Elder's comment

by CaptK 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptK

    This is unbelievable. I was at the Watchtower meeting last Sunday and one elder gave an answer that JW 's do not have the problems like the Cathlic church where the preist are molesting boys or the church has to pay huge sums of money out to abused cases. Is he not aware what is happening within the JW organization ? I read all the time of child abuse cases, news reports on message boards, and cases of fraud by "so - called elders" trying to scam elderly members through fake promissary notes, etc. It is hard to justify a comment by a respect person such as an elder. Are they not aware of what is going on in the WT organization or is this a coverup so the rest of the flock does not go astray?

  • sens
    JW 's do not have the problems like the Cathlic church where the preist are molesting boys

    Yer right....what BS!@!

    btw...Hi captk ...


  • gumby
    Is he not aware what is happening within the JW organization ?...... Are they not aware of what is going on in the WT organization or is this a coverup so the rest of the flock does not go astray?

    They are aware very little unless they are sneeks and look at places like this one.

    When they do hear of it, they dismiss it as the media trying to destroy them with satan as the backer, and that whatever it is,.......Jehovahs people will handle it properly.


  • mustang

    Like most fat, dumb & happy mushrooms, they are kept in the dark and fed B***S***!!!!


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    it really is amazing how UNAWWRE they are, I recently talked with my sister and brother and both had NO IDEA about the UN mess, I looked at them in disbelief. Like, How could you not know ?

    The Watchtower are the KINGS of keeping info from loyal ones.

  • Rick Aust
    Rick Aust

    There are many things to consider before we can say whether he knows the truth or not.

    He most probably doesn't know the truth about the WTS and the Child Molestations cases. The JW's are not 'encouragerd' to read or believe any anti-JW news. And if any one such as yourself will bring up any News articule regarding any anti-JW stuff then you will get into trouble. As the Elders Book says.."an Apostate is any one who disagrees with the Watchtower."


  • Gopher

    An old saying applies here:

    There are none so blind as those who WILL NOT see.

    Even if they saw it, they wouldn't "see" it. Their "vision" is limited to what the WT society allows.


    Firstly, welcome CptnK........................you'll find the more you read and post here, the more you will see precisley what the WTS is about.

    Is he not aware what is happening within the JW organization ?
    Are they not aware of what is going on in the WT organization

    From personal experience I believe more dubs know what is happening than what they let on, elders must know........and the R&F too!

    When my child was sexually abused and the matter came up in various conversations, it amazed me how many sisters knew of other sexual abuse incidents within the borg. It was like.....'oh yeh, I knew a bro. in XXXX who interfered with a sister's young boy'.................etc, etc. It was as if every sister knew of at least one case within the borg. It blew me away because I thought what happened to my child was a rare thing.

    Then when I talked about the matter MORE than the elders liked, they got a JC together with 2 false witnesses (one was one of the elder's on my case daughter) and they df'ed me a year later. So those elders knew all about it. The family of the pedophile knew what he did yet allowed him to be around other children, they all knew, the sisters I told knew about him too, yet chose to minimise the matter and let their kids play with him and his sister.............who by the way.............I believe was abused by him too and she turned out gay! They ALL knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My best friend (whose letter I posted on this forum) knew yet stood by the borg rather than the victim and her friend!

    So they are ALL aware, just playing dumb. Sure, there are some who don't know, not many though. With all the evidence coming out now they are drawing a long bow with the...............'oh, that's not true about the borg. We don't have those problems like all the other churches.' or 'well I don't know of any such thing, never happened to me'...........defending the indefencible!

    One of the most powerful reasons my family stopped going to meetings so suddenly was that when we found out through the 'silent lambs', JWD, and the media.............we knew the truth about the borg! And we could no longer promote a bad product!

    Can you imagine how my child and myself felt when a comment like the one you mention, was made at a meeting. Listening to dubs pride themselves in how good they are yet, I knew the horrible truth. And when one of the sisters that was a witness against me, who knew what happened to my child, made a comment at the meeting that sexual abuse isn't a problem in the borg.......................I could have spat on her. I was ready to explode. I pulled her up after the meeting and told her that her comment offended me and my child and that she should think about what she says before she opens her mouth, especially with what she knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The comments at their meetings are offensive to the victims, insulting to the intelligent and deceiptful to the innocent. Don't ever think that they are making those comments in ignorance. Especially elders..............they know soooooooooo much! What is happening is that the borg is trying to keep the uninformed and trusting in the dark.................and the scared ones are being fed lies, many know they are lies but accept them for their own salvation!

    The WTS is trying to cover up as much as it can, and there is alot for them to cover up! But now there is too much technology for them to control and the information is out for ALL to see.

    Sorry for the long-winded response but this is an issue close to my heart!

    Thanks for reading and cheers, Bliss

  • rocketman

    Bliss said: Can you imagine how my child and myself felt when a comment like the one you mention, was made at a meeting. Listening to dubs pride themselves in how good they are yet, I knew the horrible truth.

    That must have been a terrible feeling. And then you get df'd for talking about it? Unreal, and yet so much like the jw religion.

    We all feel for you Bliss!


    Thanks Rocketman. You guys here are good friends and your kind words of support and validation have made the difference between feeling happy and feeling sad.

    This forum has helped change my life for the better.

    I love you guys.

    Cheers, Bliss

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