Organ Transplants and Vaccinations Changes

by UnDisfellowshipped 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnDisfellowshipped
    Below is a List of Watchtower Quotes about ORGAN TRANSPLANTS and VACCINATIONS!

    Any comments on these LIFE-DESTROYING FLIP-FLOPS?

    These Changes show how DANGEROUS it is to believe in the Watchtower's Blood Policies, and all of their other EVIL POLICIES and RULES!


    (MY COMMENT: INTERESTING NOTE -- Certain Vaccinations contain Horse Blood [and other Blood]).

    The Watchtower December 1st 1991 Issue, Page 7:

    "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true."

    The Golden Age October 12th 1921 Issue, Page 17:

    "Vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice.... We are in the last days; and the devil is slowly losing his hold, making a strenuous effort meanwhile to do all the damage he can, and to his credit can such evils be placed.... Use your rights as American citizens to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccinations."

    The Golden Age January 3rd 1923 Issue, Page 214:

    "The public is not generally aware of how large an industry is the manufacture of serums, anti-toxins and vaccines, or that big business controls the whole industry.... the boards of health endeavor to start an epidemic of smallpox, diphtheria, or typhoid that they may reap a golden harvest by inoculating an unthinking community for the very purpose of disposing of this manufactured filth....
    Taking a vaccination can make you go insane. Vaccination summed up is the most unnatural, unhygienic, barbaric, filthy, abhorrent, and most dangerous system of infection known. Its vile poison taints, corrupts, and pollutes the blood of the healthy, resulting in ulcers, syphilis, scrofula, erysipelas, tuberculosis, cancer, tetanus, insanity, and death."

    The Golden Age May 1st 1929 Issue, Page 502:

    "Thinking people would rather have smallpox than vaccination, because the latter sows the seed of syphilis, cancers, eczema, erysipelas, scrofula, consumption, even leprosy and many other loathsome affections. Hence the practice of vaccination is a crime, an outrage and a delusion."

    The Golden Age November 13th 1929 Issue, Pages 106, 107:

    "Avoid serum inoculations and vaccinations as they pollute the blood stream with their filthy pus."

    The Golden Age February 4th 1931 Issue, Page 293, 294, and 297:

    "...much looseness of our day along sexual lines may be traceable to the easy and continual violation of the divine commands to keep human and animal blood apart from each other. With cells of foreign blood racing through his veins a man is not normal, not himself, but lacks the poise and balance which makes for self control."

    "...the vaccination law reduces the father and mother to mere slavery, almost as bad as the colored people were in, when their children were put up on the block and sold. In many slave-sale cases the mother and father were even forbidden to shed tears. Vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant that God made with Noah after the flood."

    "Vaccines cause demonism, and are useless."



    The Golden Age August 5th 1931 Issue, Page 727:

    We do well to bear in mind that among the drugs, serums, vaccines, surgical operations, etc., of the medical profession, there is nothing of value save in an occasional surgical procedure. Their whole so-called "science" grew out of Egyptian black magic and has not lost its demonological character. By their own admission, more deaths are caused by their practices every year in this country than from any other cause. We shall be in a sad plight when we place the welfare of the race in their hand. Readers of The Golden Age know the unpleasant truth about the clergy; they should also know the truth about the medical profession, which sprang from the same demon-worshiping shamans (doctor-priest) as did the "doctors of divinity"... medicine originated in demonology and spent its time until the last century and a half trying to exorcise demons. During the past half century it has tried to exorcise germs. Its methods are the same in both efforts at exorcism, and instead of injuring the demon or the germ, the injury is often to the patient

    Consolation March 22nd 1939 Issue, Page 21:

    "...the irrefutably logical fact that serums and vaccines are products of contamination.... rise in cancer is attributed to the use of serums.... for the best part they are but handicaps to inherent healing forces of the human body.... these are by-products of pus matter.... in reality and action it is worse than the proverbial "seven plagues".... One may go through life without having serious manifestations of what has been injected into his blood-stream, thus thinking he was "immunized", but, suddenly, it may begin its satanic work on his child, or even "unto third and fourth generation".

    The Golden Age May 31st 1939 Issue, Page 3:

    "Vaccines are a cruel hoax."

    The Watchtower December 15th 1952 Issue, Page 764:

    Is vaccination a violation of God's law forbidding the taking of blood into the system? -G. C., North Carolina.

