Bro Prince?

by Dino 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dino

    As I dont come on the board too much anymore, please forgive me if this question has been raised before.

    If Prince is a JW, what congo does he attend?



  • Dino

    Oops so sorry to post this under child abuse!

    I intended friends.


    Your wish is my command. ~ Scully

  • blondie

    Prince is in a congregation in Minneapolis, I'm not sure the exact one. He also attended a congregation in Toronto where he had a house. This was before his last wife divorced him on unscriptural grounds (he's not df'd).


  • Gopher

    After Larry Graham studied with Prince a few years ago, they both were attending the Chanhassen, Minnesota congregation.

    I don't know that Prince is around Minnesota much these days, I think he is renting the "3121" house out in L.A.

  • R.F.

    So is his ex-wife an active JW?

  • Gopher

    Prince has two ex-wives. The first one, Mayte Garcia, had their son who died shortly after birth. But they divorced in 2000, about 1 year before Prince converted to Watchtowerism.

    Prince's second wife Manuela divorced him last year (2006). She became a JW to marry him. However from what I read she is not now a JW.

  • monophonic

    are the jws finally figuring out the genius of scientology recruiting?

    if it was the 70's/80's/90's, prince would've had to give up his career, like 'cristie love' (vaguely remember her, might not be her character), but now it's ok for him to keep pursuing his singing career.....a big no-no years ago b/c it would be promoting idol worship.

    can we buy a billboard in brooklyn right next to 'read your bible daily' of the wtbts flip-flopping like a fish out of water when it comes to laying down the rules of the bible as they interpret?

  • AnnOMaly
    This was before his last wife divorced him on unscriptural grounds (he's not df'd).

    Ahhh! I get it. THAT'S why he wants King Solomon's advice!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    And I wonder why he has two failed marriages?

  • heathen

    yah with a controversial super bowl appearance and then comments to the media like that , how does that guy not get df'd?

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