The Guilt Mongers

by Jang 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jang

    The Tricks Guilty People Use to Make You Feel Guilty

    By Tom Russell

    In a recent class in Northern California the discussion centered around the
    tricks guilty people use to make you feel guilty.

    The primary trick used by guilty people is to create huge organizations.
    This is their central standard operating procedure. Being cowards, the guilt
    promoters can never stand alone. They know that if they have big numbers on
    their side they can point and say, "See how right we are! Could so many of
    us be wrong?" They are quick to imply what YOU can do about problems you
    never caused! All of this is a gigantic hoax, a cruel lie designed to
    intimate weak minded people, of which there are billions.

    The class then created a list of these massive organizations: religious,
    charities, political/environmental, family, educational, advertising, weight
    control, government and legal. There were chuckles from the audience when
    "family" and "weight control" were suggested.

    It is a great irritant to the guilt promoters that though they have almost
    the entire world, they do not have you. It is fun to see through them and
    not let them know just how much you see about them.

    "If you withdraw your allegiance from this sick society and its false
    organizations, always remember that you will be called a deserter. You will
    be hated and despised. But look where they're going! If you want their
    favor you will end up going where they are going." (SuperWisdom Notebooks)

    How can we attain real maturity?

    Never identify yourself as being mentally or spiritually
    mature, for the fewer ideas you have about yourself the more
    mature you will be. Do you know people who subtly or openly hint
    how mature they are? How mature are they? Real maturity resides
    above the level of self-flattering self-labels.

    Remember how the WTBTS liked to point out how special we were when we reached
    spiritual maturity. It's like they had to hold it above our heads all the
    time as little kids who keep bragging to their friends, "I'm more mature than
    you are." Once you remove yourself from that atmosphere you can clearly see
    the absurdity of that organization.


  • goo

    hi jang, just wanted to say i particularly enjoy your posts - the content is always brilliant. do u have a web site anywhere that contains all this info u post? if so i would like to know the www. address - thanks - and looking forward to more of your excellent posts.


  • Jang

    Goo, I do have a website, but it doesn't have all the info I post ...... just havne't had time
    to put it up there ....

    But what is there you are welcome to look at: http://caic/org/au

    My personal site has more stuff on:


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