    The matter of vaccination is one for the individual that has to face it to decide for himself.... And our Society cannot afford to be drawn into the affair legally or take the responsibility for the way the case turns out.

    Is vaccination a violation of God's law forbidding the taking of blood into the system? After consideration of the matter, it does not appear to us to be in violation of the everlasting covenant made with Noah, as set down in Genesis 9:4, nor contrary to God's related commandment at Leviticus 17:10-14. Hence all objection to vaccination on Scriptural grounds seems to be lacking.

    Most certainly it cannot reasonably or Scripturally be argued and proved that, by being vaccinated, the inoculated person is either eating or drinking blood and consuming it as food or receiving a blood transfusion. Vaccination does not bear any relationship to or any likeness to the intermarriage of angelic "sons of God" with the daughters of men, as described in Genesis 6:1-4. Neither can it be put in the same class as described at Leviticus 18:23, 24, which forbids the mingling of humans with animals. It has nothing to do with sex relations.

    Medical science, in fact, claims that vaccination actually results in building up the vitality of the blood to resist the disease against which the person is inoculated. But, of course, that is a question for each individual concerned to decide for himself and as he sees it to be Jehovah's will for him.

    We merely offer the above information on request, but can assume no responsibility for the decision and course the reader may take.

    The Watchtower November 1st 1961 Issue, Page 670:

    Since the Bible forbids the eating of blood, how are Christians to view the use of serums and vaccines? Has the Society changed its viewpoint on this? However, vaccination is a virtually unavoidable practice in many segments of modern society, and the Christian may find some comfort under the circumstances in the fact that this use is not in actuality a feeding or nourishing process, which was specifically forbidden when God said that man was not to eat blood, but it is a contamination of the human system.

    Awake! August 22nd 1965 Issue, Page 20:

    "There can be little doubt that vaccinations appear to have caused a marked decrease in the number of people contracting certain contagious diseases."

    Awake! August 8th 1993 Issue, Page 25:

    "Previous articles in this journal and its companion, The Watchtower, have presented a CONSISTENT position: It would be up to the Bible-trained conscience of the individual Christian as to whether he would accept [vaccinations] for himself and his family.

    The Watchtower October 1st 1994 Issue, Page 31:

    "Would it be proper to accept a vaccination or some other medical injection containing albumin derived from human blood? Witnesses have long realized that this is a matter for private decision in accord with each one's Bible-trained conscience. Some Christians who feel that they can in good conscience accept such injections have noted that antibodies from the blood of a pregnant woman cross into the blood of the baby in her womb."


    (MY COMMENT: INTERESTING NOTE -- Quite often, the Organs themselves contain Blood).

    At a District Convention, Nathan Knorr, the President of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society gave a Talk stating that "recieving an organ transplant is nothing short of cannablism."
    (MY COMMENT: I do not know which year, or the location of the Convention, does anyone else know?)

    The Watchtower November 15th 1967 Issue, Pages 702-704:

    Questions from Readers

    Is there any Scriptural objection to donating one's body for use in medical research or to accepting organs for transplant from such a source?-W. L., U.S.A.

    A number of issues are involved in this matter, including the propriety of organ transplants and autopsies. Quite often human emotion is the only factor considered when individuals decide these matters. It would be good, though, for Christians to consider the Scriptural principles that apply, and then make decisions in harmony with these principles so as to be pleasing to Jehovah.-Acts 24:16.

    First, it would be well to have in mind that organ transplant operations, such as are now being performed in an attempt to repair the body or extend a life-span, were not the custom thousands of years ago, so we cannot expect to find legislation in the Bible on transplanting human organs. Yet, this does not mean that we have no indication of God's view of such matters.

    When Jehovah for the first time allowed humans to eat animal flesh, he explained matters this way to Noah: "A fear of you and a terror of you will continue upon every living creature of the earth and upon every flying creature of the heavens, upon everything that goes moving on the ground, and upon all the fishes of the sea. Into your hand they are now given. Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for you. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to you. Only flesh with its soul-its blood-you must not eat." (Gen. 9:2-4) That allowance was made to Noah, from whom every person now alive descended. Hence, it applies to all of us.

