Influence: How people are sold on anything.

by Jang 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jang


    This is based on the work of a researcher who is vitally
    concerned with persuasion in real life. His name is Robert Cialdini
    and his ideas are extremely interesting to teachers and anyone else
    who uses influence for a living.

    As Cialdini describes in his very readable book, (See Below) he learned about
    real life persuasion by living with professionals. He took part-time
    jobs with sales groups that pushed vacuum cleaners or aluminum
    siding or dance lessons. He hung out with cops who worked the bunco
    squad. He worked with fund-raising groups and advertisers. And he
    did this as a trainee, not as a scientist, so that the people felt
    comfortable with him.

    From his experiences, he derived six general Cues of influence.
    These Cues appear to transcend occupation, region, personality, and
    In other words, they work in many different situations.
    These six Cuess also share another important similarity: They
    operate as mental short cuts.
    That is, a person can use each rule
    with very little thought. This is the heuristic mode as we learned
    in the Dual Process Models.

    This is a critical point about the Cues. They work best when the
    receiver is not carefully, deeply, and systematically thinking. The
    Cues apply only when the receiver is being the lazy thinker, the
    cognitive miser who uses mental shortcuts to save time and effort.
    As soon as the receiver changes the mode of thinking from heuristic
    to systematic, the Cue evaporates.

    For each Cue, I will give you a one word label, then a statement of
    the Cue. By the way . . . can you figure out what CLARCCS is?


    Comparison . When Others Are Doing It, You Should, Too. Few can
    resist this. You are walking down the street and you notice ahead of
    you three or four people just standing there on the street looking
    straight up in the air. As you move closer to them, what do you do?
    You look straight up in the air.

    Is it a bird, is it a plane? No, it's the Comparison Rule. When
    others are doing it, you should, too.

    When we are not thinking very carefully, we use the behavior of
    other people as a guide to what we should think or do. We
    essentially compare our behavior against the standard of what
    everybody else is doing. If there is a discrepancy between our
    actions and what we observe in others, we change. Here are more
    examples of the Comparison Rule.

    TV producers will add a laugh track to even the most witless
    situation comedy as a way of inducing our laughter. And it works. If
    there are two audiences watching the same comedy, but one comedy has
    a laugh track added to it and the other doesn't, guess which
    audience will laugh more? Right. The one with the laugh track.

    I suspect TV producers learned this trick from the theater. In the
    past (and it may still go on today) theatrical producers hired
    professional audience members. These highly skilled people would
    show up to a new play or musical or opera and provide the "proper"
    response at the right time. They would start applauding when the
    star entered or begin crying when the heroine died or erupt into
    gales of laughter when the clowns walked on. This would elicit the
    desired response from the audience who would automatically start
    clapping or sobbing or giggling on this cue.

    And even religious groups are aware of and use the Comparison Rule.
    There is a practice known as "salting the collection plate." Before
    the collection plates are handed out to the faithful, ushers will
    throw several different bills or checks onto the plate. Thus, no one
    ever gets an empty plate. This makes a considerable difference in
    contributions. People are slow to fill up an empty collection plate
    and a little salt gets things going. Also, the heavier the salt, the
    stronger the contribution. That is, you get more contributions if
    you salt the plate with tens and twenties than if you salt it with
    ones and fives.

    Liking . When You Like the Source, Do What Is Requested. Joe Gerard
    sells cars and trucks. He sells a lot of them as a matter of fact.
    Some consider him to be the Greatest Car Salesman in the World. What
    is his secret?

    Every month Joe Gerard sends a hand written card to every customer
    he has ever had and signs it, "I like you, Joe Gerard." That's all.
    "I like you, Joe Gerard."

    Now, he does send out a lot of cards every month (13,000 he
    estimates), but he swears by the tactic. Is such a simple thing as,
    "I like you," sufficient for influence? Another example.

    What happens at a Tupperware party? A group of people who know each
    other come over to the house of a mutual friend. Everybody eats a
    little. Everybody chats a bit. Everybody has a little fun. Then the
    mutual friend steps up and introduces a new person. And the new
    person breaks out the product, Tupperware.

    Gee, isn't that new person friendly? Isn't that Tupperware grand?
    Everybody smiles, everybody laughs, everybody buys something.

    Of course, Tupperware is not the only product sold in this way. Mary
    Kay Cosmetics has pushed a lot of powder with these kind of parties.
    The important point is this: The basis of the sale is liking. The
    receiver likes somebody involved in the transaction. Maybe you like
    the sales person. Maybe you like the friend throwing the party.
    Exactly who you like is less relevant than the fact that you like
    somebody. (I'll also bet some Comparison is operating here, too. You
    see other people buying things, so you buy too.)

