Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses about Blood

by UnDisfellowshipped 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Questions about the Watchtower Society's Blood Policies:

    First of all, let's see what the Bible (New World Translation) says about Blood:

    God's Law to Noah:

    Genesis 9:1: And God went on to bless Noah and his sons and to say to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth.
    Genesis 9:2: And a fear of YOU and a terror of YOU will continue upon every living creature of the earth and upon every flying creature of the heavens, upon everything that goes moving on the ground, and upon all the fishes of the sea. Into YOUR hand they are now given.
    Genesis 9:3: Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for YOU. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to YOU.
    Genesis 9:4: Only flesh with its soul—its blood—YOU must not eat.
    Genesis 9:5: And, besides that, YOUR blood of YOUR souls shall I ask back. From the hand of every living creature shall I ask it back; and from the hand of man, from the hand of each one who is his brother, shall I ask back the soul of man.
    Genesis 9:6: Anyone shedding man’s blood, by man will his own blood be shed, for in God’s image he made man.
    Genesis 9:7: And as for YOU men, be fruitful and become many, make the earth swarm with YOU and become many in it.”

    God's Law in the Mosaic Law Covenant:

    Leviticus 3:17: “‘It is a statute to time indefinite for YOUR generations, in all YOUR dwelling places: YOU must not eat any fat or any blood at all.’”

    Leviticus 7:26: “‘And YOU must not eat any blood in any places where YOU dwell, whether that of fowl or that of beast.
    Leviticus 7:27: Any soul who eats any blood, that soul must be cut off from his people.’”

    Leviticus 17:10: “‘As for any man of the house of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst who eats any sort of blood, I shall certainly set my face against the soul that is eating the blood, and I shall indeed cut him off from among his people.
    Leviticus 17:11: For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have put it upon the altar for YOU to make atonement for YOUR souls, because it is the blood that makes atonement by the soul [in it].
    Leviticus 17:12: That is why I have said to the sons of Israel: “No soul of YOU must eat blood and no alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst should eat blood.”
    Leviticus 17:13: “‘As for any man of the sons of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst who in hunting catches a wild beast or a fowl that may be eaten, he must in that case pour its blood out and cover it with dust.
    Leviticus 17:14: For the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood by the soul in it. Consequently I said to the sons of Israel: “YOU must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it will be cut off.”
    Leviticus 17:15: As for any soul that eats a body [already] dead or something torn by a wild beast, whether a native or an alien resident, he must in that case wash his garments and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening; and he must be clean.
    Leviticus 17:16: But if he will not wash them and will not bathe his flesh, he must then answer for his error.’”

    Leviticus 19:26: “‘YOU must eat nothing along with blood.

    Deuteronomy 12:16: Only the blood YOU must not eat.

    Deuteronomy 12:23: Simply be firmly resolved not to eat the blood, because the blood is the soul and you must not eat the soul with the flesh.
    Deuteronomy 12:24: You must not eat it. You should pour it out upon the ground as water.
    Deuteronomy 12:25: You must not eat it, in order that it may go well with you and your sons after you, because you will do what is right in Jehovah’s eyes.

    Deuteronomy 15:23: Only its blood you must not eat. Upon the earth you should pour it out as water.

    Blood in the New Testament:

    Acts 15:19: Hence my decision is not to trouble those from the nations who are turning to God,
    Acts 15:20: but to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood.

    Acts 15:28: For the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to YOU, except these necessary things,
    Acts 15:29: to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If YOU carefully keep yourselves from these things, YOU will prosper. Good health to YOU!”

    Let the Questions Begin:

    1: According to the June 15th, 2000 Watchtower, Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to take Blood Fractions (except for the "big four components"). But, according to the October 15th, 2000 Watchtower, Jehovah's Witnesses would directly break God's Law on Blood if they store their own Blood, in order to either take Fractions out of it, or to put their own Blood back into their bodies during an operation. Also, according to that Article, Storing Blood is directly against God's Law, and using Stored Blood is also against God's Law. Then if that's true, the June 15th 2000 Article is wrong, because the June 15th 2000 Article says that Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to take Blood Fractions which are taken from large amounts of Stored Blood (in fact, other people's Stored Blood!).

    2: Some Articles say that we can take Blood Fractions from Stored Blood, as long as it is other people's Stored Blood, but we cannot store our own Blood to use it. Why is this?

    3: Some Articles say that it is against God's Law to use any part of Blood for "any useful purpose" after it has been removed from the body. Is this true? If it is true, it would mean that we cannot give food that contains Blood to our pets, and we cannot use fertilizer that contains Blood, and we cannot take Vaccinations (Shots) that contain parts of Blood. Are we allowed to give our pets food that contains Blood? Are we allowed to use fertilizer that contains Blood? Are we allowed to take Vaccinations (Shots) that contain Blood?

    4: According to statements made by Watchtower Society Spokesmen in News Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses are now allowed to accept Hemoglobin, HemoPure, and PolyHeme. Is this true? Hemoglobin makes up about 15% of a person's Blood. Some Articles say that Jehovah's Witnesses should not take Hemoglobin. Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to take Hemoglobin?

    5: How does the Governing Body determine what is a "Major Component" of Blood, and what is a "Minor Fraction" of Blood?

    The June 15th 2000 Watchtower said that Jehovah's Witnesses can accept Blood Fractions except for Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, and Plasma.

    90% of Red Blood Cells is Hemoglobin. According to News Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to accept Hemoglobin. So why are Red Blood Cells forbidden?

    White Blood Cells make up less than 1% of Blood. There are hundreds of thousands of White Blood Cells in Milk. Why are White Blood Cells forbidden? Does this mean Jehovah's Witnesses cannot drink Milk? Or eat Cheese? Albumin makes up a larger percentage of Blood than White Blood Cells, and yet Albumin is allowed. Why? Hemoglobin makes up 15% of Blood, and I have heard that it is allowed, yet, White Blood Cells make up less than 1% of Blood, and they are forbidden. Why?

    92% of Blood Plasma is Water, and the other 8% is Protein (mainly Albumin). Albumin is allowed, so why isn't Blood Plasma allowed? Is the Water forbidden? Or is the Water together with Albumin forbidden? Why? Blood Plasma contains absolutely NO Blood Cells. It is only Water and Protein (mainly Albumin).

    Platelets make up about 5% of Blood and it is forbidden, but Hemoglobin makes up about 15% of Blood, and it is allowed. Why?

    6: Some Articles say that Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept Hemodilution, Autologous, Homologous, or Blood Salvage Machines, but other Articles say that these are allowed. Which is true?

    7: Some Articles say that Jehovah's Witnesses would break God's Law if they received Fractions of Blood for the purpose of "Saving Your Life" or for the purpose of "Nourishing the Body". Is this true? If so, how do I determine what "Nourishing the Body" means? Also, according to News Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to accept Hemoglobin for the purpose of saving their lives. Is that true?

    8: According to statements made by some Watchtower Society Spokesmen in News Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses now have full freedom of whether or not to accept Blood Transfusions or other Blood products, with absolutely no discipline from the Congregation Elders. Is this true? Does this mean Jehovah's Witnesses will no longer be Disfellowshipped, Disassociated, or Reproved for accepting Blood Transfusions? If so, why did this change? One Watchtower Article said that people who receive Blood Transfusions and are not repentant should be Disfellowshipped in order for the Congregation to be free of Bloodguilt. Or, if those statements by the Watchtower Spokesmen are not true, why did the Spokesmen say so?

