Society on Documenting Personal Views

by Marvin Shilmer 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Question: Does the Watchtower Society want individual Witnesses expressing personal viewpoints about vital religious issues to persons whose intent is to record and document the findings?

    The following letter written under the new letterhead from the Society’s service department documents the answer to this question.

    Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses
    2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237
    Phone: (845) 306-1100

    April 25, 2001


    Dear Brothers:

    Recently, academic researchers who say that they are interested in conducting surveys of religious community activities have contacted the elders of a number of congregations. Since there is a need to be careful about the nature of surveys and how such information will be used, we are providing direction for a qualified elder representing the congregation to follow, provided your congregation is asked to participate. Some of the points to have in mind are as follows.

    When approached by researchers, the elder should treat them kindly, and he may listen to what they have to say. It would be well to find out what university or group the researchers represent and determine just what information they would like to have. If there are survey forms, it might be kindly explained that Jehovah’s Witnesses have considerable information in their publications that would no doubt answer some of the questions they are asking. The elder could provide such researchers with a copy of the brochure Jehovah’s Witnesses—Who Are They? What Do They Believe? On page 13 of the brochure, the basic beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses are listed together with the Scriptural reasons for those beliefs. We accept the Bible as the inspired Word of God. It is the basis for all our beliefs and teachings. It is reliable, whereas tradition is not.

    Inquiry might be made about such matters as having a paid clergy class, the racial makeup and diversity of the congregation, the volunteer nature of our ministry, and the unity of our congregations. On page 13, column 2, of the above-named brochure, we have listed our belief that a clergy class and special titles are improper. If a topic is raised that is not specifically covered in the brochure, reference can be made to the Reasoning book, such as the portion on "Races of Mankind," starting on page 300. On page 304, reference is made to Acts 10:34, 35 showing that God is not partial. So Jehovah’s Witnesses do not discriminate against individuals because of race, language, or social standing. On page 305 the first paragraph points out that the oneness and unity of early Christians was a reality, and so it is today within the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    If a question comes up on the subject f neutrality, that is also covered in the Reasoning book. And if an inquiry is made about how we view marriage, not only are there Scriptural references in the Reasoning book but the book The Secret of Family Happiness can be offered to the researcher.

    The benefits to the community of our Bible educational ministry are also highlighted in other publications as well as in certain videos. The global scope of our activities is highlighted in the annual Yearbook, which includes a chart that sets out what is being accomplished in over 230 different lands. In addition, reference can be made to the Watchtower Society’s Web site so that the researcher may have access to a wide array of information, all of which explains the Scriptural basis for the position that Jehovah’s Witnesses take on vital issues.

    This approach is far more advantageous in giving a witness and providing information than having various members of the congregation taking the time needed to fill out survey forms carefully and accurately. While in some instances we can cooperate with research projects—including surveys—we certainly want to avoid having publishers expressing personal viewpoints that may not be in line with the Bible principles that really govern each Christian’s conduct and the united efforts of the brotherhood to carry out Jehovah’s will.

    If researchers or others approach elders seeking information and some issues come up about which the elders are not certain, they should not make any comments. Rather, these inquiries should be referred to the Service Department, at the address above, for attention.

    We are confident that this direction will be sufficient for you to provide an appropriate response to anyone who approaches the congregation with an inquiry or survey about the work we do in the community and worldwide. May Jehovah’s spirit be your guide in caring for this matter as well as in all that you do in his sacred service.

    Your brothers,
    Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses

  • Seeker

    Very clever and devious. Right before the floodgates open on the subject of child molestation, and right before lots of reporters are about to approach their local Kingdom Hall, the Society writes this. Without mentioning the real issues that are about to be asked about, they talk about minor issues for which ready answers can be provided. Everything else that the elders are not prepared for should be directed to the Society, with no comment from the local brothers. Thus reporters will be turned away when this happens.

    Clever. The Society didn't say a word about what they know is about to happen, but they covered it anyway.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Would be "researchers" should be shown a copy of this letter.

  • outnfree

    Does anyone else find this offensive?

    we certainly want to avoid having publishers expressing personal viewpoints that may not be in line with the Bible principles that really govern each Christian’s conduct and the united efforts of the brotherhood to carry out Jehovah’s will. (emphasis mine)

    Is it "Bible principles" that "really govern" or is it "Crooklynese regulations?"

    you are an astute judge of intent.

    thanks for the post. MOST enlightening!


  • ozziepost

    Thanks, Marvin, for this very current piece of news.

    It's always intrigued me as to who a "qualified elder" might be? Using the adjective 'qualified" implies that there are other elders who must be 'unqualified' doesn't it?

    Also, I noted in the Society letter:

    We are confident that this direction will be sufficient for you to provide an appropriate response
    How 'qualified' are these "qualified elders" who need directions such as these, that surely a child could follow?

    And what type of Christians, let alone elders, need to be told repeatedly, as in this letter, to deal "kindly" with others?


    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

  • JanH

    Thanks for sharing this, Marvin. Good to have you on the board.

    What strikes me is the extremely naive ideas the WTS has about how academic researchers will approach the congregations. While it is certainly true that there have been a fair share of lazy people in humanities/social sciences departments, any scholars skilled in sociology or anthropology will easily look through such attempts at presenting glossy magazines instead of hard facts.

    I will forward this to a number of people I studied with, and my professor. I am sure this will amuse them greatly

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

  • LadyBug

    Did you really expect anything else from the WBTS?


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Marvin,

    thanks for the post! A very interesting
    correspondence from WTS. I do agree with the comments
    received...what's up next? Some cover-up action is one
    the way. What are they afraid? Where is the so much
    publicized " freedom of expression"? Or as usual, it
    is only for some...but not "the others"??

    Agape, J.C. MacHislopp

    P.S. Another one in the file!

  • larc


    I had the same reaction you did. I have done behavioral science research, and I just shook my head when I read the letter above. A researcher is not a journalist for the local paper who will take any quotes he can get. If I got the kind of treatment described in the letter, I would know that I had been stone walled.

  • Kent

    Hi Marvin;

    I have posted this letter on The Watchtower Observer. Would it be possible for you to send me a scanned copy of the letter itself to go with the text?


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