Notes from Annual General Meeting - more self fulfilling prophecies

by truthseeker 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Forgive me if this has already been posted...

    Amended to include highlighted points of interest

    October 2, 2004 Annual Meeting

    The meeting of the corporation of course took place first, while everyone visits and finds their seats. It around 362 voted in some new officers. Not democratic of course as these are nominated and unanimously endorsed by the members of the corporation.

    The Jersey City Assembly Hall was full to capacity and the program opened with Leon Weaver of the US branch leading in prayer. Dan Sydlik, who has had a quad by-pass and who has not been too active as a result came to life and was our chairman for the day. He directed the audience not to take notes so this report is from memory, such as it is.
    INTERVIEWS. Doug Guest (Portugal) talked to some old timers like Harold Dies, Joe Lubeck, etc. David Sinclair (Brooklyn) interviewed some from various branches experiencing problems such as Korea where over 10,000 brothers have been imprisoned over the years for not bearing arms but that legislation is considering alternative service recently as reported on our website.

    Ken Little (Canada) referred to Blaineville and Bethany Hughes who at 16 years of age had blood forced on her 38 times, and eventually died despite the forced transfusions, was rated by The Toronto Star as one of the 44 notable citizens of Canada for the year. The various comments from Rwanda were particularly interesting.

    John Kikot (US branch committee) interviewed brothers from the various branches that have received the new MAN Roland presses and most gave fine experiences of favorable comments of worldly technicians who assisted with the installation.

    The press in Brazil was damaged and will not begin operation until February, 2005.

    Two new videos were released to us: "Noah/David" "Young People Ask: What Will I do With My Life"
    David Splane opened acknowledging the many who have recently faced poor health and the loss of loved ones. Certainly true here in NY with Richard Abrahamson passing away recently as well as Karl Adams' wife and a memorial for Russell Kurzon.

    Some are in poor health but were in attendance like Albert Schroeder and Eugene Rosam. John Barr was not in attendance as Mildred is facing a terminal illness. Carey Barbour looked good, he will be 100 next 4th of July!

    David Splane toyed with us as to what the new years's text would be. He went thru Psalm 121 stating how various verses could be used but finally left us with Psalm 121:2 - "My Help is From Jehovah". - Year text for 2005!

    Ted Jaracz reviewed our progress in eastern Europe and how we are still relatively free to carry out our work in Moscow.

    Guy Pierce reviewed our various provisions which keep us going. I believe it was he who mentioned that in war there are global limitations as to how it is to be fought however Satan does not limit himself in his attack on us. - Rev. 12:17.

    Steve Lett started off by saying - Better late than never, better never late but what encourages us is that Jehovah is never late. (Hab. 2) He has a time for things, like the coming of the Messiah (Dan 9) and whereas at the time Jesus was on earth he knew of the coming of Armageddon it was much earlier than that the time was foreknown by him, in fact as far back as Gen 3:15. He showed that there are 4 things that help us to realize it is close:

    [1.] World events (Matt 24, Mk 13, Luke 21)
    [2.] Attitudes (2 Tim. 3:1-10)
    [3.] Political events (Rev. 19:20; Dan 2:42)
    [4.] Modern exploits of Jehovah's Witnesses in Kingdom Service.

    Finally he said since Jehovah is in expectation of this time (Isa. 30:18) we should also be in expectation. (Hab 2:3) It was a stirring conclusion to a very fine program.

    A total of 14,552 were in attendance including 450 in Canada where their annual meeting program has been discontinued.

  • Quotes

    He directed the audience not to take notes so this report is from memory, such as it is.

    WTF, all the time you are encouraged to take notes (so you can later review and meditate on the spiritual food) but in this case they explicity direct brothers/sisters to *NOT* take notes? Yeah, ok, whatever...

    John Kikot (US branch committee) interviewed brothers from the various branches that have received the new MAN Roland presses and most gave fine experiences of favorable comments of worldly technicians who assisted with the installation.

    This never made sense even when I was in: why do they even CARE what "worldly" people say? They are worldly! Doesn't that make them bird food? Why is it so validating to have bird food say good things about you? Are you that desperate to have acceptance and validation??? Get real, Watchtowerites!

    ~Quotes, of the "don't care what my enemies have to say about me, no matter how nice it is, so I didn't take notes about it" class

  • RunningMan
    David Splane toyed with us as to what the new years's text would be

    What a tease.

    And as for the prohibition on note taking.... how can they be so paranoid? Was the material that top-secret? Why was their no vow of secrecy? Perhaps they could have lowered the "cone of silence" over the audience, or better yet, turned off the PA system.

  • willyloman

    Much ado about nada.

  • shotgun

    If he set the timetable why would he be in expectation of it....

    Finally he said since Jehovah is in expectation of this time

    Is he in heaven rubbing his hands together saying" I can't wait until Armageddon...when is it again... know I marked it down somewhere"

  • Blueblades

    They mentioned Harold Dies. Why is it that he is not a member of the Governing Body? His life story has already been printed in the Watchtower, he has been at Bethel much longer than David Splane, Stave Lett, and Guy Pierce. He was born in 1914, and is one of the 144,000. How is it that he was by-passed by these three men.


  • JT

    They mentioned Harold Dies. Why is it that he is not a member of the Governing Body? His life story has already been printed in the Watchtower, he has been at Bethel much longer than David Splane, Stave Lett, and Guy Pierce. He was born in 1914, and is one of the 144,000. How is it that he was by-passed by these three men.

    the answer is simple, wt is a corporation like any other company and unless you have friends on the Board or on certain decision making committees and in this case friends on the GB who want to tap you on the shoulder to join them, then you get overlooked

    all this "Anointed" mumbo jumbo is a joke- this is a well oiled corporation my friend, the fact that it sprinkles a little religion around to make it appear "LEGIT" is all the more funny-

    the MOB even does stuff to make them legit

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