Graduation Protocol?

by Will Power 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Can anyone help me with how the JWs feel about graduations?

    Is it applauded, gifts?, party?

    Is it possible to guess using their philosophy of other special occasions? Is there anything they have printed specifically?


    Will P

  • Ciara

    I'm not sure what they have in print, but I had a (small) party when I graduated. Of course, only "brothers and sisters" were allowed to attend. My congregation really discouraged me from going to the actual ceremony (I attended anyway). They didn't like the playing of the national anthem, or the benediction, etc. But they use that same excuse for everything that's a public event.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Thanks for the reply. I've been out shopping anyway.


  • blondie

    JW graduation parties are pretty typical around here. As long as you don't have 300 people and the beer flows too deeply.

    Attendance at the graduation is discouraged because of the benediction and the national anthem but you can work around that. Many schools here skip the benediction because of the separation of church and state. JWs arent' the only ones uncomfortable about the prayer. I went to my graduation ceremony.


    Gifts, cards are fine...some are applauded.

  • catchthis

    A recent graduation ceremony I went to did not have the national anthem played. But rather had the flag salute instead. It was kind of funny to watch the other witnesses I was with. Before we took our seats, ushers were handing out programs detailing who was graduating and what the order of the ceremonies were. I noticed that the flag salute was number two on the list. Roughly ten minutes before the actual flag salute, my girlfriend and another sister got up to "use the bathroom." Only us men were left behind. "Please stand for the flag salute." I promptly stood up, quickly I might add, and just stood there. The other brothers took a look over at me and got up slowly out of their seats. They looked a little bit uncomfortable. As a side note, I noticed very many "worldly" people just standing at their seats also without reciting the pledge. Must be a presidential administration thang? Anyways, as soon as the flag salute finished, guess who showed back up? Yep, my girlfriend and the other sister. How convenient.

    Afterwards, the other sister made a comment saying, "I'm glad they didn't have the national anthem. I never know what to do when they play it. You really stick out like a sore thumb when you're the only one seated." Yeah, real tough decision when you're off at the restroom anyway.

    The JW rules on flag saluting and the national anthem are so stupid. Oh yes, let us show respect by standing for the flag salute but not participate by reciting it with our hand over our heart. But on the other hand, let us not show respect by standing for the national anthem even though no participation is even necessary. I still do not know where participation comes into play for the NA just by standing.

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