
by Francois 2 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Francois

    Ya know, the men who make up the official theology-making, policy propagating governing body of JWs are not dumb. They are not ignorant. They can, as we have done here, compile lists of all their many failed prophecies, and no doubt have done so. They are aware of their doctrinal flip-flops; their concurrent opposite teachings; their quaint alarms (like the one concerning aluminum); all their failures of all types are certainly well known to them. And they attempt to hide all this stuff, just like attempting to ignore an elephant in the bathtub. Why else attempt to clear out the KH libraries of pre-1975 books?

    If we are aware of all these things, certainly they are.

    So what's going on that these guys stubbornly cling to this false religion they have created? What makes them continue with teachings that are manifestly unloving and unspiritual? And with their gradualism in the way they back away from such things as their insistence on the accuracy of their 1914 generation teaching?

    What's going on here? These men aren't stupid!!

    There must be an explanation for this. Is it the money? We know there is an incredible amount of it. Wouldn't there be even more if they were to loosen up, get real?

    What could possibly be motivating this behavior?

    I know there are some incredibly intelligent, well-informed, well-spoken people who contribute to this site. Perhaps there could be some informed, educated speculation about why what's going on with the JWs is going on at all? Why continue to take a beating over teachings, prophecies, policies and behaviors that are utterly unnecessary and manifestly counter-productive?

    Enquiring minds want to know! WHY?

    Many Thanks,

    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • larc


    I don't really know, but here are some thoughts that come to my mind.

    These old geezzers started out at the bottom and rose all the way to the top. Life must be very good for them at Bethel; look how long they live. They don't have a creature comfort care in the world. Now, even if they don't believe all of it, they believe enough of it just like the rank and file to hang in there. On top of that, there is no place for them to go as old as they are. Everybody they grew up with is dead. So, they just ease on through the remainder of their days just like any other 80 year old man would. Beats living in a card board box under a bridge.

  • Grunt

    Hello Francois,
    I think these men came up through the ranks and were sincere. Then they reached a point where they were the leaders. I think they were so committed, so invested and maybe even so deceived by then that they just kept waving the flag and proclaiming the war a just one. Not that that means they have or had integrity. Anyone that can that can tell a woman that just because her husband is having sex with an animal doesn't mean she is entitled to a divorce, that can deny people transplants as it would be cannibalism, that can encourage immediate family members to treat others in their family as dead, that can accept dates based on the steps measured off in a pyramid, that can send many to death and rape in prisons rather than accept alternative service....AND THEN REVERSE IT ALL!!! Any group of men that can tell one group of followers not to buy a voting card even though they are hacking the meat off their legs and tell another that bribing officials to get a military card is up to their conscience at the same time the other group is being killed, that can CONSIDER changing the time for the beginning of Christ's presence based on the launching of Sputnik.......well, they are perverse and wicked to me. Whether driven by their own twisted views of truth, the love of money, or the power and respect of being the voice of God to so many makes no difference. I know I have no respect for them and at moments would really love a little time alone with them in a room with no doors and a ball bat. Ah, that's my gut speaking. My mind says they are getting what they deserve every time they look in a mirror and see that pile of excrement looking back, my heart says twisting loved ones to return good for evil and hate those whom the bible says they should honor deserves punishment. So two parts of me want to go kick the door down in their meeting room and give them a dose of the pain they hand out, the other part says I would be as big a hypocrite as them if I even lust after such a revenge. In short, they are evil men who stir up the dark side even when thinking about them.
    I do my very best to expose them as such at every opportunity and to show their lies to be just that, especially to Witnesses. When I can I give a REAL witness to a witness. As a matter of fact I was passing though Georgia the other day, saw a young man outside a BurgerKing standing in the shade of a tree talking to an older man and my wife had heard the name Jehovah mentioned. I had to horn in. It turned out the young man was just parroting the views of his father who is a witness. I asked him a few questions, realized he knew nothing of the beliefs he was espousing and helped him to a clearer understanding, though I doubt if it sticks. I got off into the mediatorship and the new covenant and he didn't know he had been denied both. The thing I said that seemed to actually touch him was when I told him that if he really valued his relationship with his father the last thing he should do was get baptized as if he ever changed his mind there was a good chance his father would shun him. He doubted this and I related my personal experience which seemed to have an impact on him. I left feeling much better, though I owed my wife big time for telling me as she knew it would mean some time in the truck in the GA sun waiting for me to talk to them. I watch for Witnesses like a hawk looks for mice. I paid my wife off with a fine room in Hiawassee and telling her I might just have helped one. Forgive the length of this post and I enjoy yours very much as I do so many on this board. I have been out of town and hadn't visited in a long time. It is always so refreshing and informative to find kindred spirits and knowledgeable ones at that.

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