    Last example . . . physically attractive people are very influential
    in our society, but the primary reason appears to be that we like
    attractive people. (If you do an experiment where you have one
    source who is attractive and likable, and another source who is
    attractive and dislikable, only the likable source will be
    influential. So, it appears that attractiveness operates through
    liking. Now, back to the example.)

    A researcher trained courtroom employees to rate the attractiveness
    (and, indirectly, the likability) of people accused of crimes as
    they came before a judge for the first time. The people were accused
    of a wide variety of misdemeanor charges. The meeting with the judge
    was to determine the amount of fines for the misdemeanors. The
    courtroom employees were not involved in the arrest and were only
    escorting the person.

    What happened? Less attractive people received fines two to three
    times larger than more attractive people. (Sometimes it is better to
    look good than to be good, right?)

    Authority . When the Source Is An Authority, You Can Believe It. I
    am old enough to remember the TV series, "Marcus Welby, M.D." The
    actor, Robert Young, portrayed a friendly, wise, and incredibly
    available physician who never lost a patient except when it would
    increase the show's Nielsen ratings.

    Most interesting was the fact that Robert Young parlayed his fame as
    Dr. Marcus Welby into a very productive sideline. He sold aspirin on
    TV ads. And he sold aspirin, not as Robert Young, the actor, but as
    Dr. Marcus Welby.

    There were enough lazy thinkers out there that they did not realize
    that the guy on the ad selling aspirin was merely an actor and not
    the real thing. It didn't matter. Robert Young looked and acted like
    an authority. And sales of his brand of aspirin increased.

    Eventually the federal authorities got wise to this gimmick and
    cracked down on it. It is now illegal to use an actor in this way.
    So what have advertisers done? Their response and its impact is so
    amazing to me that it stands as the best example of how lazy we can

    Here's the new trick. The advertisers will still use a popular actor
    to sell their aspirin and stay legal with their ads. Here's what
    happens. The famous TV doctor looks at the camera and says, "I'm no
    doctor, but I play one on TV and here's the aspirin I recommend."
    And sales of that aspirin increase.

    The Authority Rule is quite powerful and useful. We will look at it
    again in this book in other chapters.

    Reciprocity . When Someone Gives You Something, You Should Give
    Something Back.

    You're walking down the street, minding your own business as a
    stranger approaches in your direction. The stranger makes eye
    contact with you, then smiles. If you are like most people, you will
    automatically and thoughtlessly respond with a smile of your own as
    you continue down the street.

    The stranger give us something and we give back something in return.
    A nice rule for meeting people, but what has it got to do with

    Ever get free gifts in the mail along with a request for a magazine
    subscription. "Here, keep this valuable prize," the letter goes, "as
    a token of our esteem. And by the way, if you like magazines, how
    about this one!" Time magazine used to send out a free pencil with
    their subscription offers. The pencils were very small, very thin,
    and very red. And you got to keep it even if you didn't subscribe to
    the magazine, but what the heck, Time is a pretty good
    magazine . . . and before you know it, bang, you've got a year's

    The rule is very simple. First, the source gives you something. Once
    you accept it, you are now obligated to give something back. Note
    that you are not given a reward, because rewards are given for
    something that you have already done or will do. That first
    something given by the source is yours without you doing anything in
    the past or the future to earn it.

    Reciprocity operates in many social relationships, especially with
    visits and dinners. For example, a new couple moves into the
    neighborhood. You invite them over for dinner. Now, the new couple
    is obligated to give you a dinner in return even though you said
    nothing about it. And if the new couple fails to reciprocate (they
    don't invite you over) or fails to reciprocate in kind (you serve
    steak, they serve hot dogs), you are angry. I know some people who
    will refuse that first invitation because they do not want to get
    trapped into the spiral of reciprocity.

    Commitment/Consistency . When You Take A Stand, You Should Be

    Earnest Salesperson: "Excuse me, but do you think that a good
    education is important for your kids?"

    You: "Yes, of course." ES: "And do you think that kids who do their
    homework will get better grades."

    You: "Yes, I'm sure of that." ES: "And reference books would help
    kids do better on their homework, don't you think?"

    You: "I'd have to say yes to that." ES: "Well, I sell reference
    books. May I come in and help improve your child's educations?"

    You: "Ahhh, wait a minute . . ." This is the famous "Four Walls"
    sales technique. The salesperson asks four questions that in essence
    wall in the receiver, literally forcing the conclusion that those
    reference books must be purchased. The logical force comes from the
    Commitment/Consistency Rule. When you take a stand on something, you
    must be consistent with it. This can be a very powerful tactic and
    the business world is filled with variations on it. I will show you
    another one.

