Quote for Silent Lambs

by Amazing 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Sometimes, I find quotes most helpful in creating a sense of mission and focus. I find the following worth noting:

    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    "The time is always right to do what is right." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    "For everything there is a season, and a time for very purpose under heaven: ... a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;" - Eccl 3:1,7

  • sf

    Ahh, this must be where the govt and "precious religions" get their ECCLESIASTICAL PRIVLEDGES from....lolololololol

    That damn book is gonna be the death of us all. The way people (humans) live and die by it. Positively, terrifyingly unpredictable human BEINGS.

    sKally, well-armed klass

  • Amazing

    Skally: My point in quoting Eccl was not to the benefit of religious silence or privilege. The point in Eccl is about appropriate "times" for everything. And in that respect, to me, this is a time to speak out against pedophiles among Jehovah's Witnesses. Dr. Martin Luther King's remarks also suggest the same.

    I appreciate and understand why many do not agree with the Bible, even develop a disdain for it. I have my own problems with the Bible. But, given the context of my own efforts on this issue of dealing with Pedophiles, and the efforts of SilentLambs, why would you inject such an inference about the Bible?

    Eccl was not about religious 'Privilege' claimed in the 21st Century, but about the time to speak. In that sense, it is a Jewish poetic and philosophical book, and not a Christian book. As for quotes, Eccl was my third choice in order of preference behind Dr. King's comments. - Amazing

  • sunstarr


    Enjoyed the quotes and the encouragement for Silent Lambs. Thanks for the post.

  • waiting

    Someone, somewhere, said that the "children were our future."

    Well, they are - and the next generation, which is here now doesn't submit nearly as quietly as we did. They've learned to fight more, get even, even lie to get ahead or get what they want, more than their parents.

    Another fine scripture is that "we reap what we sow." As for being jw's and having our blinders on - we got raped children. And many of us got angry children.

    Another fine scripture is to not hinder the children, because they're innocent. Whether from coming to Jesus or hindering in general - they're still innocents.

    Thanks, Amazing. Whatever the Bible is, there are good passages in there, among the things which we don't necessarily agree with.


  • CPiolo

    Amazing and Waiting:

    You're both correct. Whatever problems one may have with the Bible, it does include much wisdom and knowledge. As with almost everything, one has to separate the wheat from the chaff. As difficult as it may be to admit, even the Watchtower has some kernels of truth and wise words. Isn’t this part of the healing process when one leaves, to hang on to those good things and throw out the bad. To throw out something wholesale can often be a big mistake. The difficulty often lies with all the strong emotions tied to things religious, making it difficult to see things objectively.


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