
by Amazing 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    I'll try to be brief - maybe. Communication is a tenuous task when we have all the faculties present when speaking to someone in person, such as body language, tone of voice, etc., and when the person with whom we are speaking also knows us well. When this venue is reduced to the written word, and we are largely 'unknown' as individuals, effective communication is nearly a miracle.

    One useful tool: If we can, when reading, not impute 'tone of voice' to what is read, but try hard to be as neutral as possible, we can help mitigate potential negative connotations. When writing, we have to try hard as well to weed out 'confrontational' language. This is an art that I think is learned over time.

    My own views and disposition: I rarely write with anger as a motive. I am well aware that I may be in error, even serious error, at times on almost any given subject, not because I hold 'bad attitudes' - to borrow WTS language, but because of misunderstanding or ignorance on my part. I am always willing to admit error where I am shown to be.

    What I hope for: When any of you read my posts, I hope that you will recall my comments here, and attribute good motives to me, even where you are ceratin that I erred on some point or an entire issue. I too, need to be as cognizant of your styles as well.

    Why did I bring this up? I have had some exchanges on other posts recently that brought home this issue of communication, and I see where I could have worded some things differently. But I also see these patterns in posts that I do not comment on. The now 'famous' post that took number one on the 'Stats' called 'The Assholes Wars.' I stayed out of that altogether. But, as much as different views and arguements were advanced, I saw much miscommunication, and I feel that it was unfortunate for some.

    Finally, the healthy spirit on JWD: As JWs, we were denied the platform of healthy discussion, strong disagreement, debate, and working through an issue. As one JW Elder told me while attempting to 'shepherd' me, "You can believe anything you want to in this organization, but keep your trap shut!" I told him what a sad commentary his position is regarding an organization that purports to be a religion of truth, freedom, and honesty.

    I greatly enjoy these forums with JWs and ex-JWs and the freedom we have to openly debate and work through issues, and I enjoy the way I feel well received. What a great contrast to the Watch Tower system where we were all but hog-tied with duct tape across our mouths.


  • ZazuWitts

    This is Larc posing as Zazu,

    I brought this up top because I think Maximus provided some good food for thought.

  • Amazing

    Hi Larc: Maximus made good points, and I shared some of his views, and I disagreed with some of his views. The foundation of this post was to deal with another matter that was sparked by a different poster. - Amazing

  • ZazuWitts


    Sorry, I misidentified the creator of this thread. Ah, the joys of dislexia or senility or whatever it is.

    By the way, Amazing, what was the subject of your talk at BRCI.

  • Prisca

    LOL @ you guys. A perfect example that we all sometimes stuff up when making posts.

    Amazing - thanks for the reminders.

  • philo

    Thanks for your perceptive comments, Amazing, I agree with you that much of what goes on here is healthy. Your post is a reminder, however, for us not to take this condition for granted.


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