    9: Can Jehovah's Witness Doctors or Nurses give Blood Transfusions to worldly people? If so, what are the Scriptural reasons for this?

    10: Can Jehovah's Witnesses accept Tetanus Vaccinations (Shots)? The February 1st, 1997 Watchtower said that Tetanus Shots contain Horse Blood, and the Article made it sound like Jehovah's Witnesses should not take Tetanus Shots. Is this true?

    11: Which of the following "Rules" or "Guidelines" are still in effect for Jehovah's Witnesses? (all of these "Rules" were mentioned in different Watchtower Publications):

    "Rule" One) Jehovah's Witnesses are not supposed to use any parts of Blood for any "useful purpose" after it has been removed from the body, and Blood must be disposed of, it cannot be stored at all.

    "Rule" Two) Jehovah's Witnesses can accept certain parts of Blood, if they are "only small fractions".

    "Rule" Three) Jehovah's Witnesses can accept any parts of Blood, as long as they are not used to "Nourish the Body" or "Save Your Life".

    "Rule" Four) Jehovah's Witnesses can accept all of the parts of Blood that naturally pass from the mother to the baby inside the womb.

    "Rule" Five) Jehovah's Witnesses can accept any Blood Fractions except for Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, and Plasma.

    12: I have read in different Watchtower Publications, and News Articles, that all of the following Blood Fractions and Components are now allowed, is true? (I have read other Watchtower Publications that say these are not allowed)

    Hemoglobin, HemoPure, PolyHeme, Albumin, Factor VIII, Hemophiliac Preparations, Gamma Globulin, RH Immune Globulin, Globulin, Immunoglobulins, Globin Proteins, Interferons, Interleukins, Clotting Factors, Antibodies, Blood Plasma Proteins, Diptheria Toxin Antitoxin, Synthetic Hormone EPO (Erythropoietin), Vaccinations and Organ Transplants that contain Blood, Autologous Blood Transfusions (Auto Transfusions, where your own Blood flows through a tube to the Artificial Organ that pumps and filters or oxygenates it, and then it returns to the patient's circulatory system), and Hemodilution.

    13: Can Jehovah's Witnesses donate their own Blood Fractions for someone else to use?

    14: The May 15th 1984 Watchtower said that Jehovah's Witnesses could accept Bone Marrow Transplants even if the Bone Marrow has Blood inside. Is this true? If so, does that mean we can accept other Organ Transplants that contain Blood in the Organ? In News Articles, I have read that Jehovah's Witnesses have accepted Heart Transplants -- doesn't the Heart Organ contain Blood? The same Watchtower Article said that it was a "personal decision" on whether or not to accept Platelets or Red Blood Cells. Is this true?

    15: What exactly is the definition of "Misuse of Blood"?

    16: One Watchtower Article said that it was "up to your conscience" to take Blood, as long as it is only "a small amount". Would that not be the same as claiming that it is okay to do "a little bit of Fornication"? Also, exactly how much Blood would be "a small amount"?

    17: Is it true that, if a Baptized Jehovah's Witness receives a Blood Transfusion, and is not repentant, the Congregation will be Bloodguilty if they do not Disfellowship him?

    18: One Watchtower Article said that God's Law on Blood only applied to Dedicated Baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. Is this true?

    19: Are these parts of Blood allowed: Neutrohil, Monocyte, Lymphocyte, Eosinophil, or Basophil?

    20: Which one of the following Watchtower Publications is correct?

    Quotes from Awake!, May 22nd 1994 Issue, Pages 2-13:

    Youths Who Put God First

    In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first. They are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue.

    By rejecting blood transfusions that could conceivably have extended his present life

    , Adrian Yeatts showed himself to be one of the many young people who put God first.


    Quote from The Watchtower, December 1st 1998 Issue, Page 14:

    Jehovah's Witnesses have been targets of false accusations--barefaced lies and twisted presentations of their beliefs... The accusation that numerous children of Jehovah's Witnesses die each year as a result of refusing blood transfusions is totally unfounded.


    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Telephone Numbers:

    1-866-388-2222 (New Toll-Free Public Phone Number from their New TV Commercial) (Listed on Official Website)

    718-560-5600 (Media Number) (Listed on Official Website)

    718-560-5000 (Public Number) (Listed on Official Website)

    845-306-1100 (Patterson, New York Number) (Listed on Official Website)

    718-560-5101 (J.R. Brown, Watchtower's Main Spokesman) (Listed on Official Website)

  • yesidid


    Your posts are just the best. I have filed them all. This one will be just great for a faithful witness we are trying to "help".

    Thank you so much for all your work on our behalf.

  • playdrums


    I love your posts too. It's asking way too much but I must do it anyway. Do you have any bibliographic info for the articles referred to in the Q&A section. I'd love to have the source information available when I start asking my girlfriend these questions.

  • rocketman

    All this shows why accepting blood should be entirely a conscience matter. Otherwise, the average jw is very confused often times.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Yesidid, Playdrums, and Rocketman,

    Thank you very much for your comments!

    Playdrums, yes, I do have all of the source material, and I am planning to post it very soon for you.

    I am also planning to post about 5 more Questions about the Watchtower's Blood Policies, and I am planning on posting tons of Watchtower Quotes about Blood here, as well as Links to info.

    Also, check out

  • UnDisfellowshipped


    I want to apologize for taking this long to post the information I promised. It has been very, very hectic here recently.

    Here is an updated Blood Questions List (with over 50 Questions about the Watchtower's Blood Policies):

    Questions for Jehovah's Witnesses about Blood (Updated on May 25th, 2003):

    1: According to the June 15th, 2000 Watchtower, Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to take Blood Fractions (except for the "big four components"). But, according to the October 15th, 2000 Watchtower, Jehovah's Witnesses would directly break God's Law on Blood if they store their own Blood, in order to either take Fractions out of it, or to put their own Blood back into their bodies during an operation. Also, according to that Article, Storing Blood is directly against God's Law, and using Stored Blood is also against God's Law. Then if that's true, the June 15th 2000 Article is wrong, because the June 15th 2000 Article says that Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to take Blood Fractions which are taken from large amounts of Stored Blood (in fact, other people's Stored Blood!).

    2: Some Articles say that we can take Blood Fractions from Stored Blood, as long as it is other people's Stored Blood, but we cannot store our own Blood to use it. Why is this?

    3: Some Articles say that it is against God's Law to use any part of Blood for "any useful purpose" after it has been removed from the body. Is this true? If it is true, it would mean that we cannot give food that contains Blood to our pets, and we cannot use fertilizer that contains Blood, and we cannot take Vaccinations (Shots) that contain parts of Blood. Are we allowed to give our pets food that contains Blood? Are we allowed to use fertilizer that contains Blood? Are we allowed to take Vaccinations (Shots) that contain Blood?

    4: According to statements made by Watchtower Society Spokesmen in News Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses are now allowed to accept Hemoglobin, HemoPure, and PolyHeme. Is this true? Hemoglobin makes up about 15% of a person's Blood. Some Articles say that Jehovah's Witnesses should not take Hemoglobin. Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to take Hemoglobin?

