Germany, the "truth" is worth lying...

by Norm 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Norm

    The multinational printing empire and con operation in Brooklyn better known as the Watchtower Society is in a desperate struggle to appear mainstream and “normal” to the general public all over the world. After over 100 years of publishing the most insane drivel and countless failed predictions this is of course an uphill struggle.

    What makes it even harder is that they merely want to foster the ILLUSION that the Watchtower Society is “mainstream”. They have no wish for it to actually be mainstream. For example, we have seen how hard they have tried to sell the illusion that the Watchtower Society don’t have a central authority that rules the congregations by issuing detailed orders on just about anything. They have even issued orders to the elders to lie about this and claim that the congregation has great autonomy from Brooklyn.

    The whole effort so far has been to create an illusion while maintaining status quo behind the scenes.

    The latest effort in this regard is now taking place in Germany where the Watchtower Society want to become a recognized Church like for instance the Catholic Church. They want the same “privileges” as the “Great Harlot”. They want to jump into the bed with the “Kings of the earth” and have “relationship” with the same “beast” that has fornicated with the “Great Harlot”. Now they can become a lesser Harlot. Me oh my how the times have changed in Brooklyn.

    In response to a so-called Enquete Commission hearing the Watchtower Society has made a 7 page document which among other things state:

    "The necessity of voluntary commitment for fellow humans is deepened through Christian understanding. Religious service and civil commitment therefore are directly associated . . . [Jesus] Christ himself emphasized the unselfish giving that is to be expressed by not expecting any service in return."

    I have been looking through the whole document it is in German and though I understand a lot, it isn’t my favourite language. In the beginning they go on about how much is up the individual Witness, as if any Jehovah's Witnesses have ever enjoyed any individual freedom to choose anything. As far as I can see we have the usual strange and really far fetched definitions about voluntary and civil commitment.

    For instance taking care of ones own family and aging seem to be “civil commitment” in the eyes of the Watchtower Society. Elders visiting people in the congregation is the same. We of course have the old song and dance about relief aid in disaster situations where we know that the Watchtower Society don’t care about anyone but their own. Even rousing people out of their beds on Sunday morning seem to be counted as civil commitment.

    The document even mention the huge project about the Watchtower Society whitewashing of their history during the Nazi era, where they have exploited the old “surviving” Witnesses for all their worth in order to appear mainstream. Apparently this show their civil commitment.

    They also refer to a number of articles in various Awake! Magazines with typical “window dressing” articles about people with Alzheimer and such, which of course don’t touch upon anything even remotely connected to their alleged “civil commitment”. But the title of the articles might seem superficially convincing.
    Those articles all end with the usual crap about “soon the Kingdom of God is going to solve all these problems” and as usual not a word about HOW the “kingdom” is going to do that. The document seems to me to be among the worst misrepresentation of what the Watchtower Society stand for that I have ever laid eyes on.

    Let us again take a look at the short quote from the news site:

    "The necessity of voluntary commitment for fellow humans is deepened through Christian understanding. Religious service and civil commitment therefore are directly associated . . . [Jesus] Christ himself emphasized the unselfish giving that is to be expressed by not expecting any service in return."

    Already here the weasel worded face of the Watchtower Society shine through.
    Let us compare this quote above with this one:

    *** w93 4/15 31 Do You Remember? ***
    When he was on earth, Jesus did not try to solve all the social problems of his day. When Jehovah by means of his Messianic Kingdom enforces his righteous principles on a global scale, environmental problems will be permanently solved.

    And compare it with this one:

    *** w87 1/15 4 'Preaching the Gospel' Through Social Work ***
    On the other hand, one must ask: Has the social gospel really achieved its aim? Has it made real Christians of those who have benefited from the charitable works? Has it given the people true faith and hope? Even more importantly, we must ask: Is this what Jesus had in mind when he commissioned his followers to ‘preach the gospel in all the world’?

    Look at the completely twisted reasoning here:

    *** w87 1/15 9 Jehovah's Witnesses in the Missionary Field ***
    So while Jehovah’s Witnesses do not put stress on what is commonly referred to as the social gospel, they actively contribute to community interests by helping others to bring their lives into harmony with the high standards of the Bible. (Romans 12:1, 2) Most importantly, they are also helping people everywhere to look beyond the injustices and inequalities of this rapidly deteriorating system of things to the new system of God’s making, soon to come.

