What is the Governing Body doing now?

by sunshineToo 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo

    According to "Crisis of Conscience", the GB didn't have power/control before 1975. The corporation ( the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Inc.) had the power, and they were neglecting the people. After the 1975 commotion, they tried to act like the GB. So they took over the control. It's hard to say whether they made a big difference. Well, they printed out semi-apology in the Watchtower mag. regarding their missed 1975 prophecy 5 years later.

    But I remember hearing maybe in year 2000 that the corporation got the power again, and the GB is dealing only the spiritual matter - meaning they got pushed aside.

    Does anyone have any news regarding this?

  • Farkel

    : But I remember hearing maybe in year 2000 that the corporation got the power again, and the GB is dealing only the spiritual matter - meaning they got pushed aside.

    This is true. No GB member acts as a director of any WT Corporation. This "loving provision" from Jehovah allows them to spend all their time dealing with "spiritual matters" and having their diapers changed. Ted Jaracz didn't like this arrangement at all, because he is now aware that, legally speaking, he serves only at the pleasure of the (mostly) non-anointed directors of the various WT Corporations.


  • aluminutty

    They've been pushed aside with the restructuring that occured. Me thinks it gives them more time to poop their pants, and make asses of themselves. God's representatives on earth. Please, spare me.

  • belbab

    My question that I have asked before is:

    Who holds the purse strings, who signs the cheques?


  • Salud

    Besides living in the infirmary most of the time, not much. Beign a member of the GB is not what it used to be years ago. Part of the problem is finding enough 'qualified' anointed men to run the show. Hence they have had to resort to those of the 'other sheep' to carry most of the load. Because of the shifting of this the balance of power has had to be distributed among the many different committees. That is why you hear of the power struggle going on within the WT and it's various committees and departments, esp. Service, Writing, and Legal.

    The only figure head that somewhat emerges from the GB class with any wielding authority is T. Jaracz. But even he is having to deal with his own demons, and is not liked by some members of the GB and many of the Bethel family.

  • metatron

    Too bad they can't put him in front of a firing squad
    after a fair trial.


  • 13th_apostate

    you know, it still astounds me that while I was in the borg, I never gave any thought as to who actually really made the decisions at bethel. elders in my cong always made it out to sound like some mythical body, it was always "the brothers at bethel" this and "the governing body " that. it was as if this group of men were superpowered, like they all thought the same and came to the same conclusions and that it was due to jehovah that they are able to make the wise decisions. reading franz's first book finally nudged that inane idea from my head. amazing the things intelligent people can talk themselves into believing.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    A close examination of the Bible will show that God's people were ALWAYS led by a committee.

    Abel, Enoch, Noah, Moses, Abraham, David, Jesus: these were committeees, not individuals.

    Yeah, right.

    Modern History of a Puppet

    Charles Taze Russell created the Jehovah sock-puppet in his own image. Russell sent the sock-puppet to Egypt to measure the Great Pyramid at Giza, and he had the mute puppet point at prophecies and dogma stolen from Wm. Miller, Second Adventists, and 19th century pop culture.

    C.T.Russell wanted to leave the sock-puppet to his friends when he died but Judge Joseph Franklin Rutherford stole the sock-puppet (Russell was in heaven but accepted The Judge's treachery as part of God's plan), and Joe performed a total immersion baptism of the sock-puppet in Canadian Whiskey and remade the foul mouthed abusive little bastard in HIS image. Under Rutherford's direction, Fred Franz tried his hand at giving the sock-puppet a prophetic voice, which started out squeeky and poorly defined. Word is that the sock puppet show in San Diego, CA had to be seen to be believed: "Resurrection & Puppet Show" read the marquee.

    Then the Judge died and left the sock-puppet to the dynamic duo of Rutherford's faithful acolytes, Nathan Knorr and Freddy Franz. Nathan washed out most of the alcohol residue and insanity but kept the cold efficient businesslike (and gay) mannerisms. Freddy, now unencumbered by The Judge (who was in heaven), fully developed the sock-puppet's voice, Fred discovered that the sock-puppet had a calendar fetish. SCHWING! Suddenly everything (everything!!) pointed to 1975.

    Having spent so much time swimming in bullshit, Nathan Knorr's brain siezed upon the cancer exit strategy, and within "days or weeks, certainly not months or years" (actually it was two years) of 1975, Nathan checked out to go to his heavenly manse, leaving the whole show to Fred.

    For seventeen years Fred tried to get the sock puppet to explain to him why the 1975 prophecy didn't come true. "I never said that - YOU said that" is all that the sock-puppet replied before refusing to speak further on the subject. Then Fred went to his de-luxe apartment in the sky.

    Henshel was a cypher, Nobody knows what he did for seven years. Not much, you can bet. He was afraid of the sock-puppet as a result of a childhood trauma.

    Today the sock-puppet sits locked in a box somewhere in a Bethel storage room. For a while the Governing Body tried to operate the sock-puppet, but the sock-puppet complained about having twelve arms up his ass. Don Adams has asked to just see the sock-puppet, just once, pretty please, but the Governing Body decided that since Mr. Don Adams is not anointed, he may not see the golden tablets sock-puppet.

    Religion by committee!

    Nice and bland, backpedal, backpedal, mainstream, mainstream!

    "We never said THAT, and we're certainly not going to say THIS!"

    Swear loyalty to the diaper brigade and all the things they teach, and all the things they DON'T teach.

    Monitor those damned apostates - maybe we can steal some good ideas from them.

    Oops! Ted had another accident!


    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 19 July 2002 13:58:33

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 19 July 2002 14:2:3

  • Satanus
  • zev

    i think i found what they are doing......


    Edited by - zev on 19 July 2002 15:30:44

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