    5: How does the Governing Body determine what is a "Major Component" of Blood, and what is a "Minor Fraction" of Blood?

    What makes a minor fraction "minor"? What makes a major fraction "major"?

    Could we do the same with Fornication? Is it okay to only do a "minor" amount of Fornication?

    The June 15th 2000 Watchtower said that Jehovah's Witnesses can accept Blood Fractions except for Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, and Plasma.

    90% of Red Blood Cells is Hemoglobin. According to News Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to accept Hemoglobin. So why are Red Blood Cells forbidden?

    White Blood Cells make up less than 1% of Blood. There are hundreds of thousands of White Blood Cells in Milk. Why are White Blood Cells forbidden? Does this mean Jehovah's Witnesses cannot drink Milk? Or eat Cheese? Albumin makes up a larger percentage of Blood than White Blood Cells, and yet Albumin is allowed. Why? Hemoglobin makes up 15% of Blood, and I have heard that it is allowed, yet, White Blood Cells make up less than 1% of Blood, and they are forbidden. Why?

    92% of Blood Plasma is Water, and the other 8% is Protein (mainly Albumin). Albumin is allowed, so why isn't Blood Plasma allowed? Is the Water forbidden? Or is the Water together with Albumin forbidden? Why? Blood Plasma contains absolutely NO Blood Cells. It is only Water and Protein (mainly Albumin). Also, it is okay for me to accept Blood Plasma, as long as I separate the Water and the Proteins, and THEN accept them?

    Platelets make up about 5% of Blood and it is forbidden, but Hemoglobin makes up about 15% of Blood, and it is allowed. Why?

    6: Some Articles say that Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept Hemodilution, Autologous, Homologous, or Blood Salvage Machines, but other Articles say that these are allowed. Which is true?

    7: Some Articles say that Jehovah's Witnesses would break God's Law if they received Fractions of Blood for the purpose of "Saving Your Life" or for the purpose of "Nourishing the Body". Is this true? If so, how do I determine what "Nourishing the Body" means? Also, according to News Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to accept Hemoglobin for the purpose of saving their lives. Is that true?

    Also, the June 1, 1990 Watchtower says Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept any Blood Fractions that "sustain your life" or "nourish the body", but then the same Article says that some Jehovah's Witnesses accept Blood Fractions because in the womb, Blood Proteins pass from the mother to the baby to nourish the baby!

    Several Articles have used the example of antibodies and proteins passing from the Mother via the placenta to the Baby in the womb as the reason why some might conscientiously accept these components and fractions of blood. Nourishing the body using Blood is supposedly against God's Law, however, the Baby in the womb receives every bit of its nutrition and nourishment - including water from the plasma - from the blood of the mother. How do you explain this?

    8: According to statements made by some Watchtower Society Spokesmen in News Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses now have full freedom of whether or not to accept Blood Transfusions or other Blood products, with absolutely no discipline from the Congregation Elders. Is this true? Does this mean Jehovah's Witnesses will no longer be Disfellowshipped, Disassociated, or Reproved for accepting Blood Transfusions? If so, why did this change? One Watchtower Article said that people who receive Blood Transfusions and are not repentant should be Disfellowshipped in order for the Congregation to be free of Bloodguilt. Or, if those statements by the Watchtower Spokesmen are not true, why did the Spokesmen say so?

    9: Can Jehovah's Witness Doctors or Nurses give Blood Transfusions to worldly people? If so, what are the Scriptural reasons for this?

    10: Can Jehovah's Witnesses accept Tetanus Vaccinations (Shots)? The February 1st, 1997 Watchtower said that Tetanus Shots contain Horse Blood, and the Article made it sound like Jehovah's Witnesses should not take Tetanus Shots. Is this true?

    11: Which of the following "Rules" or "Guidelines" are still in effect for Jehovah's Witnesses? (all of these "Rules" were mentioned in different Watchtower Publications):

    "Rule" One)

    Jehovah's Witnesses are not supposed to use any parts of Blood for any "useful purpose" after it has been removed from the body, and Blood must be disposed of, it cannot be stored at all.

    "Rule" Two)

    Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to accept certain parts of Blood, if they are "only small fractions".

    "Rule" Three)

    Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to accept any parts of Blood, as long as they are not used to "Nourish the Body" or "Save Your Life".

    "Rule" Four)

    Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to accept all of the parts of Blood that naturally pass from the mother to the baby inside the womb, because Jehovah God would not break His own Laws on Blood.

    I have done research, and according to the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), and several other Medical Sources, Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells from the Baby enter into the Mother's body inside the womb; and Whole Blood passes in between identical twins in the womb. Does this mean that Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to accept Whole Blood, Red Blood Cells, and White Blood Cells because Jehovah God naturally causes this to happen in the womb?

    "Rule" Five)

    Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to accept any Blood Fractions except for Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, and Plasma.

    12: I have read in different Watchtower Publications, and News Articles, that all of the following Blood Fractions and Components are now allowed, is true? (I have read other Watchtower Publications that say these are not allowed)

    Hemoglobin, HemoPure, PolyHeme, Albumin, Factor VIII, Hemophiliac Preparations, Gamma Globulin, RH Immune Globulin, Globulin, Immunoglobulins, Globin Proteins, Interferons, Interleukins, Clotting Factors, Antibodies, Blood Plasma Proteins, Diptheria Toxin Antitoxin, Synthetic Hormone EPO (Erythropoietin), Vaccinations and Organ Transplants that contain Blood, Autologous Blood Transfusions (Auto Transfusions, where your own Blood flows through a tube to the Artificial Organ that pumps and filters or oxygenates it, and then it returns to the patient's circulatory system), and Hemodilution.

    13: Can Jehovah's Witnesses donate their own Blood Fractions for someone else to use? If not, why not? You can take, but you can't give fractions? Doesn't that sound selfish?

    14: The May 15th 1984 Watchtower said that Jehovah's Witnesses could accept Bone Marrow Transplants even though the Bone Marrow contains tons of Red Blood Cells inside. Is this true? If so, does that mean we can accept other Organ Transplants that contain Blood in the Organ? In News Articles, I have read that Jehovah's Witnesses have accepted Heart Transplants -- doesn't the Heart Organ contain Blood? The same Watchtower Article said that it was a "personal decision" on whether or not to accept Platelets or Red Blood Cells. Is this true?

    15: What exactly is the definition of "Misuse of Blood"?

    16: One Watchtower Article said that it was "up to your conscience" to take Blood, as long as it is only "a small amount". Would that not be the same as claiming that it is okay to do "a little bit of Fornication"? Also, exactly how much Blood would be "a small amount"?

    17: Is it true that, if a Baptized Jehovah's Witness receives a Blood Transfusion, and is not repentant, the Congregation will be Bloodguilty if they do not Disfellowship him?

    18: One Watchtower Article said that God's Law on Blood only applied to Dedicated Baptized Jehovah's Witnesses. Is this true?

    19: Are these parts of Blood allowed: Neutrohil, Monocyte, Lymphocyte, Eosinophil, or Basophil?

    20: Which part of Blood is the "soul" or "life" in?