    *** w87 1/15 8 Jehovah's Witnesses in the Missionary Field ***
    That sets the priority for modern-day disciples of Jesus Christ. They, too, must put preaching the Kingdom good news as their primary objective, over and above performing humanitarian works. That is what missionaries of Jehovah’s Witnesses endeavor to do.

    Do these quotes leave any doubt about how the Watchtower Society view civil and social commitment to the general human society?

    Have you had enough? Want some more callous, sick and depraved reasoning? Well here is some more:

    *** w87 1/15 7 Jehovah's Witnesses in the Missionary Field ***
    Contrast in Viewpoints
    It is undeniable that the missionaries of Christendom have made many converts by the social services they provide. But because such works are directed mainly at satisfying the people’s material needs rather than their spiritual ones, these missionaries have not been successful in making real disciples of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 7:22, 23; 28:19, 20) More importantly, they have not been able to point out any permanent solution to the social ills they are trying to overcome.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses, on the other hand, are concerned with the more important commission of preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 24:14) This is not because they are unaware of or unconcerned about all the human suffering and injustices they see. Rather, it is because they recognize that the only remedy for these serious problems lies, not in human hands, but in God’s Kingdom.

    *** w76 9/1 536 Philemon: Christian Brotherly Love-Not a "Social Gospel" ***
    Philemon: Christian Brotherly Love—Not a “Social Gospel”
    CHRISTIANS with accurate Bible knowledge know that they are not commissioned to change the world. They are in the world but are no part of it. (John 15:19; 17:16) So they do not concentrate on trying to improve world conditions, for both the Bible and human experience show that attempting to do so is a futile task.

    Is there anyone who still haven’t got it? Do you still think that Jehovah's Witnesses are “committed” to helping people with their real problems? Then take a look at this and see what they think about those who do and how easily they dismiss such efforts:

    *** w90 8/15 18 Loyally Working With Jehovah ***
    Doing “Good Works” Today
    11 Work that is worthwhile today must reflect the urgency of our times. Many sincere people agree and busy themselves with works that are often described as “good works,” performed for the benefit of mankind in general or for one cause specifically. Yet, how frustrating this kind of work can be! In Britain, CAFOD (Catholic Fund for Overseas Development), reporting on its campaign for famine relief, said: “Three years ago . . . millions of pounds were raised for relief aid. Thousands of lives were saved. Now those lives are at risk once more . . . But why? What went wrong?” Continuing its account, the CAFOD Journal explains that long-term problems were never tackled and that “resources desperately needed for human development have been used to fuel the conflict [civil war].” Doubtless, you have heard like sentiments echoed by charities engaged in similar work.

    Yes indeed, how frustrating it must be to help starving people, as soon as you have helped them they are hungry again, who would have thought that? Why not let the poor buggers die in peace, that’s what the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses, the only real true Christians in the world would do:

    *** w90 8/15 18 Loyally Working With Jehovah ***
    Doing “Good Works” Today
    12 Famine is an urgent problem. Yet, who are identifying today’s tragedies of famine and war as fulfilling Jesus Christ’s prophecy, pointing to the end of the present system of things? (Matthew 24:3, 7) Who has published evidence linking these events with the ride of the four horsemen vividly portrayed in the Bible book of Revelation, chapter 6? Consistently, Jehovah’s Witnesses have loyally done so in this journal. Why? To show that it is beyond the reach of man to fashion any lasting remedy.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are such compassionate people, what would they do to the starving people? Why, they would no doubt with a polite smile point out to them that Jesus had foretold the famine that would kill them, what a privilege, eh? What wonderful relief it must have been for the starving to be told about the 4 horsemen in the Bible. Then Witnesses, of course still smiling that wonderful serene theocratic smile, leave the starving to fulfil Jesus prophecy. Jehovah's Witnesses understand something that no other human being understand, what is this? They know it is beyond the reach of man to fashion any lasting remedy. Who are they to interfere with the Divine plan of people starving? Does this mean that Jehovah's Witnesses are indifferent to suffering? Of course not!

    *** w90 8/15 18 Loyally Working With Jehovah ***
    Doing “Good Works” Today
    This does not mean that Christians are indifferent to the world’s problems. Far from it. They are compassionate and will do all they can to alleviate suffering. Still, they realistically face the fact that without divine intervention, the world’s problems will never be resolved. Like the poor, these problems will remain as long as Satan is permitted to continue as the ruler of this world.—Mark 14:7; John 12:31.

