Kingdom Halls and 9-1-1 fees - taxation?

by talesin 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    I was told about this last month, don't have a lot of details and can't get them. It may be of interest to some; someone recommended I post a thread, so here it is.

    The local KH was approached recently by (?) whoever the authority is, and told that they would not receive 9-1-1 service (ie fire and ambulance) if they did not pay the fees. Citizens pay it as a surtax on their phone bills. The Witlesses acquiesced, and are now paying their fees (to the municipality, I would assume).

    Now, the interesting point about this, at least me, is the direction they have taken in relating this to the R&F.

    ***This means that they are not 'tax-free' as other religions, and pay their own way. Unlike, for example, the Catholic Church (of course, as it is the favorite WT target).***

    Comments, discussion?


  • metatron

    It's not without precedent. Many Kingdom Halls must pay sewer tax assessments.


  • Elsewhere

    No Representation without Taxation!

  • talesin


    Hmmm, is this the norm for churches as well? Makes sense.

    What I found interesting is the presentation to the R&F. The person who told me this, used it as an argument that proves the WT pays taxes. He believes it means that the WTBTS does not seek special status as a religion from the governments. hahaha


    hehe, good one! They couldn't very well say no, could they? Think of the repercussions, for example, how would they get fire insurance?


  • rekless

    In most states in the USA taxes for public services are assess through the property tax. It is manatory to pay these just like all the built in taxes and fees on your telephone bill. Sorry WTBTS

  • Gordy

    In England all registered places of religious worship are free from "council tax" which also pays for the fire and police serices, as long as they are open to the public when in use. I remember The "Exclusive Bretheren" were warned some years ago about it. They used to lock their doors during meetings to keep "those of the world out" but they were warned that if they did and forbade access by the public then they would lose their tax free status. Its one of those old archaic rules that is still in force as far as I know. In Britain 911 or as it is here 999 cals are free anyway.

  • talesin

    This is interesting.


    So, in the USA, it's included in the property tax as opposed to here, where it is a special surcharge on the phone bill. Is it safe to assume that all churches pay property taxes?

    Also, the KH here has a phone. So they would be automatically charged on their bill. Were they disputing the $1-$2 charge on the monthly bill? Cheapskates!


    What is 'council tax' and how is it collected? So they do have a tax-free religious status in the UK. "Fascinating, Captain."


  • Gordy

    "Council Tax" is a local tax. Used to raise money to pay for fire, police, etc. Also to pay for such things as rubbish (trash) collection and other services. Maintainance of roads etc. The running of the local authority, councilors, and its various departments. Water and sewage is a separate thing.

    Basically its levied on each household, based on the value of the property you live in.

  • rekless

    all services are paid through the property tax assessments. fire protection alumlances sir charges phone bills assess fees for the deaf blind city, state, county hook up fees disconnect fees regional yes, churches pay property taxes as far as I know

  • zugzwang

    It would seem to me in this world of cell phones that in the event that police or fire services were needed someone would just call on their cell phone. Who uses lan lines anymore?


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