    21: According to Medical Sources, Blood that is Transfused is not digested or absorbed by the body, but rather remains biologically and functionally intact. So how is a Blood Transfusion the same as "Eating Blood"? Doesn't this mean that Blood Transfusions are more like Organ Transplants and not Eating Blood?

    22: Some Watchtower Articles have said that if you were to accept a Blood Transfusion, Jehovah would not forgive you, and He would not resurrect you. One Article even said that if Jehovah's Witness Parents allowed a Doctor to give a Blood Transfusion to their Baby, that Jehovah would not resurrect the Baby, if the Baby died. Is this true?

    23: The 1990 Blood Brochure (Called "How Can Blood Save Your Life") stated the following things:

    * Jehovah's Witnesses cannot accept Whole Blood, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, or Plasma (Water with Proteins).

    * Jehovah's Witnesses cannot store their own Blood in order to take Fractions out of it.

    * Jehovah's Witnesses CAN accept other people's Blood Fractions.

    * Jehovah's Witnesses cannot accept Hemodilution

    * Jehovah's Witnesses cannot Homologous Blood (Where your own Blood is circulated through a Machine back to your Body) or Autologous Blood

    24: Is it the amount of blood a person receives, OR is it the certain components of blood one accepts, that is important with regards to God's Law?

    If it is the amount of blood, then what is the exact amount of blood that would break God's Law?

    If it is not the amount of blood that is important, then is it simply left up to the conscience of the individual as to which component they are willing to accept and which they refuse, or are some blood components and fractions against God's Law and others are not?

    25: What are the Scriptural reasons why certain components or fractions are a matter of conscience, while the other components or fractions would break God's Law?

    26: Regarding our understanding of the Law against Blood in Acts 15:29, What is the Jehovah's Witnesses' exact definition of blood?

    Are all parts of blood considered "blood" or are there certain components or fractions of blood that we do not define as "blood" as being against God's Law in Acts 15:29? (For example: Scripturally what makes Red Cells coming from Whole Blood different from Albumin coming from Whole Blood? What makes one against God's Law, and the other one not against God's Law?)

    27: If certain components or fractions inside blood are not the "blood" which is against God's Law at Acts 15:29, how is this determined?

    28: Are components or fractions of blood no longer viewed as "blood" once they are of small enough proportion, if so what is the exact amount when they stop being considered "blood"?

    29: According to several Watchtower Articles, Jehovah's Witnesses consider ANY storing of blood to be a serious sin, as described in the October 15th 1981 Watchtower and in other Articles. One comment made in this Watchtower is: "such commercialization of blood would not be in accord with deep respect for the life-representing value of blood." Isn't the handling and processing of blood for medical products (which are bought and sold for profits) considered a commercialization of blood? Wouldn't this commercialization then be just as reprehensible as accepting whole blood transfusions, especially since large volumes of blood must be processed for the intended purpose of commerce? Could a Jehovah's Witness be in "Good Standing" if he owned and operated a Company which specialized in the handling of large volumes of blood in order to separate for sale and use certain blood fractions which are left to individual conscience as to their use? It seems that the voluntary acceptance of blood fractions clearly and directly contributes to the wholesale misuse of blood because of the obtaining, storage and handling of the blood. (See The Watchtower, April 1, 1975 Issue, Pages 215-219)

    30: Here is a really confusing statement made in the June 1st 1990 Watchtower on Page 31:

    "Others have felt that a serum (antitoxin), such as immune globulin, containing only a tiny fraction of a donor's blood plasma and used to bolster their defense against disease, is not the same as a life-sustaining blood transfusion. So their consciences may not forbid them to take immune globulin or similar fractions. They may conclude that for them the decision will rest primarily on whether they are willing to accept any health risks involved in an injection made from others' blood."

    There are two things that are really confusing about this Quote:

    First: A Transfusion of Plasma or Red Cells (which are not allowed) may save someone's life, but so does Factor VIII (which is allowed). Both save lives, both are life-sustaining. Without Factor VIII, hemophiliacs would be have an extremely short life. Since both Red Cells and Factor VIII save lives, why are Red Cells against God's Law, but Factor VIII is not? Also Albumin is used for burn victims, and Albumin certainly saves lives, but it is allowed.

    Second: That Article said that individual consciences play a determining role in our decision about what Jehovah's Witnesses tolerate morally. What if someone's conscience allowed them to accept components like Plasma or Red Cells or White Cells or Platelets, concluding that their decision rests primarily with accepting health risks? Would that break God's Law? Would that require a Judicial Hearing?

    31: Also, the Watchtower, March 1, 1989 Issue, Page 30, says that Jehovah's Witnesses "DO NOT accept" certain procedures where your own blood is stored.

    The reason for this is: "We have long appreciated that such stored blood certainly is no longer part of the person. It has been completely removed from him, so it should be disposed of in line with God's Law: "You should pour it out upon the ground as water."--Deuteronomy 12:24."

    This reasoning is mentioned several times throughout the same article. With this "Scriptural Law" in mind, how can Jehovah's Witnesses accept any blood fractions from anyone, because they come from large amounts of stored blood? If doctors did not "break God's Storing Law" and store other people's blood, then there would be no fractions.

    32: Where in the Bible, anywhere, does it say that it is against God's Law to "save your life" or "sustain your life" using blood, but it is not against God's Law to fight off diseases using blood, or to build up your immunity using blood, or to heal a wound using blood?

    33: Also, would someone who is starving survive by having a blood component like White Cells or Platelets transfused into their veins? It seems White Cells and Platelets are used only for medical purposes, not to provide nutrition like a meal, but to increase the body's ability to fight certain conditions. Isn't this similar to why other acceptable components are used? Would White Cells or Platelets provide nourishing sustenance if given intravenously similar to its going through the human digestive track?

    34: Immunization and Vaccination Shots containing blood components, bolster the immune system, so why is this not considered eating?

    35: Quote from Insight On The Scriptures Volume 1, Page 629:

    Disease and Treatment:

    However, if a person were to take blood into his body for the treatment of disease, this would violate the law of God.

    That Quote from the Insight Book says that it is against God's Law to use blood for the treatment of disease, even if it is not "nourishing or sustaining life". How does that agree with the other Articles?

    36: Could Eve had eaten just minor components or minor fractions of the forbidden fruit and still been acceptable to God?

    37: In the command to "abstain from blood" in Acts, how can anyone say that it depends on the amount of blood, or that it depends on what the blood does in your body (whether it is used to save or nourish your life)?

    38: Do some components or fractions of blood belong to Jehovah and some do not? Do Red Cells, White Cells, Platelets, and Plasma belong to Jehovah, but Albumin, Hemoglobin, and Factor VIII not belong to Jehovah?

    39: When it comes to blood - God's sacred symbol of life - can Christians distinguish and separate off the parts they want before giving the rest back to God?

    40: Isn't it contradictory that Jehovah's Witnesses are supposed to refuse having their own blood stored for later consumption and then turn around and use blood components or fractions requiring massive amounts of other people's blood stored?

    41: Shouldn't the phrase "abstain... from blood" be treated the same as the phrase "abstain from fornication". (Acts 15:20, 1 Thess. 4:3)

    42: As far as I can see, there is no indication in the Scriptures that God says one component of blood is more or less unique or important or sacred than another component.