    Humans were allowed by God to eat animal flesh and to sustain their human lives by taking the lives of animals, though they were not permitted to eat blood. Did this include eating human flesh, sustaining one's life by means of the body or part of the body of another human, alive or dead? No! That would be cannibalism, a practice abhorrent to all civilized people. Jehovah clearly made a distinction between the lives of animals and the lives of humans, mankind being created in God's image, with his qualities. (Gen. 1:27) This distinction is evident in His next words. God proceeded to show that man's life is sacred and is not to be taken at will, as may be done with the animals to be used for food. To show disrespect for the sanctity of human life would make one liable to have his own life taken.-Gen. 9:5, 6.

    When there is a diseased or defective organ, the usual way health is restored is by taking in nutrients. The body uses the food eaten to repair or heal the organ, gradually replacing the cells. When men of science conclude that this normal process will no longer work and they suggest removing the organ and replacing it directly with an organ from another human, this is simply a shortcut. Those who submit to such operations are thus living off the flesh of another human. That is cannibalistic. However, in allowing man to eat animal flesh Jehovah God did not grant permission for humans to try to perpetuate their lives by cannibalistically taking into their bodies human flesh, whether chewed or in the form of whole organs or body parts taken from others....

    Modern science has developed many different types of operations that involve human body parts, some common and usually successful and others experimental and often unsuccessful. It is not our place to decide whether such operations are advisable or warranted from a scientific or medical standpoint. It would be well, though, for Christians faced with a decision in this regard to consider the indication as to God's viewpoint presented in the Scriptures.-Eph. 5:10. ....

    It should be evident from this discussion that Christians who have been enlightened by God's Word do not need to make these decisions simply on the basis of personal whim or emotion. They can consider the divine principles recorded in the Scriptures and use these in making personal decisions as they look to God for direction, trusting him and putting their confidence in the future that he has in store for those who love him.-Prov. 3:5, 6; Ps. 119:105.

    Awake! June 8th 1968 Issue, Page 21:

    There are those, such as the Christian witnesses of Jehovah, who consider all transplants between humans as cannibalism...

    The Watchtower March 1st 1971 Issue, Page 134:

    Most psychiatrists and psychologists tend to overcategorize the mind and allow for little if any influence from the fleshly heart, looking upon the word "heart" merely as a figure of speech apart from its use in identifying the organ that pumps our blood.... The heart is a marvelously designed muscular pump, but, more significantly, our emotional and motivating capacities are built within it. Love, hate, desire (good and bad), preference for one thing over another, ambition, fear-in effect, all that serves to motivate us in relationship to our affections and desires springs from the heart.

    Medical World News (May 23, 1969), in an article entitled "What Does a New Heart Do to the Mind?" reported the following: "At Stanford University Medical Center last year, a 45-year-old man received a new heart from a 20-year-old donor and soon announced to all his friends that he was celebrating his twentieth birthday. Another recipient resolved to live up to the sterling reputation of the prominent local citizen who was the donor. And a third man expressed great fear of feminization upon receiving a woman's heart, though he was somewhat mollified when he learned that women live longer than men. According to psychiatrist Donald T. Lunde, a consultant to surgeon Norman Shumway's transplant team at Stanford, these patients represent some of the less severe mental aberrations [italics ours] observed in the Shumway series of 13 transplants over the last 16 months." The article continues: "Though five patients in the series had survived as of early this month, and four of them were home leading fairly normal lives, three of the nonsurvivors became psychotic before they died last year. And two others have become psychotic this year.

    Page 135:

    It is significant that heart-transplant patients, where the nerves connecting the heart and brain are severed, have serious emotional problems after the operation. The new heart is still able to operate as a pump, it having its own power supply and timing mechanism independent of the general nervous system for giving impulse to the heart muscle, but just as it now responds only sluggishly to outside influences, the new heart in turn registers few, if any, clear factors of motivation on the brain. To what extent the nerve endings of the body and the new heart are able to make some connections in time is not clear, but this cannot be ruled out as one of the several factors causing the serious mental aberrations and disorientation that doctors report are observed in heart-transplant patients.

    These patients have donor-supplied pumps for their blood, but do they now have all the factors needed to say they have a "heart"? One thing is sure, in losing their own hearts, they have had taken away from them the capacities of "heart" built up in them over the years and which contributed to making them who they were as to personality.

