NCC reaches out to WTS / LDS !!!

by Amazing 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    The Watchtower membership in the UN was, and continues to be major news. On another front, a more slow and subtle change is emerging. The National Council of Churches in the USA ( a member of the World Council of Churches) ... has made a policy statement regarding two 'cult-like' denominations:

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) and Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower Society). The Mormons at one time denounced the nominal Christian churches as an apostate abonmination (language we are familiar with ) and now the Mormon Church is in negotiations with the NCC!

    The Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) are not as of yet in negotiations, but has opted to not call the JWs a cult or to say that the JWs are not Christian ... therefore, the NCC has paved the way for negotiations. The NCC had modified and modeated many of its official positions, but it has not yet modified it requirements on the Trinity teaching, and this likely is stopping the Mormons from full membership ... and certainly would stop the WTS.

    It seems unlikely, however, that a large and significant organization as the NCC would not take these moderating steps unless there were at least some private dialogue going on with the WTS - though I have no evidence of this. Still, the fact that the NCC has taken steps to reach out in this way, at least sends a signal to the WTS ... and is paving the way for the WTS to get their NCC Library Card.

    Here is what the NCC says:

    Interfaith Relations and the Churches

    A Brief Theological Introduction to the Policy Statement By Bert F. Breiner, Co-Director for Interfaith Relations, NCCCUSA

    Preliminary Notes

    Paragraph 3 deliberately avoids making statements about a number of controversial issues. It does not, for example, attempt a definition of what constitutes a "religion." Some Buddhists, for example, would not consider Buddhism to be a "religion." It is often difficult to determine exactly what constitutes a religious tradition and what does not. For the same reason, the document does not deal with the question of modern "cults" and what constitutes a "cult" and what should be recognized as a bona fide religion. It also does not deal with the borders of Christianity. It does not, for example, pronounce on whether or not Jehovahs Witnesses and Mormons are to be considered Christian.It is, however, interesting to note that the NCCC conducts its growing relationship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as an interfaith relationship.

    Finally, I have been working on something for months now that blends in with this, and I want to tell you in the worst way ... but I have to wait a while longer ... and I promise, it WILL be a Bombshell when I am able to release the information. Stay tuned for more.

    You can check the NCC web site yourself at:

    The Prelimiary Notes:

    The FULL POLICY Statement:

    Both of these documents are worth reading ... the NCC is trying hard to accept and deal with realities in the Christian faith today ... and maybe, just maybe ... the WTS will come around one day ...

    Edited by - Amazing on 5 July 2002 10:50:39

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    It is my understanding that the WCC is a communist front. This organization had been exposed as such back in the forties.

    Guest 77

  • voltaire

    What would be the effect on the rank and file if the WTS were to join the NCC? A woman who works with my dad was a member of The Worldwide Church of God before they made drastic changes in their doctrine. They were rather similar to JWs, no birthdays, Christmas, etc. She was thoroughly disillusioned. On the other hand, so many witnesses are new, I think it would be relatively easy for the society to introduce changes.

    A year ago I would have laughed at the mere sugestion of the Wt joining the NCC. I might have questioned your sanity. But after having joined the UN, who knows? Is it any worse, from the WT point of view, to get into bed with Babylon the Great thanwith the wild beast?

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    He just clearly said the NCC would allow nontrinitarian groups to belong. What would however upset some JWs is that previous articles had spoken against other groups, but then they have worked with the UN as an official NGO or did rather for 10 years. And not at all unlikely they "unofficially" still work with the UN as well as the NCC. They would simply tell JW rank-and-file, that they meet and confer where necessary with the NCC but it does not mean that they are part of it in the sense of having to give up their teachings. Or something of that order.

  • minimus

    There is 1 thing that I am clearly seeing going on with many people and that is that when these things start coming out people's faith in the organization slowly begins to dissipate.They may not express it right away but in the right circumstances they will say that they are bewildered. Eventually, they begin to question things.But it all starts with being exposed to questionable things a little at a time. There is no 1 thing that will shock people to leave the organization unless there is a cumulative effect making something the last straw.

  • metatron

    What is more interesting to me than the slide in the average
    Witnesses faith is my long held suspicion that the guys who
    run this sick organization don't really believe in it any more.

    Don't get me wrong - I think some old looneys like Barr are sincere
    however, the men in the middle must be losing it. The guys who
    should be writing Official Apologias in the Society's name are
    increasingly silent. All you get instead are poorly crafted lies
    and half truths typical of a system that's lost any depth of
    doctrine. I also can't fathom what these guys tell themselves
    while quietly dancing away from the blood issue.

    When the Soviet Union collapsed, the leadership had become
    completely cynical while the ordinary citizen still was fanatical,
    if a bit weary.

