
by sandy 22 Replies latest members adult

  • sandy

    Rape / Fornication

    If a Jehovah's Witness woman does not scream and/or fight off the attacker while being raped (even if he has a gun or knife), is the woman guilty of fornication or adultery (if she is married)? Can the woman be Disfellowshipped for not screaming while being raped? Does this rule apply to children?

    Is there any Scripture anywhere in the New Testament which says that women must scream when being raped?

    I never really heard such a thing while in the Org. Do the Elders really teach that a woman must scream or she will be guilty of fornication?

    Does anyone have a story of Elders saying this to sisters? Or is there anything written in any publications?

    I know there are people who really think this way but, I want to know if the Org. prints this stuff?

  • Francois

    Is this what they teach? You bet your bippee it's what they teach. And they hold the poor woman to it as well. Re-victimization they call it. It makes the congregation guilty of assessory to rape after the fact in my opinion.


  • Elsewhere
  • Mary

    They certainly DO teach this. Although they may have slightly loosened their grip in the last year or so, (reluctanly admitting that gee, maybe if you've got a knife to your throat, maybe you're really not enjoying it), they still have an extremely backward, pathetic and nauseating attitude towards women and rape.

    Personally, I think some of those that wrote this trash needs to have duct tape put over their mouth, have someone sodomize them and then disfellowship them because they didn't scream which means they must have enjoyed the act! Also, seeing as there wasn't two witnesses to the rape, conclude that they must be lying in order to cover up their own sexual desires.


  • SloBoy


  • BluesBrother

    Interestingly, the WT 01.02.03 has an article (p.30) that I will try to epitomise fairly.

    Instruction is given, to scream ,an example is give of one whose screaming "Proved she was an unwilling victim , not guilty of wrongdoing"

    The scripture on which it is based is Deut 22.23.-27. They say the scripture does not cover all possible situations. eg she may be mute,unconscious ,paralyzed with fear or taped over the mouth. Jehovah is able to weigh all facors,including motives,He is aware of what actaully took place , leave matters in his hands

    No mention of discipline from cong., although I know that some bodies have been known to view non screaming as willing compliance

  • berylblue

    This was absolutely true in 1989. My daughter was DF for not screaming during a rape. I fought the elders with everything I had, but to no avail. She wanted out, anyway. It was HORRIBLE! My family of non-Witnesses found out and were appalled. My brother wanted to beat up the elders. None will have anything to do with JWs as a result.


  • Blueblades

    Hi Sandy,May I suggest that you get a copy of Diane Wilson's book,"Awakening of A JEHOVAH'S WITNESS".Go to chapter twenty-three, THE LAST STRAW rape.(page 253)

    I'll share with you the first paragraph. "The Watchtower Society's assigning the meaning of "Fornication" to the word "rape" if the woman does not scream during the attack had angered me ever since I had become associated with the organization. The Society's literature will now be considered in the order in which each was published,noting in particular the effects that the Society's zigzagging doctrine would have on Witness woman who had been raped but were either unable to scream,or who-------for whatever reason-------chose not to."

    I think if you put her name in search you may find that she has a site you can go to. Also I think she is mentioned right here on this site when you first come on line on freeminds. Please follow through and you will see the whole picture on the Society's sick view of equating " rape "with Fornication!


  • freedom96

    Another reason the WTS can go to hell.

  • kat_newmas

    Ok.... I have tried to back off on spewing my opinion so much... know it is a pain in the bum, but cannot resist in this case. Women are a very touchy subject with me....

    Perhaps if one (say a three hundred pound constuction worker type guy), were to grab hold to one of the Elders, and drag him into an alley way.... and do that to him..... I wonder if the Elder would be expected to scream????? I mean if this brut has a knife to Elder so&so's throat, and said "I am gonna slit you a second mouth, if you make a peep".... I just wonder.

    So, if Elder so&so remains silent... does that mean he was asking for it? is he Loose? (well he would be after that wouldnt he?... chuckles)

    (sorry for the mental visual image)

    other than that... this is just too frustrating for me to even attempt to respond to without some violent physical outburst. So in the name of not trashing my computer... I will only say, that Women, do not ask for it...... ever...... I have seen things.... and you just have to know, that is something you just dont ask for, or "tolerate". It happens TO you, not WITH you.

    I just think this is another form of control and guilt these pecks are throwing on women. It says something about the general attitude and lack of respect and human compassion, of the Governing Body.

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