What if Franz stated he found some seer stones and put them inside his tophat and was able to read them and they gave him a new gospel but God took the stones to heaven and now you just have to believe him?
As a witness, would you have believed this?
by IronGland 12 Replies latest jw friends
Of course. Growing up Franz was da man. There was no need or reason to question him, even though much of what he taught is being phased out. JWs have and do believe a lot of things just as silly as seer stones. You know, a paragraph in the watchtower along with some verses relating to the Urim and Thumim, what else do you need?
yep. i would have been there nodding my head like the little happy pollyanna i was.
who cares about jesus when you have had franz with stones in his hat!
Only if he was able to translate some ancient egyptian hyerogliphs. And translated his new gospel from the book of the dead.
Anyway, I hope his new gospel allows for multiple wives
Lol I wouldnt have believed it but I would have pretended I did.
That's a good question. I'm not sure if I would have or not. Might have depended on what point in my dubdom this light was revealed. In the beginning, when I was so gung-ho, I probably would have. Later? Ugh, not sure. I'd like to think it would have at least given me a belly ache much like the new light on the 1914 generation and the new and improved blood policy did.
Would not have believed it. Didn't buy into 1975 either? I just didn't shout it from the housetop.
Nope. You'd have to come up with the SOCIETY aka the "SLAVE" got some new light.
Only if it was in a Watch Tower Study article. Then I would have believed with my whole soul and heart and mind until about 2002 when I started my unsuccessful fade from the cult.
not a chance - I would have truly known that they had gone off to crazy land then at the top of the enchanted tree and that moonface, fanny and their other mates had joined them.