    43: Since Life is supposed to be viewed as sacred, the same as blood (if not more so), and Jesus commanded Christians to be willing to give their Lives (and their bodies contain their blood) for one another, then shouldn't Christians be allowed to give their blood for another?

    44: Is Blood (the symbol of life) more sacred to Jehovah than Life itself? Are White Blood Cells more sacred to Jehovah than Life? Are Platelets more sacred to Jehovah than Life? Is Plasma more sacred to Jehovah than Life? Are Red Blood Cells more sacred to Jehovah than Life?

    45: Jehovah commanded Israel, "YOU must not eat any body [already] dead. To the alien resident who is inside your gates you may give it, and he must eat it; or there may be a selling of it to a foreigner, because you are a holy people to Jehovah your God."

    With those words God stated that Israelites could appropriately provide unbled meat (that was not killed by humans) for purposes of eating to those whom the Law of Noah still applied. Since God has never revoked His Law for mankind given to Noah we must ask -- Would Jehovah have suggested an act that would have encouraged or helped people break His own Law He gave to Noah and all of Noah's offspring, His own Commandment? Jehovah says, "I have not changed." (Malachi 3:6) Additionally, under inspiration the disciple James stated, "with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone." (James 1:13) God certainly has never encouraged or helped people to break His own Laws or Commandments to mankind.

    United In Worship Of The Only True God Book, Page 149, Paragraph 8:

    "When the issue involving application of the Mosaic Law to Gentile Christians was presented to the governing body in Jerusalem in the first century, their decision was in harmony with these facts. They recognized that Jehovah was not requiring Gentile believers to perform works in obedience to the Mosaic Law before holy spirit was poured out on them. The decision of that governing body did list as "necessary things" certain prohibitions that were in harmony with that Law, but these were based on the Bible record concerning events that predated the Law. So there was not an imposing on Gentile Christians of a responsibility to conform to the Mosaic Law or some portion of it but, rather, there was a confirming of standards recognized prior to Moses.--Acts 15:28, 29; compare Genesis 9:3, 4; 34:2-7; 35:2-5."

    That quote shows that God's Law against Blood in Acts was Noah's Blood Law, NOT the Mosaic Law.

    Insight On The Scriptures, Volume 1, Page 345:

    "At Deuteronomy 14:21 allowance was made for selling to an alien resident or a foreigner an animal that had died of itself or that had been torn by a beast. Thus a distinction was made between the blood of such animals and that of animals that a person slaughtered for food. (Compare Le 17:14-16.) The Israelites, as well as alien residents who took up true worship and came under the Law covenant, were obligated to live up to the lofty requirements of that Law. People of all nations were bound by the requirement at Genesis 9:3, 4, but those under the Law were held by God to a higher standard in adhering to that requirement than were foreigners and alien residents who had not become worshipers of Jehovah."

    That quote shows that in Noah's Law on Blood, Jehovah only forbade eating Blood from animals that were killed by humans, not by other animals. However, the Jews, under the Mosaic Law, were held to higher standards and had to follow special rules about Blood.

    Under the Law Covenant, Jews were not supposed to eat Blood, even from animals that died on their own, or from animals that were killed by other animals. However, God told the Jews that they could sell unbled meat (that was NOT killed by humans) to Foreigners and Alien Residents (who were under Noah's Blood Law), and that they should eat the meat. God made a clear distinction between animals killed by humans, and animals killed by other animals.

    Hence, under Noah's Law, it must be okay to eat blood from animals that were not killed by humans, OR God encouraged people to break His own Law.

    46: Why does the new "Worship the Only True God" Book not mention God's Blood Law at all?

    47: According to different Articles, the following different reasons were given for why Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to take Vaccinations, Shots, and Serums that contain Blood or Fractions (which one of these reasons is the actual reason?):

    * One Article said that Vaccinations with Blood inside are not the same as eating Blood. (If so, why is it different from eating Blood?)

    * One Article said that Vaccinations with Blood inside are a "Gray Area" because they are not used to "save your life".

    * One Article said that Vaccinations with Blood inside are allowed because they do not "Nourish your Body".

    * One Article said that Vaccinations with Blood inside are allowed because it only contains a tiny, small amount of Blood. (If so, then exactly how small does the Blood have to be in order to be allowed?)

    * One Article said that Vaccinations with Blood inside are allowed because the Fractions pass from Mother to Baby in the womb, and the Fractions "nourish the body" of the Baby.

    * One 1997 Article said that Tetanus Vaccinations were made from Horse Blood, and that Christians are not tempted by such commercial use of Blood.

    * Some Articles said that Vaccinations are a "Contamination of your Body". What does that mean?

    48: Why were Vaccinations not allowed in the 1930's and 1940's?

    49: According to some Articles, it is okay to store your Blood as long as you store it while the surgery is going on, but it is against God's Laws to store your own blood before the surgery. Is this true?

    50: Is there a time limit of how long you can store your own Blood?

    51: Are Blood Tests allowed?

    52: Can Jehovah's Witnesses give Blood Samples, for instance if they are arrested for Drunk Driving?

    53: The April 15, 1994 Watchtower says that Saul's Army Men were shown mercy because, even though they ate Blood, they still had respect for God's Law on Blood. Is this true?

    54: Jesus said that nothing that enters in to a Christian's body can defile him spiritually. Shouldn't that mean that Blood that enters in to a Christian's body will not defile him spiritually?

    55: Which one of the following Watchtower Publications is correct?Quotes from Awake!, May 22nd 1994 Issue, Pages 2-13 :

    In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first. They are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue. ... By rejecting blood transfusions that could conceivably have extended his present life, Adrian Yeatts showed himself to be one of the many young people who put God first.

    Quote from The Watchtower, December 1st 1998 Issue, Page 14:

    Jehovah's Witnesses have been targets of false accusations--barefaced lies and twisted presentations of their beliefs ... The accusation that numerous children of Jehovah's Witnesses die each year as a result of refusing blood transfusions is totally unfounded.
  • playdrums

    Muchas Gracias. Your efforts are admirable.


  • UnDisfellowshipped


    I have searched through the 1990's and 2000's Watchtower Articles on Blood, and I have summarized what each different Article says, and I am posting it for you below. I will post the 1970's and 1980's soon.

    I will start with the Newest Blood Article, and go backwards in time (I can post the entire Articles if you want):

    Awake!, 10-22-01: It is okay for Jehovah's Witnesses to have Maggots suck on them for Medical Reasons, but it is not okay for them to have Leeches suck on them for Medical Reasons.

    The Watchtower, 10-15-00: For Jehovah's Witnesses, what they decide to do with their own Blood is a personal matter between each Jehovah's Witness and Jehovah. A Christian must decide for himself what he will do with his own Blood. Storing your own Blood directly contradicts the Mosaic Law on Blood, and Jehovah's Witnesses should not store their own Blood. Blood must not be stored. Blood must be poured out on the ground. Preoperative Autologous Donation (PAD) is against God's Law on Blood. Jehovah's Witnesses do not donate Blood for other people, and Jehovah's Witnesses do not store their own Blood before surgery. Blood Testing is not as clearly against God's Laws as storing Blood is, and many Jehovah's Witnesses have Blood Tests done. It is not against God's Laws to have your own Blood stored and later put back into you, as long as this is done while the surgery is going on. Hemodilution and Blood Salvage Machines are allowed. Recirculating your own Blood through a Machine and back into you while the surgery is going on is allowed.

