Who Will Cry For the Babies?

by Farkel 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    Here's something I found on Kent's site just now. I wrote it December last. I didn't know that he purloined it but then again, he purloins lots of stuff, and furthermore I don't save most of what I write. Purloining stuff is not unethical nor is it illegal on the Internet. I've never tried to copyright my stuff because 1) the U.S. Copyright office would say, "You can't copyright drivel!, and 2) I happen to agree with them on that one. So thass ok with me. For those of you who were not H20 regulars here it is for what it's worth. Read and weep about what this religion really is all about:

    Will U Cry 4 the Babies?

    The Watchtower Printing Corporation has created a serious dilemma for themselves with all of their statements over the decades by stating that only faithful Jehovah's Witnesses (loyal to the ever-changing WTS) and their “unaccountable” children will be saved at Armageddon. “Accountable” children of JW parents (as defined by the Watchtower Printing Corporation) will be toast if they are not baptized and towing the Party line on that fateful day. I know this for a fact, because at the tender age of 12 and after years of indoctrination from the litterachure and the platform I was convinced I was “accountable” because I knew what was in store for me if I didn’t become baptized: I would be worm-fodder because Armageddon was “so close.” I got baptized as a result of that fear. That was forty years ago and I am now a grandfather. Armageddon is "even closer,” though. Phlooooooooot!

    Dubs will not generally tell the truth when they are confronted with the question, “Do you believe that ONLY Jehovah’s Witnesses will be saved at Armageddon?” They always come up with some excuse like, “Well, that’s not for us to say. Only Jehovah can read hearts,” even though their literature says exactly the opposite. When a dub makes that excuse and are then further questioned with, “So does that mean you believe that some non-JWs will survive that battle?”, they reply with “Well, that’s not for us to say.” Typical doubletalk.

    In recent years the WT magazine has not been so bold in brazenly stating that faithful JWs will be the only ones saved, but they have not officially repudiated their position on it, either. That means it is still “Official Watchtower Policy™” that ONLY loyal dubs are going to make it.

    This bothered me even as a child, and especially more so as I was forced to study that masterpiece of child-abuse known as “From Paradise to Paradise Regained,” which was released in 1958. “What about those little innocent and helpless babies?”, I thought. Have you ever asked a dub that question? I have. They are almost cavalier with their typical response, “Well, their parents are accountable for them just as the parents of the Canaanites were accountable for their children.” They say it so coldly, and in such a nonchalant manner. Never have I seen dubs who were asked that question get tears welled up in their eyes and start to cry and grieve over all of that slaughter of children who they believe will have no chance of choice themselves.

    Think about this: There will be millions of babies born on that fateful day of Armageddon, eyes not even opened, eager to suckle and take the first breaths of air in their pure, tiny lungs. At the end of the day, these babies and hundreds and hundreds upon millions like them will be fresh corpses, starting to rot and already being consumed by insects and birds. Dubs just don’t seem to CARE about this very real reality in their wacky religious beliefs. Either they are so materialistic and only concerned about saving their own selfish butts and then grabbing the finest cars and homes after the “battle,” or they are so braindead from years of Watchtower indoctrination that they are numb to such carnage and the inherent unfairness of it all. Or both.

    I’ve heard some pretty ridiculous “explanations” from dubs who at least attempt to rationalize the insanity of it all. One common one is that these children will be later resurrected. “Then why would God cause them to suffer and die in the first place?”, is my next question. Their answer? “Well, if they all survived Armageddon, there wouldn’t be enough people to take care of them,” is one lame answer they give. “How STUPID is your God that he has to kill hundreds of millions of children because he can’t figure out a way to have them taken care of?”, I ask. “This God made the heavens and the earth, and every living thing. He made millions of super-powerful angels, and millions upon millions of galaxies each of which has billions of stars, he has the ability to make mortals immortal, and he can’t even make baby-sitting arrangements for those children, and has to slaughter them because he can’t figure that part out? That’s not only ridiculous, that’s IDIOTIC!”

    It gets worse. What about all the mentally-challenged people, especially severely retarded ones? Will they all get slaughtered because they didn’t understand the dub message of salvation? “Oh, that depends upon their parents, because like children, they are not accountable,” dubs might say. Well, many of these severely retarded people are adults and even very old. Many of their parents have been dead for decades. Are these handicapped people going to get murdered by your God because their parents didn’t accept the dub message decades ago before they died? Is that fair?

