by bj 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • bj

    Like Metatron, I would like to know the facts that exist to prove that in the time of Rutherford, bethelites and others got regularily serviced at a local brothel (as stated by Barbara Gazzutis in her book)

    If similar stories exist today, I would be glad to know about them as the WTS takes delight in expossing Jim Swaggart and others!

  • bj

    Any body know the E-mail or Address of Barbara Gazzutis?

  • Mulan

    Is it anywhere on her book? I read her book a few years ago, before I had email, so maybe not, huh? Try internet search for her.

  • Maximus

    Her name was Barbara Grizzuti, married, now
    Barbara Grizzuti Harrison.

    Writes pieces for magazines like Vanity Fair, I believe the title of her last was Italian Days, in which she describes her visit to Italy in search of her roots, along with her daughter. A gifted, intuitive writer.

    Those who know her protect her privacy fiercely.


  • Derrick

    This wouldn't surprise me, considering some of the skeletons that one of Jehovah's Witnesses is unearthing at his forum "The Judicial Machine" at web address:

    You might want to checkout this specific post by "Brother Thomas" at The Judicial Machine:

    A friend emailed me that the Society's attorneys are closely monitoring this web site. This brother originally started The Judicial Machine on a web site in the mid-1990's but the Society was hot on his trail. They have so far tried, without result, to track him down, and have for several years focused their efforts on southern California congregations. I'm glad to report that he has alluded capture, and continues to serve as an elder somewhere. ;-)

    Like Raymond Franz and others, he has undergone a crisis of conscience. Like the Liberal Elder, he has experienced turmoil serving on the body of elders.

    Brother Thomas has expressed his wish that The Judicial Machine is instrumental in "bringing the Society to its knees." He is skeptical about the possibility of reforming it. Less skeptical on this front, I believe that only when the overseers of this organization who reside in Patterson, New York, are humbly on their knees is there any possibility of true, deep and lasting reforms (like lifting the blood prohibitions and disfellowship policies).



  • apostate
  • You Know
    You Know

    Which just goes to show that when a person's mind has been so completely corrupted with wicked suspicions, there is a point when the deluded victim will greedily gulp down the most salacious slander and scandal with relish. / You Know

  • LDH

    Damn it all.

    Now I am mad! I guess I wasn't important enough for them when I was active, because I haven't gotten one elder's visit now that I'm inactive.

    LOL, Br. Thomas is 'evading capture,' that cracks me up!

    Power to the people!

  • Maximus

    YouKnow, my attitude of indifference to you has just changed.

    You are utterly despicable, beneath all contempt.

    I lived through it with Barbara. She tells the truth.

    I hope everyone will read the piece by this remarkable woman, who was even more beautiful inside than outside. More on this another time, in some other forum.


  • You Know
    You Know
    YouKnow, my attitude of indifference to you has just changed.

    Good. I am most comfortable with apostate enmity. The contempt is mutual. / You Know

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