    The Watchtower, 6-15-00: God's Law on Blood is not open to Reform. Whole Blood, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells (there are thousands and thousands of White Blood Cells inside Milk), Platelets, and Blood Plasma are NOT allowed for Jehovah's Witnesses. All of the other Blood Fractions (including Albumin, Factor VIII, etc.) are a personal decision each Jehovah's Witness must make. This Article is only discussing whether or not Jehovah's Witnesses can accept other people's Blood Fractions. You must not take Plasma (which is 90% Water and 10% Proteins). You are allowed to take all of the Plasma Proteins and the Water SEPARATELY, but not together. Jehovah's Witnesses are not required to obey the Mosaic Law on Blood which says you cannot store your own Blood. "Should Christians accept fractions? We can't say, the Bible does not give details." Some Jehovah's Witnesses accept Fractions because they naturally pass from the Mother to the Baby inside the womb. This is a serious decision.

    Awake!, 1-08-00: Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to use Blood Salvage Machines.

    Our Kingdom Ministry, 9-99: Each Jehovah's Witness must decide conscientiously if he will allow the use of Machines that Circulate Blood outside the body, and also if he will accept Blood Fractions.

    Awake!, 12-8-98: Jehovah's Witnesses object to storing their own Blood, and they object from using anyone else's stored Blood.

    The Watchtower, 2-1-97: Tetanus Vaccinations are made from Horse Blood. Such commercial use of Blood is hardly tempting for true Christians. The only use of Blood ever approved of by God was for Sacrifices, otherwise it must be poured out on the ground. It does not have to be literally poured out on the ground, but it must be disposed of, rather than putting it to any use. Blood Tests are allowed, but nothing else. No Storing of Blood is allowed.

    Require Brochure (1996): Jehovah's Witnesses must not take Blood into their bodies in any way at all, and Jehovah's Witnesses must not store their own Blood.

    Awake!, 2-22-95: Albumin, Immunoglobulins, Erythropoietin, and Plasmapheresis are allowed for Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Awake!, 12-8-94: RHiG Shots (containing Blood Fractions) are a personal decision that each Jehovah's Witness must make. RHiG Shots are made from other people's stored Blood. God's Law forbids eating Blood. God's Law forbids misuse of Blood (Leviticus 17:11, 12). Some Christians accept Blood Fractions because they naturally pass from the Mother to the Baby inside the womb.

    The Watchtower, 10-1-94: It is a personal decision whether or not Jehovah's Witnesses accept Vaccinations that contain Blood Fractions, Serums that contain Blood Fractions, Albumin, and other "Tiny Blood Proteins" because they pass from the Mother to the Baby inside the womb.

    The Watchtower, 4-15-94: Saul's Army Men were shown mercy by Jehovah because, even though they ate Meat with Blood inside, they did have respect for Blood. An emergency is no excuse to break God's Law on Blood.

    Awake!, 8-8-93: Vaccinations containing Blood Fractions are a "Conscience Matter".

    The Watchtower, 10-15-92: God's Law says that Blood must be poured out. Jehovah's Witnesses must avoid "saving their lives" using Blood. Globin Fraction, Globulin Fraction, and Hemoglobin are NOT allowed! All derivitives of Blood are forbidden! Christians should not be overly concerned about whether Blood is in the Food you eat. Christians should not interrogate Restaurant or Grocery Store Employees about whether or not Blood is inside the Food you eat.

    The Watchtower, 6-15-91: Christians are under the Law on Blood that God gave to Noah, NOT the Mosaic Law on Blood. Willfully receiving Blood or willfully misusing Blood may be an Unforgiveable Sin.

    Awake!, 10-22-90: Plasma is 50% of the Blood in your body. Plasma has no Blood Cells. Plasma is Water and Protein. Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to receive Plasma.

    The Watchtower, 8-15-90: Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept Whole Blood, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, or Plasma. Jehovah's Witnesses must not "sustain your life" using Blood or Blood Fractions. Some Jehovah's Witnesses accept Blood Fractions because they view them as not sustaining their lives like Blood Transfusions do. Some Jehovah's Witnesses accept Blood Fractions because they naturally pass from the Mother to the Baby inside the womb and "sustain the baby's life".

    How Can Blood Save Your Life? Brochure (1990): Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept Whole Blood, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, or Plasma. All other Blood Fractions are a "Conscience Matter". Jehovah's Witnesses cannot store their own Blood. Jehovah's Witnesses cannot use Hemodilution Machines. Jehovah's Witnesses cannot accept Homologous Transfusions or Autologous Transfusions (Circulating your own Blood through a Machine directly back in your body).

    The Watchtower, 6-1-90: The Scriptures do not clearly rule out accepting small Blood Fractions. Jehovah's Witnesses cannot accept Whole Blood, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets, and Plasma. The First Century Christians would have died rather than eating Plasma (90% Water and 10% Proteins). Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to accept all of the Proteins of Plasma and the Water, after they are SEPARATED. Globulins, Albumin, Fibrinogen, Immune Globulin, and Serums that contain Blood Fractions are all a "Personal Decision" because they naturally pass from the Mother to the Baby inside the womb to "sustain the Baby's Life". Jehovah's Witnesses must not "sustain your life" using Blood or Blood Fractions. Some Jehovah's Witnesses accept Blood Fractions because they view them as not sustaining their lives like Blood Transfusions do. RH Immune Globulin, Factor VIII, and Albumin are allowed, even to save your life or to sustain your life.

    I would love to hear a Jehovah's Witness try to explain their Blood Policies using ONLY THE BIBLE.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Recent News Media Articles about Jehovah's Witnesses and Blood:

    Quote from "The Times" (U.K.) News


    by Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent

    June 14th, 2000

    Paul Gillies, spokesman for the Jehovah's Witnesses, who have their British headquarters in Mill Hill, North London, said that not taking blood was still a "core value" of the religion. "It is quite possible that someone who was under pressure on an operating table would take a blood transfusion because they did not want to die. The next day they might say they regretted this decision. We would then give them spiritual comfort and help. No action would be taken against them. We would just view it as a moment of weakness." He said that even if the Jehovah's Witness did not repent, they would not be expelled but would merely be viewed as having "dissociated" themselves from the religion. ________________________________________

    Quote from "Guardian Unlimited" (U.K.) News

    Blood is thicker than dogma

    James King, Guardian

    Saturday July 15, 2000

    Olle Hjarpe, the Watchtower spokesman in Sweden, told the Helsingborgs Dagblad: "To receive blood is a question of personal conscience. Earlier members were disfellowshipped if they accepted a blood transfusion. This is not the case now."________________________________________

    San Bernardino County Sun ( Newspaper,1413,208~12588~1230815,00.html

    Article Published: Saturday, March 08, 2003 - 6:35:40 PM PST

    Church lets faithful opt for PolyHeme

    Blood substitute's use an individual's choice

    By ANNETTE WELLS, Staff Writer

    Webster's defines faith as a belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion.

    The rules of the Watch Tower which guides Jehovah's Witnesses forbid members to consume their own or others' blood.