    Page 140:

    To illustrate, suppose the time comes when you must make a decision on buying a new suit or dress. First, the mind is confronted with certain facts. Perhaps older clothes are getting past their usefulness or there is a need for a change for some good reason. The heart comes very much into the picture too, as there is a desire at heart to look presentable. Heart and mind are in agreement that a new dress or suit be obtained. The mind now collects information on prices, quality, styles, and so forth, so that when you go shopping you have a pretty good idea which suit or dress should be purchased. But when you arrive at the store, there in the window is quite an eye-catcher, just waiting for the impulse buyer. It is not really practical for you; it involves much more money; it is rather extreme in styling; but how it tantalizes the heart! "It's the hearts delight!" Now what will be done? What decision will be made? Will it be a practical, reasoned-out one, or one according to this new desire of the heart? If you are not very careful, the heart will overwhelm the mind.

    Awake! February 22nd 1974 Issue, Pages 30-31:

    Watching the World

    Transfusion Horror

    Two babies were infected with syphilis by blood transfusions at Germany's Kiel University Clinic last year, reports Wiesbadener Kurier. Infection spread to the parents. Not knowing the source, at least one of the families involved threatened to break up, each partner accusing the other of being unfaithful. Even though the truth came out in court, the damage was done. "Two people will have told one another things of which they would be ashamed when they learned the truth," notes the article.

    More Transplant Complications

    Recently it was reported that the incidence of cancer is 100 times greater among organ-transplant recipients than among the general population. However, the frequency of brain tumors is "about 1,000 times greater," according to Dr. Wolff M. Kirsch, of the University of Colorado Medical Center. The prolonged immunosuppressive therapy to prevent rejection of the new organ frequently entangles the patient "in a snare of pathological processes," he says. Prospects for helping such patients are considered "bleak."

    Awake! March 22nd 1974 Issue, Page 21:

    It has been especially gratifying to me to see at firsthand evidence of the truthfulness of the Bible's directives on blood. The medical profession itself has gradually come to appreciate that blood is not an innocuous lifesaver. Blood transfusion is now recognized as a dangerous procedure as hazardous as any other organ transplant.

    Page 23:

    Today much is also made of the transplanting of various organs - kidneys, hearts, lungs and livers... Because of what I have reason to believe is the Creator's view of organ transplants, I have serious reservations as to their Scriptural propriety.

    The Watchtower September 1st 1975 Issue, Page 519:

    "A peculiar factor sometimes noted is a so-called personality transplant. That is, the recipient in some cases has seemed to adopt certain personality factors of the person from whom the organ came. One young promiscuous woman who received a kidney from her older, conservative, well-behaved sister, at first seemed very upset. Then she began imitating her sister in much of her conduct. Another patient claimed to receive a changed outlook on life after his kidney transplant. Following a transplant, one mild-tempered man became aggressive like the donor. The problem may be largely or wholly mental. But it is of interest, at least, that the Bible links the kidneys closely with human emotions."

    The Watchtower March 15th 1980 Issue, Page 31:

    Questions from Readers

    Should congregation action be taken if a baptized Christian accepts a human organ transplant, such as of a cornea or a kidney?

    Regarding the transplantation of human tissue or bone from one human to another, this is a matter for conscientious decision by each one of Jehovah's Witnesses. ....

    Clearly, personal views and conscientious feelings vary on this issue of transplantation. It is well known that the use of human materials for human consumption varies all the way from minor items, such as hormones and corneas, to major organs, such as kidneys and hearts. While the Bible specifically forbids consuming blood, there is no Biblical command pointedly forbidding the taking in of other human tissue. For this reason, each individual faced with making a decision on this matter should carefully and prayerfully weigh matters and then decide conscientiously what he or she could or could not do before God. It is a matter for personal decision. (Gal. 6:5) The congregation judicial committee would not take disciplinary action if someone accepted an organ transplant.

    The Watchtower September 1st 1984 Issue, Pages 3-7:

    What are we to understand, then, by the word heart?.... What an amazing number of different functions and capabilities are ascribed to the heart! Do all of these reside in the literal heart? That could hardly be so.... in nearly a thousand other references to heart in the Bible, heart is obviously used in a figurative sense.... obviously, a distinction must be drawn between the heart organ and the figurative heart.

    The Watchtower June 1st 1986 Issue, Page 15:

    The ancient Egyptians believed that the physical heart was the seat of intelligence and the emotions. They also thought that it had a will of its own. The Babylonians said that the heart housed the intellect as well as love. The Greek philosopher Aristotle taught that it was the seat of the senses and the domain of the soul. But as time passed and knowledge increased, these views were discarded. Finally the heart became known for what it is, a pump to circulate the blood throughout the body.

