any basis for appointing a GB member

by cyberguy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberguy

    Is there a biblical basis for appointing GB members? Yes, there is!

    Acts 1:15-26 shows how they were selected:

    (1) someone who was among Jesus early disciples, "starting with the baptism by John" (Acts 1:21-22),
    (2) someone who was a witness of Jesus' resurrection (Acts 1:22),
    (3) discussion with the whole congregation (Acts 1:15),
    (4) group prayer (Acts 1:24), and finally,
    (5) casting lots (Acts 1:26).

  • bboyneko

    What about the size of his 'package'?

  • Maximus

    Cyberguy, please let me express my personal gratitude for both your very fine posts today.

    Unfortunately for me, the volume of my mail from thinking elders will rise yet further because of posts like these. Pay no attention to the number of responses, hungry people will read both carefully; believe me.

    Thanks again! A warm welcome.


  • ISP

    But 'Acts' was written in the 2nd Century and put flesh on the 'bones' except that might be an overstatement. It created some 'acts' for the first century dudes. But don't put your life on this stuff.


  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus


    Agreed. What is great about the post, is that it should cause any JW reading it to pause and think about this whole CURRENT GB in control thing. Lurkers take note.

    Cute cartoon, Mr. Neko, you always come up with good thoughts; but this tends to trivialize a new poster's work, don't you think?

    Thank God it's Friday. Em, the date not the idiot who posts.


  • bboyneko

    Sorry...I get carried away sometimes. I will reserve the juvenile humor for fredhall.

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