    This religious conviction, based on three passages from the Bible, applies to whole blood, packed red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets, said L.C. Cotton, associate director of Jehovah's Witnesses hospital information services.

    "We feel that the Bible clearly indicates that blood is sacred and it is not to be used for human consumption,' he said. "Though it doesn't discuss it in medical terms, Jehovah's Witnesses feel that would preclude the acceptance of it in a blood transfusion.'

    Violation could lead to loss of eternal life, the Watch Tower suggests.

    "We're not anti-life,' said Jose Urbina of Pasadena, whose father, a Rialto resident also named Jose, and other family members have undergone surgery without the use of blood.

    "As Jehovah's Witnesses, we love life, the former San Bernardino resident said. "But the issue of blood is a major thing that we have to adhere to.'

    The younger Urbina continued, "We don't want to violate Jehovah.'

    However, in January, Urbina's father became one of two patients in Orange County who have received the chemically modified hemoglobin, PolyHeme.

    Though it is not whole blood, it is derived from it.

    The question now is it still blood?

    Cotton could not answer that question but said individuals must decide whether to accept the product.

    "When blood is fractionated beyond those primary components and other blood derivatives, we feel that it is an individual decision,' he said. "If an individual's conscience will allow him to accept the product, then that would be up to that individual. That is between himself and his God.'

    As far as other Jehovah's Witnesses possibly ostracizing those who do accept hemoglobin substitutes, Cotton said it would never happen.

    "The understanding is that each person stands before God and is judged according to his own conscience,' he said. "The other Witnesses would not criticize any decisions he makes.' ___________________________

    San Bernardino County Sun ( Newspaper,1413,208~12588~1230929,00.html

    Article Published: Saturday, March 08, 2003 - 7:19:01 PM PST

    Blood substitute is surgical solution for church member

    Doctors use alternative on Rialto Jehovah's Witness

    By ANNETTE WELLS, Staff Writer

    RIALTO - Blood is sacred.

    Blood should not be eaten, and if removed from the body should be disposed of, not reused or given to someone else.

    That's the belief of Jose Urbina and other Jehovah's Witnesses.

    In January, the 56-year-old Rialto man's beliefs were tested as he nearly died because of gastrointestinal bleeding. The man's hemoglobin had dropped below critical levels, doctors said.

    Surgery to locate and treat the bleeding likely would have required a blood transfusion.

    Unable to breathe on his own, Urbina was at a crossroads.

    To his right, religion. Faith. A wife and three children.

    To his left, Urbina's physician at Community Hospital of San Bernardino. His life.

    "I told them no blood,' he said, speaking Spanish through a translator at Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center, where was transferred for a special procdure. "They knew why.'

    As a result, Urbina became one of two patients in Orange County to receive the chemically modified hemoglobin, PolyHeme.

    PolyHeme, developed by Evanston, Ill.-based Northfield Laboratories Inc., is basically recycled blood.

    Though used on a case-by-case basis depending on emergency need, PolyHeme has not been approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration, said Jason Shane, manager of Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center's Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Program.

    The program was started about 20 years ago as an alternative approach to treating patients who refused blood products. Most of the program's patients are Jehovah's Witnesses, Shane said. The others fear blood transfusions because of the potential risk of acquiring a disease from a donor.

    "The FDA knows about PolyHeme. It is currently in Phase III, the final phase, of testing,' Shane said. "But it is being used all over the country and world.'

    Dr. Vinod Melhotra, medical director of bloodless medical programs at Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center, said that before Urbina came to the Fountain Valley hospital, he was given NovoSeven, a new drug with the capability of stopping internal bleeding.

    "We needed to get the bleeding to stop or his hemoglobin levels would have dropped till he died,' Melhotra said. "Without a blood transfusion and no ability to make it, your brain cannot function.'

    Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying component of red blood cells.

    When Urbina got to Fountain Valley on Jan. 14, his hemoglobin level had dropped below 3. A level of 14 is considered normal, Melhotra said.

    "That's near fatal,' Shane said. "By this time, it is so low, you can't do surgery. And because he (was) anemic, he was not getting enough oxygen and had to be placed on a breathing machine.'

    Melhotra said, "We did not think he was going to make it.'

    PolyHeme was the only solution.

    What is PolyHeme?

    Northfield Laboratories began developing the product in 1985, said Dr. Steven Gould, the company's chief executive officer.

    To produce PolyHeme, researchers separate, filter and chemically modify blood purchased from the American Red Cross and Blood Centers of America.

    First, hemoglobin is separated from red blood cells and is filtered to remove impurities. The purified hemoglobin is then chemically modified using a multi-step process to create a polymerized form of hemoglobin.

    The modified hemoglobin is mixed into a solution and given to the patient as it would be done during a blood transfusion.

    "It looks like blood,' Melhotra said. "It comes in a plastic bag and is pre-mixed. It doesn't have any cells, and because the body doesn't react to it, it can be given to all blood types.'

    One unit of PolyHeme contains 50 grams of modified hemoglobin or the same amount of hemoglobin delivered by one unit of transfused blood.

    "We are in late-stage product development now,' Gould said. "We have data most of it has been published showing the life sustainability of our product. This data is based on cases where a person has virtually lost all of their own blood and was given our product.'

    Who qualifies

    Because PolyHeme has not received FDA approval, and it is only used as a substitute for blood in extreme acute blood-loss situations, obtaining it is a tedious task, Melhotra said.

    "Prior to product approval we have to comply with all FDA's laws,' Gould said. "We have to get authorization to use it on a case-by-case basis. If the FDA approves the individual use, it is because the individual is in a life-threatening situation.'

    In Urbina's case, a "compassionate use' approval was given because of his perilous condition and his inability to breathe on his own, Shane said.

    Urbina's approval though, took about 48 hours. "It's a great deal of work, but obviously it's worth it,' Gould said.

    After receiving approval from both Northfield and the FDA, 12 units of PolyHeme were delivered to Fountain Valley Regional for Urbina.

    He was given five units over three days.

    His hemoglobin levels gradually built back up to 10 within those days, and Urbina was weaned off PolyHeme.

    Urbina's family members said they were glad someone knew about their options.

    "They have a reputation for treating Jehovah's Witnesses with alternative blood products,' Urbina's son, also known as Jose, said about Fountain Valley Regional.

    "I have nothing but respect for the people here and the respect they had for our father's beliefs,' he said. "From the time he was in San Bernardino until he got here, my father did a complete 180.'

    Melhotra said Urbina was given other medication such as a bone marrow stimulant and folic acid.

    About two weeks later, he was transferred to a Santa Ana rehabilitation center to recover.

    "PolyHeme saved his life,' Melhotra said.


    So far, PolyHeme has only been used twice at Fountain Valley Regional, Melhotra said.

    Before Urbina, a man had arrived at the hospital with advanced leukemia and received the solution. But the man's illness was too far advanced and he died, Melhotra said.

    "PolyHeme provides a tremendous boon to patients during traumatic situations where they need blood in a hurry,' Melhotra said. "Especially when there isn't that much blood available today.'

    The one major benefit of it is that it eliminates disease transmission.

    Diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis are known to have been transmitted through blood transfusions, Shane said.

    Another benefit of PolyHeme is that it has universal compatibility. It doesn't require blood typing so it can be used immediately.

