy is sooooo cute! (Hubby's not bad either! Tee hee)
    Congratulations on your life filled with love!


  • morty
    Hi Morty! Nice to see yah.

    Yu too girlfriend!!,...have not saw you since christ was a cowboy..

    That pup is too cute!

    god, he is a doll...I love him to bits!

  • AudeSapere

    Hi Morty!

    Nice to see you again and even better to hear that you are having fun.

    Still working at the nursing home (??) ?


  • morty
    Morty your little guy is sooooo cute! (Hubby's not bad either! Tee hee)

    that's a big 10-4!!!...

  • morty
    Still working at the nursing home (??) ?

    Yes and no....I am no longer working there full well-being would not allow me for the time being but, I am still volunteering there a couple of days a week when I can.....I was offered my job back there for next Sept so I must be doing something right....I really enjoy the clients there...

    thanks for asking Aude....

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