Should I push him over the edge?

by DannyBloem 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBloem

    I had a long talk with an elder I know very well this morning. We had a talk about the religion changes, like the 1975 thing etc. He agrees to me that the GB are not let only by holy spirit, maybe only that has a use for this organisation.
    He did agree to me that quotes are taken out of its context that a mild form of brain washing takes place. We talked about dna evidence of evolution etc.

    He thinks that the teachings of the WTS are the closest to the bible of all religions. He said to me that if this is not the truth then there is no truth.
    He also told me that if there was no God (which he considered), live would be useless,and that is something he just would not want to accept. It would made him feel very bad. He thinks god used evolution or something like that.

    Now some background. He is an elder, 72 years. Been in the truth since long and is a real good elder. Does a lot of good things in the cong. Really cares about the brothers and sisters. Is not afraid to differ in opinion with the CO or so.
    I think I can confince him about more wrong of the WTS or the bible in general, but should I do this? It will for sure not make him happier, he is thinking enough for himself, he sur is no drone, but tries to make the best of it.

    So, should I push him over the edge or not...


  • Billygoat


    IMHO, I wouldn't push. He is 72 years old. He already KNOWS the Truth is not the Truth. It's why he can have those discussions with you and agree with the WTS fallacies. He's in it because he has too much to lose at this point. Imagine being him. Would you want someone to pull back that curtain and show him that it's not really the wizard? He doesn't need that to be so real. Let him finish out his remaining days enjoying what little he has.


  • greendawn

    He sounds like a very moderate and benign jw and at that age it's hard to make drastic changes so perhaps there is no point in trying to change his beliefs about the WTS

  • LittleToe

    Doncha just love ethical dilemmas?

    Maybe you could ask yourself the question: "What can I offer him?"

    If all you're gonna do is push him over the edge and watching him crash and burn, how humanitarian is that?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Fellow feeling would move me to help him if I could. 72 is not dead yet! I would not encourage him to leave - that is up to him. But all the infomation should be in his court if he is in a frame of mind to have such. The truth about the truth does not have to be a shattering of his world, although it usually is. But the facts should be made available if he wants them; a statement like " I have a book you should read. If you ever want to just let me know." Let him have the choice - I would want that, wouldn't you?


  • jula71

    Personally, I wouldn't. How would shunning affect a man his age? Sorry to say, the dub life is the only life he knows and to lose that could have detrimental health affects. But on the flip side, I've seen people live past 100, he could have 30 "free" years left. It all depends on how mentally and physically strong his is.

  • lisavegas420
    Now some background. He is an elder, 72 years. Been in the truth since long and is a real good elder. Does a lot of good things in the cong. Really cares about the brothers and sisters. Is not afraid to differ in opinion with the CO or so.

    Just incase this is my dad, and it sounds just like him...... be really really gentle. Thank You.


  • greendawn

    But those final years are not easy when it comes to making major adjustments in life. Mental faculties just as physical ones grow weak and less efficient.

  • DannyBloem
    Personally, I wouldn't. How would shunning affect a man his age? Sorry to say, the dub life is the only life he knows and to lose that could have detrimental health affects. But on the flip side, I've seen people live past 100, he could have 30 "free" years left. It all depends on how mentally and physically strong his is.

    I think he is actually free. Because he is thinking. As little toe says: what do yo give him back? Nothing, just emptyness.Now he is busy helping the people in the congregation. He does a lot of good there. What else is there to do if he doesn't have it anymore. Nothing. In my opinion it is better for him to be in the organization. His reasoning is maybe right. Maybe it is the religion closests to the teachings of the bible. (for me hard to say as I do not accept the devine autority of the bible) I think also it shows that if people are not just always so stupid and follow everything somebody says, the WTS would be much more okay. Danny

  • undercover
    Maybe you could ask yourself the question: "What can I offer him?"

    If all you're gonna do is push him over the edge and watching him crash and burn, how humanitarian is that?

    Good comment, brother Toe.

    I think there's a point where you just have to accept that they are content as JWs and leave them be, especially the older ones. Why burst their bubble when they've gone their entire life believing that they have been good people and done the right thing? The average JW, especially the older ones, really did try to live life by some kind of Godly standard. It's not necessarily their fault that they were brainwashed.

    The elderly JW mentioned earlier in this thread seems to be aware that not all is perfect with JWs and he admitted that if they dont have the truth, no one does. Deep down inside he knows, but he is comfortable with his lifestyle. Let him enjoy it as long as he isn't hurting anyone.

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