    "You don't have to cross type it,' Melhotra said. "You don't have to be part of any particular blood group to receive it.'

    PolyHeme also has an extended shelf life.

    Northfield Laboratories Inc. estimates that PolyHeme has a shelf life of about one year if refrigerated. Human blood has a shelf life of about 42 days, health officials say.

    Dr. Arthur Silvergleid, medical director and chief executive officer of the Blood Bank of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, said hemoglobin substitutes will not likely replace blood transfusions.

    He said there are a selected group of professions, such as the military, that could benefit from the products.

    "If we are in a combat situation, and soldiers have lost blood and need it quickly, hemoglobin substitutes would be helpful,' Silvergleid said. "But we're not concerned about going out of business.'

    Silvergleid said hemoglobin substitutes were looked at in the mid 1970s, and at the time, researchers said they were just a "few years away.'

    "On paper they do fine,' he said, "but they haven't completely been able to satisfy everyone.'

    San Bernardino County Sun ( Newspaper,1413,208~12588~1230873,00.html

    Article Published: Saturday, March 08, 2003 - 6:59:35 PM PST

    For Witness faithful, it's all in the blood

    Many physicians seek to accommodate their patients' beliefs

    By ANNETTE WELLS, Staff Writer

    Physicians face a unique challenge when treating Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Members of the denomination an estimated 2 million in the United States do not accept blood, and are reluctant to undergo any organ transplants requiring blood transfusion.

    According to information on the Web site for the faith ( , their religious convictions are based on the belief that all of a person's traits, including impulses to commit a crime, are contained in blood.

    If that's the case, what are hospitals left to do?

    L.C. Cotton, associate director of hospital information services for Jehovah's Witnesses, said physicians across the world, and especially here in the United States, have made efforts to accommodate their beliefs.

    In this country, there are more than 82 bloodless medicine and surgery centers and more than 30,000 physicians capable of treating patients without the use of blood products, Cotton said.

    In the world, there are more than 100,000 physicians, he said.

    "I think at one point, there was a time when doctors were more paternalistic in their view,' he said. "It was more of, 'I will tell you what you need and you don't question me.'

    "Today, more doctors want the patient to have a say in what is done to his body. The patient has a right to bodily self-determination.'

    Dr. Julius Ibanez, medical director of the emergency room department at Community Hospital of San Bernardino, and Dr. James Killeen, vice chairman of the department of surgery at Loma Linda University Medical Center, say blood isn't always needed.

    "There are very few surgical procedures where 100 percent of the time you need a blood transfusion,' Killeen said. "If somebody wanted a liver transplant without blood, that could be done.'

    In fact, in the last 20 years, a number of products have been developed for physicians to treat patients who refuse blood.

    Those products include fluids that can be used to maintain blood volume, drugs that can stimulate the production of red blood cells, blood salvaging machines and pads that can stop bleeding.

    During blood loss, a patient's blood pressure drops and the heart rate goes up, Ibanez said.

    When this occurs, and the patient refuses a blood transfusion, he or she can be given saline solutions or plasma volume expanders to replace the fluid that has been lost in arteries and veins.

    "Saline solutions and volume expanders also keep the patient's blood pressure down,' Ibanez said. "However, they are not replacements for blood.'

    Ibanez said that Community Hospital does not offer hemoglobin substitutes such as PolyHeme or Hemopure. PolyHeme, which is manufactured by Evanston,Ill.-based Northfield Laboratories Inc., is modified hemoglobin.

    Manufactured by Cambridge, Mass.-based Biopure Corp., Hemopure is purified oxygen-carrying hemoglobin solution made from cow blood.

    In addition, surgeons have tools, and the capability of performing procedures without the use of blood products, said Shane Jason, manager of the Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Program at Fountain Valley Regional Medical Center.

    "Even blood tests, which usually require a certain amount of blood, can be done with very small amounts here,' he said. "Instead of one full vile, we only need two or three drops.'

    Started in the early 1980s, Fountain Valley Regional's bloodless program is one of the oldest in the country, he said.

    "Back then, people kind of looked at us like, 'Are you nuts?' Now there are more than 200 similar programs across the country,' he said.

    Dr. Vinod Melhotra, director of the bloodless program at Fountain Valley Regional, said about 95 percent of the patients receiving treatment there are Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The other 5 percent fear disease transmittal.

    "Unless they are in dire need of surgery, we wait,' Melhotra said. "If a patient is anemic, then we would postpone surgery so that they can build up their blood count.'

    Though Loma Linda University Medical Center doesn't have a bloodless program, Killeen said surgeons there likely wouldn't have a conflict if a patient wanted such a procedure.

    However, the decision to perform the procedure would be dependent upon the degree of the medical problem, he said.

    "If the job entailed a very complicated procedure, some surgeons might not be too comfortable, especially if they had a feeling the patient would not survive,' he said.

    Ibanez said the idea is to know things in advance so that appropriate measures can be taken.

    "The first thing we do is try to identity if a patient is a Jehovah's Witness,' he said. "That way, if the patient needs blood, we know that we can not give it to them.'

    If the patient's condition is too serious for bloodless products, then there is a little bit of pleading done, he said.

    "We explain the gravity and severity of their disease and we plead with them to make an exception in this case which is very, very rare,' Ibanez said.

    "Secondly, we do as much as we can with what we have.'

    News Story

    Jehovah's Witnesses can receive blood?


    Johanna Kronlid - Copyright: Helsingborgs Dagblad

    July 19, 1998

    Jehovah's Witnesses ban on receiving blood has been relaxed. In Bulgaria Jehovah's Witnesses have agreed to let their members decide for themselves if they want to accept a blood transfusion.

    The Witnesses in Bulgaria were forced to loosen up their stand against transfusions in order to be recognized as a church. The blood ban is a very important factor in the Jehovah's Witnesses teaching. Theologians view the change in the blood stance as revolutionary, but Jehovah's Witnesses in Sweden want to de-emphasize the development.

    To receive blood is a question of personal conscience, says Olle Hjärpe, information secretary for Jehovah's Witnesses. Previously, members of Jehovah's Witnesses were disfellowshipped if they accepted a blood transfusion. This is not the case now. We talk with the person and give spiritual guidance, but we do not condemn and disfellowship if the person in question doesn't openly advocate blood transfusions. Olle Hjärpe can't recollect any case where any member has accepted a blood transfusion. The opposite is usually the case, that the members refuse transfusions. Experts claim that Jehovah's Witnesses rarely drastically change views like this. There is a lot of secrecy inside Jehovah's Witnesses. Earlier, for example, it was prohibited to accept vaccines. When this was abolished it wasn't announced loud and clear, but rather mentioned in a passing sentence, says Haakan Arlebrand, Goteborg, who has written a book about Jehovah's Witnesses. Rud Persson from Ljungbyhed left Jehovah's Witnesses after being associated for 30 years . He doesn't trust the information about the Bulgarian relaxation from the rules. "If it is correct it is revolutionary. But Jehovah's Witnesses are tricky. They can state that this is up to each individual member, but later this individual will be shunned anyway, this is bordering on persecution."

  • hawkaw

    Did I miss it or did you bring up monochorionic gestation and why are white blood cells allowed in peripheral blood stem cell autographing procedures?

    I feel for those who have needlessly died for nothing because of this every changing policy.


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