door-to-door records

by philo 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • philo

    I'm trying to get a picture of how d-d records are used. Particularly, with regard to household security, are 'persistent NHs' kept in the maps in your area?

    I used to file the cong maps, and we kept old d-d records back to target these persistents at unusual times. Is this eccentric or the norm?

    Any impressions, or information gratefully accepted.


  • joelbear

    In our congregation you were supposed to keep a territory until all the homes had been worked. You were supposed to work the territory different days and different times to reach everyone.

    I don't remember ever turning in d to d records with my territory. Of course, I didn't really believe in keeping d2d records. I honed in on the people who were interested and kept extensive notes about our conversations. My goal was always to start Bible studies. I LOVED bible studies. Of course, I always wanted to be a teacher, so this fit in with what my desires and talents were.

    I rarely placed literature. I typically gave books to people I thought had a sincere interest in a bible study. I hated magazine work because I saw this as too indirect approach for getting Bible studies. I offered bible studies on the first or second call everytime. I did have a route of people who only wanted the magazines, they were mostly older people.

    I guess I was always a rebel, probably because I have a bad heart condition.



  • philo

    Shame on you Joelbear, that was ... very nearly ... well, I suppose, Christian of you. Yuk!

    Thanks for the information


  • philo

    I really need feedback on this folks. Please. It's not just curiosity.



  • SixofNine

    I've run across individual publishers who were very "tight" about record keeping, and I suppose they would then be "tight" about keeping the territory serpant informed, and records going with the maps.

    My general impression of the congregations as a whole, however, is that we were pretty lax about record keeping. Every now and then, a CO would give some encouragement to tighten up in that aspect. My guess is that only a small majority even keep NH records at all, and those make a perfunctory stab at catching the people at home, but even that is often done with a whole car group working the NH's at approximately the same time and day of the week they were missed the first time.

    I'm not aware of "persistant" NH's being targeted other than through persistant work by anal retentive pubs.

  • esther

    philo, one of the congregations I was in did keep a record of persistent not-at-homes. They gave them to either regular pioneers or publishers who couldn't go d2d because of age or health. These would then write letters to the householders so that they did not miss out on the 'good news'. I don't know whether or not the d2d records were kept after that, or if it is still done.

  • philo

    Thanks SixofNine,

    :My general impression of the congregations as a whole, however, is that we were pretty lax about record keeping.

    That's my recollection as well.

    What I need most of all, is to know what the official procedure is.


    Thanks Esther, That's pretty helpful as I hadn't been thinking that way.

    To Everyone

    Does the "Organised to Accomplish our Ministry" (OM) book define the NH record procedure? Are NHs supposed to be kept in the maps, and thinned down by subsequent day's callings. I have no CD-ROM so I can't check for myself.

    If this procedure IS in print somewhere (as it ought to be), I need to get a look at it. My reason is to expose a potential or real security issue attached to the JW door-door work.


  • outnfree


    I'm in the midst of running a garage sale at the moment, but I will search the OM book today as I still have a copy during dull moments (hope I don't nod off and customers take off with the goods!!! ).

    Later, I'll search the KMs.


  • Thirdson

    Most record keeping I observed was very lax. After NH's were collected they were reassigned at the next FS meeting. After 1 or 2 attempts of reworking them they tended to get lost or discarded. Every few months I would trash a load left in my book-bag or NH folder. No record keeping of persistent NH's were kept. However, the whole cong's territory was covered every 6 to 8 weeks anyway which is why NH's could only be attempted a few times because we'd be back round again within days.

    Just one other point and Qwerty or other UK based poster sill associated mght be able to answer. In the European Union there were sweeping changes made in Data protection acts. I think JW's no longer use "official" forms for recording NH's or placements etc. (The S8 is dead). It is all done privately on plain paper. There can't be systematic record keeping. Am I right?


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • anglise

    Hi Philo

    Qwerty is right about the UK.
    A few years ago with the advent of the Data protection act we had to destroy all S8 forms and from then on all n at h had to be kept on your own personal paper and only passed on to others verbally.

    Bible study forms were no longer filled out but you could still count the time.

    When this first happened there was great insistence from the platform that ALL our old S8's had to be destroyed and that records were re-written.

    DNC were still kept with the territory map and supposedly called on annually by an elder to check that they were still of this mind.

    Also at this time we also had to sign our record cards to show we agreed with the cong keeping records on us.

    Thats all I can remember at the moment. Hope it helps.

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