    It is called, "bait and switch," and it is illegal in most states.
    It works in two steps. First, some attractive offer is presented as
    bait. The customer rises to the bait, demonstrating their interest
    in the product. Second, the bait is taken away and a new product (of
    lower value or higher cost) is presented. Many people will ruefully
    take the second offer.

    For example, you need a new stove and you notice an ad for a really
    high quality stove at a very good price. I mean a very good price,
    not impossibly low, but very good. You think to yourself, "Self, I'm
    gonna buy a new stove." So you pack up the kids and zoom over to the

    And when you get there, a friendly salesperson greets you with a
    smile. "Ahh, you saw the ad . . . I guess you really want a new
    stove don't you? Let's see if I can help you get what you need. I'll
    go back and check on it for you."

    You, of course, are out of your mind at the prospect of getting this
    great stove at a great price. You even let the kids act wilder than
    usual you are so excited yourself. But wait.

    The salesperson returns with some bad news and some good news. The
    bad news is that they just ran out of those advertised specials. The
    good news is that they just happen to have a similar stove right
    here that's yours for the taking and it only costs $100 more. Not
    surprisingly, many people will buy the more expensive product, never
    seeing the game.

    The driving force is consistency. In these business games, the
    customer commits to some initial position ("I want to spend money in
    this store."), and the salesperson simply forces the customer to
    maintain consistency with that initial position. This is an
    extremely powerful and popular persuasion tactic and we will see its
    application in other chapters.

    Scarcity . When It Is Rare, It Is Good. I admit it. I am a closet
    fan of the Home Shopper Networks. If you have never seen these
    stations it could be that you do not have cable TV. All the station
    does is sell retail merchandise over television. They will feature
    some product for ten or fifteen minutes. If you like it, you call
    their 800 number and place an order which is mailed to you the same

    There are several different Home Shopper stations and they are
    extremely successful. The reason for that is that these guys really
    understand the principles of influence and use them well.

    In particular they use the Rule of Scarcity. They know that rare
    things are highly valued in our society.

    What are some of their scarcity tricks? They always have a little
    clock running in the upper corner of the screen. You only have ten
    minutes to buy this precious beauty and the clock lets you know how
    little time you have to make the buy of a lifetime. They make time
    the scarce resource.

    They often have a counter on the screen, too. Sometimes the counter
    runs down with every sale. "We only have a limited number of these
    fabulous quilted party skirts and when they're all gone, we will
    never sell them again." So that counter started with 100 and every
    time somebody calls, the counter decreases, 99, 98, gee whiz look at
    that, 92, wow, 85. They make the product scarce.

    Scarcity is a time honored tactic. Limited Time Only. The Weekend
    Special. Sale Ends at Midnight.

    Here's a great one from Olan Mills, the photographers. They will
    take 10 different pictures of your child. They then send you one
    copy of each photo and ask you to choose the shots you like and the
    number of copies you want. Then (here's the scarcity trick) they
    tell you had better order plenty of pictures because they will
    destroy all the negatives after a certain date. How many fathers and
    mothers can face the prospect of losing forever all those darling
    shots . . .


    I want to review why the Cues work. As noted at the beginning of
    this chapter, these Cues are used as mental shortcuts by lazy
    thinkers. Receivers can easily apply these Cues to guide their
    thinking or action with a minimum of mental effort and activity.
    (And a lot of the time the Cues really are helpful and correct.) As
    soon as the receivers change modes of thinking from heuristic to
    systematic, these Cues typically become useless.

    Thus, if you want to apply any of the Cues in your own situation,
    you must learn to use them with heuristic thinkers. To the extent
    that people are systematically thinking in the situation, these Cues
    will not work and indeed can make the user look rather foolish.


    Some pretty neat ideas here. There is a lot of practical and
    scientific evidence that demonstrates the usefulness of the CLARCCS
    Rules. Just start thinking like a salesperson. Create your own

    Oh, did you figure out what CLARCCS is? Sure, it is an acronym. Take
    the first letter of each Cue, and it spells CLARCCS. Should make
    them a little easier to remember. And use.


    Cialdini, R. (1980). Influence: Science and practice, (2nd Ed.).
    Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, & Company.

    Down, A.C., & Lyons, P. (1991). Natural observations of the links
    between attractiveness and initial legal judgements. Personality and
    Social Psychology Bulletin, 17, 541-547.

    Hinsz, V., & Tomhave, J. (1991). Smile and (half) the world smiles
    with you, frown and you frown alone. Personality and Social
    Psychology Bulletin, 17, 586-592.


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