Why your vote could make a difference in this year's Federal election.

by talesin 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Here's a short excerpt from a thoughtful local columnist about why your vote could make a difference in this particular Federal election.

    That?s why I think all Canadians, young and old, should take a keen interest in the current campaign. For the first time in a quarter of a century, voters have a chance to elect a minority government, one that would be forced to respond to what most people want?improved social programs, a stronger safety net and better environmental policies.

    A minority government is possible because the Martin Liberals have spent the last decade doing little about the environment while slashing health care, welfare, post-secondary education and employment insurance. As finance minister, Martin pissed away huge government surpluses by handing out the largest tax cuts in history?cuts that mainly benefited those with high incomes. Now, tainted by scandal, the Liberals are about to lose seats. The Alliance/Conservatives stand to gain some of those seats, but their leader Stephen Harper is promising even bigger tax cuts. Harper says he wants to make Canada the lowest-taxed country in the world. That?s hardly a prescription for improving social programs or strengthening what?s left of our safety net.

    Yes, for the first time in 25 years, voters have the chance to hand the NDP and the Bloc Quebecois the balance of power in a minority Parliament. Then, all parties, fearful of another election soon, would be forced to pay attention to what most voters want.

    If you would like to read the whole item, click on this link:



  • Bryan
    Harper says he wants to make Canada the lowest-taxed country in the world. That?s hardly a prescription for improving social programs or strengthening what?s left of our safety net.

    Yeah! We want all our free stuff!


  • heathen

    I think the only way to make a serious difference is to vote for Gary Nolan . Libertarians are way cool . I don't think the popular vote is all that important when you consider the last election was decided by the electoral college . There is no other political party that wants an end to income tax .

    Of course that's if you vote in america . So what major issues are facing canada ? I don't have a clue .

  • talesin


    If I read you correctly (and I think you are criticizing social programs, forgive me if I am wrong!), the average Nova Scotian who is disabled receives $119 per month for food, and a TOTAL of $180 per month for all living expenses (we don't have food stamps or anything of the sort). Should we not care about the sick?

    Our taxes also pay for our health care system, ie all Canadians have the RIGHT to see a doctor, have operations, etc.


  • talesin


    I like the Libertarian ideas. We do not have such a party here, as far as I know, but I would like to look into it a bit more closely for the sake of personal interest.

    The issue of taxation is more attuned to the fact that the rich pay practically zero, so tax cuts would be for HIGH incomes and corporations, not the poor.

    Thanks for your input, guys!


  • morty


    This hole politic thing as left such a bad taste in my mouth now....

    I am really doing my homework now to see who really is going to do what they say they will....

    Like I have said in the past, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer....

    Your are right, when you say we have a right to see a doctor or have a operation if need be....Lets hope they hold up to those promises...


  • ThiChi

    "..improved social programs, a stronger safety net and better environmental policies."

    improved social programs = Higher Taxes

    a stronger safety net = No Escape from the Welfare State

    and better environmental policies = Anti Business based on Junk Science.

    Yea, I hope people do vote......

  • talesin


    This hole politic thing as left such a bad taste in my mouth now....

    Me, too. That's why I'm no longer part of the 'silent majority'. I'm happy you're examing the issues, and not letting apathy get to you. Right on, sista!


    How about this version?

    improved social programs = Higher Taxes for the rich and corporations, for a change

    a stronger safety net = No Escape from the Welfare State through gov't funded higher education

    and better environmental policies = Anti Environmentally-Responsible Business based on Junk Real Science

  • ThiChi

    Hehe, Nice try, but the track record of these programs are already in place.

    Over 90% of taxes are paid already by the so called "rich." How much more do you want to squeeze out of someone? This confiscation scheme has got to stop!

    Lets vote to stop socialism!!

  • talesin

    Actually, in Canada, the highest tax-base is the Middle-class (they pay around 40%, the lower incomes pay about 25% of gross income). The rich and corporations pay little.

    When I worked for the telephone company (which is a private corporation), I did up the annual financial reports. The government owed us millions in 'deferred taxes'. They haven't paid any taxes for decades! It was a real eye-opener for me, and changed my outlook drastically. I know a doctor (an eye surgeon) who brags how she makes over a quarter mil a year and pays no taxes because she has a very clever tax lawyer.

    It's crazy!

    If the Social Services departments (the federal and provincial government depts that administer the welfare system) were shut down and all administrative costs were ended, each Canadian could be sent an annual cheque for $10,000! Now there is a colossal waste of money being spent on bureaucrats' salaries, people on welfare don't even get that much ---> they average around $8,000/year.

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