A bad case of the clap

by expatbrit 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Back in the UK, I remember that at the baptisms, the audience were told not to applaud until the last candidate had been dunked. This, we were informed, gave the occassion a proper sense of dignity and decorum. In general, clapping was restrained at assemblies. Sometimes even not occuring at the end of speakers parts (everyone asleep?).

    When I moved to Canada, one of the things that suprised me was how each and every candidate was applauded during the baptism (these were back in the heady days when there was more then 2 baptisms per assembly). Whatever happened to dignity? Damn colonists have no idea of decorum!

    Over the past five years or so, the applause thing has reached new heights of sheer ridiculousness. Let the speaker take a breath, and the entire stadium rings with applause. And if it's a visiting bigwig from bethel or the gb, he can hardly get a word in between the clapping! Of course, this may be the point.....

    I guess part of this has been caused by all the reports we would get forced down our throats about the witnesses in eastern europe clapping for three hours after the assembly ended. "What appreciation, brothers!" Everyone here felt that they had to show appreciation too.

    I found it extremely annoying. The sessions tended to go overtime as it was. Introducing extra clap time only made it worse.

    Another pet theory: the assemblies are so boring, the parts on it just the same dull rehashed browbeating crap that is heard every week at the meetings, that the rank and file have to applaud for hours on end to create an atmosphere so that they can maintain their delusion about being in a richly fed spiritual paradise.

    That's it. No real point to this thread, just musing.


  • Jang

    Actually you are having a bad case of flashbacks :D

    Time for a stiff brandy!!!


  • Moxy


    can any assembly speaker get thru their part these days without feeling the need to elicit an ovation?

    "Every year we come away from the assembly saying it was the BEST ONE EVER. and it's true!"

    how is this even remotely possible?


  • slipnslidemaster

    Actually, they are clapping so much to generate a nice breeze to cool everyone off during those f*ing hot conventions!!!

    . o O (Strength and Honor)

  • think41self

    Good point, Expat.

    I think it is just another control issue with the brothers, here in the States, especially. I mean, they tell us when to eat, when to go to the bathroom(only during intermission or you'll miss important spiritual food!)when to talk(have brothers walking the hallways with signs saying "Quiet Please")when to discipline your children(a 2 year old should be able to sit quietly for 2 hours if properly disciplined)what to wear when we go out to dinner(don't change clothes and wear your name badges as a good witness to people in the area), etc.....

    Major control issues! So glad to be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


  • orbison

    well when my x and i were new in the jw's, we proudly wore our badges out to dinner,,,never again,,,our pizza was spiked with extra hot spices,,,lol

  • anglise

    Here in UK they also started clapping after the prayer at the end of the day.

  • Prisca

    relief it was over, anglise?

    I noticed the clapping increased dramatically after the Moscow International Convention of '93. Several of the GB as well as DOs and Bethel members from around the world were there, so it made a HUGE impact believe me!

    The Russian bros clapped after everything! - After the initial song and prayer; when each speaker was announced to the platform, when he finished his talk; at the end of the first session's song; and so on, until the end of the session, when they gave the final applause!

    They also clapped for the entire length of the baptism, while the bros and the bikini-clad sisters were baptised.

    The reason they did this, I believe, is simply because the Russians had more appreciation for "spiritual" things than we in the Western world do. They live on $50 per month, decent toilet paper and soap are luxuries, as are fresh fruit and veges, particularly the variety of food we are used to.

    So, all you good Capitalists, blame it on the Russians!

  • mommy

    LOL I remember as a child trying to initiate a clapping spree. It really was easy. I had 7 brothers and sisters so if we all started clapping it sounded very loud. heehee If enough people do it everyone does it, and this gave us a chance to stand up as well. Of course I am in the States, and clapping has always been allowed, as far as I remember. I think the worst part was waiting for the baptism to be over. I was usually starving and clapping between each one wasted alot of time.

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