    How and when have the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses done anything likedo all they can to alleviate suffering.? Why not be honest and admit what all these quotes from the Watchtower rally say? It says that there is no use in helping hungry people, they get hungry again and again, let them die, God will take care of it soon.

    And these sick and perverted excuses for human beings have the nerve to brag to the German National assembly what wonderfully civic minded people they are?

    Anyone who feel like telling German politicians how they feel about this can write to the following addresses:

    Vorsitzender: Dr. Michael Bürsch (SPD)
    Stellv. Vorsitzende: Marie-Luise Dött (CDU)
    Deutscher Bundestag
    Platz der Republik 1
    D-11011 Berlin


  • Gopher


    Thanks for the well-documented post. Of course the WTS wants to stretch definitions of normalcy & civil service, to gain the benefits without doing the deeds.

    You said the WTS wants recognition in Germany? Why is this an issue? Don't they have the freedom to preach? Or do they want more? Just wondering.

    GopherAlways do right; this will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • fodeja
    You said the WTS wants recognition in Germany? Why is this an issue? Don't they have the freedom to preach?

    Of course they have that freedom. Possible reasons:

    1) Money: recognized churches enjoy a number of additional tax benefits.
    2) Official recognition is hoped to remove that sticky "cult" stigma.
    3) Money.
    4) Attention: nobody gives a damn about the JWs nowadays. I bet quite a good percentage of people don't even know they exist. Their legal struggles, however, earn them at least a little bit of attention in the media.
    5) Money.
    6) Distraction: membership is on a slow but steady decline, baptismal figures are falling and falling and falling. The WTS's adventures in the legal world may distract the R&F from that for a while.

    Did I mention "money"?


    edited: 5)
    edited again because I can't count

  • Kent

    Dr. Michael Bürsch
    * 03.06.42

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Berliner Büro
    Platz der Republik 1
    11011 Berlin
    Tel.: 030/227-77182
    Fax: 030/227-76182

    Bergstr. 30
    24226 Heikendorf
    Tel.: 0431/245925
    Fax: 0431/248012

    You may contact CDU on this webpage:

    Other emails of interest:

    [email protected] (President presidium)
    [email protected] (vice president)
    On this page you will find email-addresses to lots of politicans!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Roamingfeline

    Bringing this back to the top. Thanks for posting the info!


  • fodeja
    In response to a so-called Enquete Commission hearing the Watchtower Society has made a 7 page document which among other things state:

    It should probably be noted that this hearing was *not* connected to the WTS per se, or their attempts to be recognized as a church. The hearing was initiated by some sort of parliamentary commission on the future of voluntary social work (or whatever else "bürgerschaftliches Engagement" is supposed to mean).

    I guess the WTS just saw a chance to be heard - and since they weren't under an oath of any sort, they could lie as much as they wanted ;-)


  • sf

    The entire Watchtower "Organization" is One Very-Well Konstructed Illusion. THAT is more than worth LIEing for, and How!

    sKally, who has GOT "the" (k)lue and is not letting "It" go

  • peterstride

    Amazing how when I was in the borg, I used to laugh at others that were volunteering their time to help fellow human beings, since I thought I knew that it was useless until god stepped in and made things right.

    While it may be correct that all injustices may not end until god does step in (for some of us that still want to believe that), it's also important to help our fellow human neighbours, when possible.

    After all, wasn't it Jesus that said that when the day of reconning came, he would ask us if we had helped others that were in need, even in the slightest way?

    Incredible how an organization that claims to be from god, can be so ungodly and so unloving.

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Norm,

    excellent research, well done!
    I hope that this will get a lot of publicity in Europe.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Norm

    Thank you for your kind comments folks.

    I sincerely hope that all of those participants on this board who are without an “agenda”, who are untiring champions, knights, protectors of women and has such immense concern for our precious lurkers. Those who can agonize for months over certain unspeakable insulting words and foul language, might be able muster up the energy to finally do something about the Watchtower Society and write to the politicians in the German parliament, the Bundestag. I mean really show some interest for something that really matters, just this once. So far I only know of ONE person who has bothered, and for some reason he’s the most foul mouthed, “agenda” ridden “conspirator” on the entire board. Strange, huh?

    Take care,


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