    What about the millions and millions of infants and toddlers who are in orphanages around the world and the only “parents” they have are the few who administer those orphanages. Are those relatively few administrators responsible for the eternal salvation for the millions and millions of children in their care? If so, is that fair? The children have no say in this. They are helpless and their eternal lives rest upon those administrators buying dub literature and toeing the dub line. Even if some of those administrators DO become dubs, how in the world can they provide Bible studies for the hundred-or-so kids in their care? How can they dress up a hundred kids and haul them to the meetings three times a week? How can they haul a hundred kids around for field service? If they don’t do all of this, according to the WTS, the kids are fried.

    Now, if the WTS should ever come out and say, “we believe that others who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses will survive Armageddon,” any reasonable person would say (including reasonable dub), “then WHY IN THE HELL WOULD I EVER WANT TO BE A DUB?”

    As I stated at the beginning, the WTS has created quite a dilemma for themselves with the belief that only their followers will be saved. They have not and will not address issues like the ones I’ve brought up because the absurdity of this doctrine will soon come to light. When confronted with the inconvenient and barbaric facts that I’ve mentioned, we can expect this standard answer:

    “Trust in Jehovah.”

    You bet I will, because I certainly can’t trust your idiotic leaders with ANYTHING.


  • Francois

    Good work, Fark. That's a well thought-out piece. You could turn that into a nice four-pager and use it in the door-to-door work with the new religion announced recently on the board.

    Important note: You don't have to do anything to copyright your stuff, at least not with any gummint agency. Copyright automatically inheres in the fact that you wrote something. Some writers put the following on each page (which I think is a little over-kill):

    Copyright 2001 - Farkel the Fabulous

    or they will use on the cover page:

    Copyright 2001 - Farkel the Fabulous
    All Rights Reserved

    Or some variation of this.

    And that's all you need to do. Legally, you don't have to do anything. You have copyrights because you wrote it. Same applies to computer programs.

    Emails & bb stuff? Weeeeellllll. I dunno. In a piece like you publish here, I think if you announced you considered a work copyrighted and put the copyright notification at the top of the file, I think you'd be covered. Just a guess on that one.

  • TheHighPriest

    Great post Farkel what can I say, spot on.
    From Paradise to Paradise Regained, yeah I think I remember that book, yellow was it?
    I have a memory of a picture that could come from that book.
    It's armageddon and everything is happening, buildings are coming down in the background and the ground has opened up and people fall in to the huge crack in the ground among them a mother clutching her child as she falls and you can really see the fear in her eyes.
    The last time I opened that book was well over twentyfive years ago and I can remember that it used to scare me shitless.
    That was good spiritual food for all children, no wonder we never made up any scary stories ourselves we had the watchtower doing it all for us.

    THP a-booh

  • somebody

    That's a great write, Farkel! I remember the orange "paradise" book very well. I also remember the terrible pictures in it. It was the book we used for our "family" study. The new things we read every week in it, made me scared for my relatives who were not in the "truth". I remember asking my dad if my grandmother ( who was not a JW) was going to make it through the very soon approaching armageddon. His answer was that no, she wouldn't if it got here tomorrow and telling me not to mourn for her, because I'd have no memory of her ever existing. This was his own mother he was talking about! btw...she's still here today. Being told not to mourn for all those who would not survive armageddon because they deserved to be destroyed hardens the heart. The hardening of the heart is why JWs won't get teared up and cry for all the babies, or anyone else. They've somehow killed their heart, and killed all the "natural" love and feeling that most have for their own familys, and fellowmen in general. the "snotty attitude becomes their only defence.

    thanks for the post.


  • Tina

    Hi farkel,
    Great piece! I remember it,well done!
    And I remember the Paradise book very well. It sure produced confusion and nightmares.
    I remember when my son was very small,Grandma started studying with him using that book........dumb as I was about other JW 'things',I did tell her and show her what chapters I considered 'off limits' for my boy. SUrprisingly,she agreed(seems she found some of those stories scary as well) Thanks and hugs,Tina

  • think41self


    Great piece. I too suffered going thru that Paradise book. Then I carried on the abuse with my own children by faithfully reading the "My Book of Bible Stories" with them daily. I will NEVER forget my 3 year old son getting upset and crying when he saw the story about King Solomon, and in the picture, a soldier is holding up a crying baby by it's leg.....with a sword in his other hand I think! Talk about child abuse...my infant son had enough sense to be upset at the sight of the picture and what it implied, whereas I, with a lifetime of Borg training, lamely attempted to explain it to him!

    No more for me, thank you very much!


  • philo

    Farkel, that was plastered with your copyright to anyone who's read you.