    Awake! May 22nd 1994 Issue, Page 7:

    Bloodless Heart Transplant

    Last October, three-year-old Chandra Sharp was admitted to a hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A., with a heart that was not only enlarged but also failing. She was undernourished, her growth stunted, her weight only 19 pounds [9 kg], and she needed a heart transplant. She was given only a few weeks to live. Her parents agreed to the transplant but not to blood transfusion. They are Jehovah's Witnesses.

    This was no issue with the surgeon, Dr. Charles Fraser. The Flint Journal of Michigan reported on December 1, 1993: "Fraser said the Cleveland Clinic and other medical centers are becoming adept at performing many surgeries including transplants without the infusion into the patient of other people's blood. We have learned more about how to conserve blood, and how to prime the heart-lung machine with solutions other than blood, said Fraser." He then added: "Some specialty hospitals have for decades been doing major cardiovascular operations without blood transfusions... We always try to do surgery without (transfused) blood."

    The Official Watchtower Publications Index 1930-1985 is carefully edited to remove any mention of "organ transplants." Please verify this for yourself.

    How many people DIED because of these Policies?

    How many people became VERY SICK or had SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS because of these Policies?

    How many CHILDREN had ACID MARKS BURNED INTO THEIR ARMS by Jehovah's Witness Doctors at the request of their Parents to make it look like they had VACCINATIONS?

    How many people were DISFELLOWSHIPPED because they disobeyed these Policies, which are no longer in effect? Were they ever Re-Instated when the Policies changed?


    Here are a few VERY GOOD Scriptures on this subject:

    Matthew 12:7: "But if you had known what this means, 'I DESIRE COMPASSION, AND NOT A SACRIFICE,' you would not have condemned the innocent.

    Matthew 15:10: After Jesus called the crowd to Him, He said to them, "Hear and understand.
    Matthew 15:11: "It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man."

    Matthew 15:17: "Do you not understand that everything that goes into the mouth passes into the stomach, and is eliminated?
    Matthew 15:18: "But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man.
    Matthew 15:19: "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders.

    If anyone knows any other Watchtower Quotes or Scriptures on these subjects, or if you would like to comment on them, please Post.

    I hope this info really helps people!

    I have Edited this Post to add more Quotes!

    Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 15 September 2002 7:56:33

  • Swan

    To this day I do not know for sure which vaccinations I did and didn't get as a child. Just one more aspect of being a person raised in "The Truth."


  • Faraon

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  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    Vaccines | Accurate Advice

    Dr Trozzi's 4 minute message and The World Council For Health's newly released statement.

    Dr Trozzi’s 4 minute message and The World Council For Health’s newly released statement.

    Dr Trozzi 4 minute video message regarding vaccines and our children.

    A Common-sense Approach to Childhood Vaccines is Now Needed.

    By World Council for Health September 5, 2023

    The number of vaccines given to babies and children has increased dramatically without the necessary due diligence by regulatory authorities. Parents are urged to adopt a common-sense, ‘Safer to Wait” approach.

    Growing international concerns about vaccine regulatory processes and vaccine safety have emerged following the widespread regulatory failure of Covid-19 vaccines. The Covid-19 crisis has demonstrated that regulatory bodies, once public watchdogs, are now at best incompetent and at worst have been deeply corrupted by pharmaceutical industry interests.

    In the context of emerging revelations of regulatory body incompetence and corruption, e.g. The Perseus Report, the WCH Health and Science Committee notes that:

