If you are a JW who is reading Captive Hearts/Take Back Your Life series

by Lady Lee 0 Replies latest members private

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    If you are a JW and have been following the discussion

    Captive Hearts, Captive Minds/Take Back Your Life

    I welcome your thoughts. If you aren't comfortable posting them on the board feel free to PM me.

    Please pay close attention to your reactions while you are reading. Those reactions are telling you something important. You may find some things make you angry or defensive or even protective of the WTS.

    You may find yourself yes "Yes, BUT...." It's those "buts" you really need to think about. In my personal experience whenever someone adds a "but" to their statment they are attempting to negate the real issue. Pay close attention to the real issue which is being negated.

    I hated when my mother would tell me she was doing something "for my own good" and then proceed to beat the crap out of me. It was as if her saying "for my own good" meant it wasn't hurtful or abusive, controlling and wrong.

    Another common defense was "I'm only trying to help/protect you", or "I know better than you".

    If these thoughts come up pay very close attention. Our minds and bodies are quite able to sense danger. We have a warning signal that lets us know when something isn't quite right. For many of us we had those warning signals turned off. I know when I had thoughts or feelings that something wasn't quite right I was always able to turn off the thoughts and feelings. Whether the thoughts and feelings came from my father, or mother, or foster parent, or husband or a boss or an organization or even a friend I learned young to ignore them. I'm getting better at not turning off those thoughts and feelings and listening closely to what is really going on inside of me.

    If who or whatever in your life is arousing thoughts and feelings that you need to shut down, please stop and listen closely.

    I'm thinking here of the saying "there is nothing to fear but fear itself"

    If after really inspecting what goes on inside, you discover things that you have been ignoring, then pay attention to it.

    Ultimately real truth will win out - if you let it.

    Be kind and gentle with yourself, but seek real honesty. Real honesty can never be pushed aside with a "but"

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