    Any one point you made should be enough for a conscientious JW to revile in horror. Oh well.

    A little intelligent examination of their final-solution doctrine really illuminates the degree of thought suppression/dependence necessary among Jehovah's Witnesses. Without that, it would be impossible for them to pitch this stuff from door-door. And yet that is what we all did.

    (1) Did we accept it first? Or (2) did we, for some other reason, desire to taut such crap first, and came to believe our own lies later? Mostly it was option (2), in my case.

    Was it, "sooner murder an infant in its cot than harbour unacted desires"? (WT:pp666 2002)

    I had this discussion with Mormons, a few weeks back, nailed them to the kitchen table, and tickled until they said, "not just Mormons will survive". So of course I asked, "why should I want to be Moronised?" Their answer? (its too good to blurt out, you'll have to wait for it). The Elder, a gangly, big footed boy, obviously going through major physiological changes, called Elder Walsen (wouldn't give his first name), and the other Elder XXX in training (about two years younger) they looked at each other to decide who would field this one. "Well", hand on Book of M, "we believe there are certain exceptional individuals, like Mother Theresa, who will survive even though they aren't Mormons"

    "I'm exceptional, thank God for that," says me, "I thought I didn't have a chance!" tollerant smiles from the lads, "So glad I don't have to be a Mormon. And anyway, at thirty-one I'm obviously too old to be an Elder!" They actually laughed at that one. Humanity will out.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    That's a great summary Farkel of the mindset of the typical JW...so consumed by the 'pat' phrases and answers to these questions.

    I too felt the "urge" to get baptised at 13 because of believing I was now "accountable" for myself and that "armageddon was just now at our doorstep" so I had to be baptised to survive. What kind of reasoning is that?!!! How can our "dedication" to doing God's will be acceptable to him if surviving was the motivation, at the direction of the WTS?

    Dubs will not generally tell the truth when they are confronted with the question, “Do you believe that ONLY Jehovah’s Witnesses will be saved at Armageddon?” They always come up with some excuse like, “Well, that’s not for us to say. Only Jehovah can read hearts,” even though their literature says exactly the opposite. When a dub makes that excuse and are then further questioned with, “So does that mean you believe that some non-JWs will survive that battle?”, they reply with “Well, that’s not for us to say.” Typical doubletalk.

    I do weep for the years I spent spewing that drivel because that was the "pat" answer we were told to give. Did we ever stop to really think about it? No...because "that's what the society says so it must be true".

    I weep also for being typical at pushing those nasty pictures and thoughts about innocent babies and children being slaughtered at armageddon, out of my head.

    I weep for the time wasted on being so stupid and narrow-minded and shallow as to think a God of love could wipe out the lives of millions just because they don't worship him exactly the way he wants to be worshipped. Why would God wipe out all those babies and their "accountable parents" who are conscientiously worshipping him they way they "think" is right and are good people, leading good lives?

    I weep for the time I spent a typical JW, as "somebody" just said, "hardening their hearts" and "having no natural love and feeling" but replacing it with that "snotty attitude in defense"...a defense of the times my conscience was actually pricked by the pictures in the pubs. of destruction at armageddon of the earth opening up and people falling down the deep holes and buildings falling down on them, or of the flood where a mother is holding her crying baby at the top of a mountain with the water rising around them. How sick is that! But, typically, I just put it out of my mind.

    And I weep for those still trapped in the mindset of this stupidity.

    But I do weep tears of joy at now being able to reason on all of this nonsense and see things clearly and now feel the satisfaction of having answers that "make sense"...so that now I don't have to push an uncomfortable question into the back of my mind so it won't bother me.

    Thanks for a well-put-together piece, Farkel

    Had Enough

  • Tina

    ((((((((((had enuff))))))))))))))))))
    Coming out of the borg is a pretty weepy time. I can't think of anyone who hasn't wept over broken hearts, broken lives,what should have,what could have,the injustices perpetrated.
    So many have wept also over the futility of it all,the frustration,the anger. Tears are cleansing..........but know this!
    The days of weeping end,and the valor you show thru recovery and taking back your life and mind is indeed,the greatest reward after the tears. Just a small note of encouragement,luv,Tina

  • nojw86

    Farkel that was most interesting piece of real truth there. After reading everyones pain my goes in the same vein. WE are all left with ? which should never have made sense to us in the first place, and wonder how and why it did make sense then. It is not a religion to me but a very cold andwell run organizaton, Just hoping it very soon will feel the pain so many of us went through and are still going through.

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