    • Several research studies now indicate that vaccinated children have far worse health outcomes with higher rates of many chronic diseases than non-vaccinated children.
    • The integrity of scientific research and the regulatory process of childhood vaccines, including the new nasal ‘flu’ vaccine, now being administered en masse in schools is in question.
    • Pharmaceutical corporations have a long-standing history of misrepresenting products that cause injuries and deaths. Pfizer, for instance, has paid the largest criminal settlement in history for drug fraud. The childhood vaccination schedule provides these unscrupulous corporations with unregulated access to the bodies of our children.
    • Modern society is experiencing unprecedented rates of autism, asthma, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, obesity, depression and more, for which the root cause/s have not been established.
    • Much of what we have been told about the success of early vaccines, including smallpox and polio vaccines is emerging as untrue. Clean water, modern plumbing, hygiene, refrigeration, and improved nutrition are real factors that have correlated with the dramatic reduction in many infectious diseases over the past century.
    • National regulatory agencies have never done the necessary evaluation to determine whether vaccines given to children alone or together according to the ever-expanding childhood vaccination schedules are associated with poor health outcomes compared with children who are not vaccinated.
    • National regulatory agencies have been turning a blind eye to the mounting evidence linking childhood vaccination with autism that has emerged since a possible link was first suggested in 1998.
    • National regulatory agencies have also been turning a blind eye to the mounting evidence linking childhood vaccination with other diseases, including asthma, allergies, bowel disease.
    • The vast majority of children find vaccination with needles painful and long-term psychological harms, including disruption to breastfeeding and maternal bonding, have not been properly evaluated.
    • There are serious concerns among experts that existing childhood vaccines will be converted to mRNA technology, which has never been proven safe for use in vaccines for adults let alone children, and that this will be done without public awareness, consent and a robust research and regulatory process.
    • With regard to Covid-19 vaccination, evidence from independent experts and official international databases show that the Covid-19 vaccines are not effective and are not safe, raising serious questions around the authorisation of the Covid-19 vaccines for babies and children.

    In addition to these specific considerations, the burgeoning vaccination schedule for children needs to be viewed in the context of the following supranational developments in global health policy:

    • The World Health Organisation (WHO) and its private and state stakeholders have financial and ideological interests in the provision of vaccines and has committed to providing 500 vaccines by 2030.
    • The WHO and its stakeholders are working for the pharmaceutical industry and creating legislation that would give them the power to mandate injections by force for you and your children.
    • The WHO supports gain-of-function research, facilitating the creation of dangerous pathogens as well as the vaccines to combat newly created pathogens, thus creating a self-perpetuating vaccine industry based on fear.

    In the current circumstances, the World Council for Health urges parents to consider childhood vaccination very carefully and adopt a common-sense, “Safer to Wait” approach to the vaccination of your boys and girls.

    Don’t fall for the vaccine fearmongering and guilt-provoking propaganda.

    For the sake of all children and a healthy society it is time that we question our blind faith in vaccines, the corporations that produce them, and the regulatory bodies and supranational organisations that enable and profit directly or indirectly through their authorisation.

    The World Council for Health will continue to bring you supportive information and resources to help you optimize your family’s health naturally. Be assured that reducing infectious disease and maximizing your children’s health is rooted in wholesome nutrition, good physical and mental hygiene, a healthy outdoor lifestyle and your unconditional love.


    1. WCH meeting #101, August 28th 2023.
    2. Anthony R. Mawson et al., “Preterm Birth, Vaccination and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Cross-Sectional Study of 6- to 12-Year-Old Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children,” Journal of Translational Science 3, no. 3 (2017): 1-8, doi:10.15761/JTS.1000187.
    3. Anthony R. Mawson, et al., “Pilot Comparative Study on the Health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated 6 to 12-year-old U.S. Children,” Journal of Translational Science 3, no. 3 (2017): 1-12, doi:10.15761/JTS.1000186.
    4. Brian Hooker and Neil Z. Miller, “Analysis of Health Outcomes in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children: Developmental Delays, Asthma, Ear Infections and Gastrointestinal Disorders,” SAGE Open Medicine 8, (2020): 2050312120925344, doi:10.1177/2050312120925344.
    5. Brian Hooker and Neil Z. Miller, “Health Effects in Vaccinated versus Unvaccinated Children,” Journal of Translational Science 7, (2021): 1-11, doi:10.15761/JTS.1000459.
    6. James Lyons-Weiler and Paul Thomas, “Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses along the Axis of Vaccination,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 22 (2020): 8674, doi:10.3390/ijerph17228674.
    7. Wakefield AJ, et al. Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children. The Lancet. 1998.
    8. Turtles All The Way Down. Vaccine Science and Myth. 2022. Editor: Zoey O’Toole. Foreword by Mary Holland.
    9. Kirsch S.If vaccines don’t cause autism, then how do you explain all this evidence? May 2023.
    10. Vax-Unvax. Let the Science Speak. August 2023. Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Brian Hooker, PhD.
    11. Countering the WHO’s “Big Catch-up” Global Campaign and Immunization Agenda 2030. WCH Statement. May 12, 2023.
    12. Rejecting Monopoly Power over Global Public Health. WCH Policy Brief. May 2023.

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