    I think that example applies here.


  • mustang

    This highlights another of the "fringe" doctrines that JWs espouse: INTERFAITH.

    And JWs party line for this one has always been: "WE DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THOSE FALSE RELIGIONS"!!! This automatically assumes all others are wrong and says stay away from them in one breath.

    Somebody in chat told me the other night that "nothing had changed" in Dub-Land in the last 20 years!!! ROFLMAO.

    Well, save all your reference material: CDs, old WTs and such. Here comes another of those changes "that dont happen".


  • blondie


    *** w84 1/15 24 Insight on the News ***

    Non-Sexist Bible

    "For God so loved the world that God gave Gods only Child, that whoever believes in that Child should not perish, but have eternal life." That translation may sound odd to you. But it is the way John 3:16 is rendered in a new 192-page translation of Bible readings, The Inclusive Language Lectionary, released by the National Council of Churches.

    "This lectionary tries to speak of God as beyond differentiations of sex," says its introduction. So that its readers are "not overwhelmed by male metaphors," the translation uses expressions such as "God my Father and Mother" for "Father," "Child" for "Son," "Sovereign One" for "Lord," and so forth. Thus, Jesus prayer on the night of his arrest begins: "God my Mother and Father, the hour has come; glorify your Child that your Child may glorify you."John 17:1.

    Among those voicing disapproval of the translation is Princeton Theological Seminary professor Bruce Metzger, who said: "To explain that God transcends differences of gender is the work of the religious educator, not the Bible translator." What the new lectionary has done is "tantamount to rewriting the Bible," he added. Apparently, in its effort to ally itself with the womens liberation movement (and to uphold the ordination of women), the National Council of Churches has seen fit to alter Gods Word.

    The Pharisees and scribes of Jesus day had their own ideas and causes to espouse, and in so doing they rendered Gods Word void. Jesus said of them, "You have made the word of God invalid because of your tradition." Modern-day "Pharisees" are trying to do something similar. But their worship is no more acceptable to God than was that of the ancient Pharisees concerning whom Jesus added: "It is in vain that they keep worshiping [God], because they teach commands of men as doctrines."Matthew 15:6, 9.

    *** w82 12/15 11 Insight on the News ***

    A Waning "Product"

    A study recently released at the headquarters of the National Council of Churches in New York revealed results of a major investigation of American religion. One of the directors of the study, Professor William Newman of the University of Connecticut, stated that "the present generation in middle adulthood in general uses the product [religion] less." He also noted that Americans generally "are less enamored of religion." And The New York Times report on the study added: "Church membership from 1971 to 1980 failed to keep pace with the rate of the nations population growth, reversing a pattern of church prosperity in the previous two decades." Less than half of all adults now belong to a church or synagogue.

    Thus the Biblically prophesied drying up of support for religion continues, just as the waters of the river Euphrates were dried up to prepare the way for the destruction of ancient Babylon. Today, "Babylon the Great," the world empire of false religion, is also losing its "waters," portending a similar outcome.Revelation 16:12; 17:1, 5, 15, 16.

    *** w66 6/1 345 Can You Avoid the Mark of the Beast? ***

    What about Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion? Does she worship the beast and its image? Consider these facts: In all the nations, the religions of Babylon the Great turn the people to their own nationalistic governments for hope of life and peace. In many places the Church is united with the State. The most aggressive member in Great Babylon, namely, Christendom, heartily backed up the formation of the League of Nations as proposed by the Anglo-American World Power in 1918. In January of 1919 the National Council of Churches of Christ in America termed the proposed League of Nations "the political expression of the kingdom of God on earth."

    *** g70 2/22 3-4 How Does the National Council Stand with God? ***

    THE National Council of Churches is the largest federation of religions in the United States. It is said to be made up of 33 Protestant and Orthodox denominations with a combined membership of about 42 million persons.

    These churches say they represent God. Thus, one should expect the Council to be in harmony with Gods requirements, for Gods own Word says: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments."1 John 5:3.

    It was of interest, therefore, to read the following from the New York Times of December 5, 1969: "Mrs. Theodore O. Wedel, a 61-year-old former church executive, defeated a militant black candidate today to become the first woman president of the National Council of Churches." Mrs. Wedel is an Episcopalian. Yet, the Times noted: "The Episcopal Church is one of the few Protestant denominations in the country that still refuses to ordain women."

    Episcopalians thus find themselves in a dilemma. They do not ordain women as church leaders. Yet one of their women members is now the head of the organization of which they are a part.

    When God created man and woman, he equipped each of them with wonderful mental and physical qualities to care for their respective roles. God created the man to be family head: "A husband is head of his wife." (Eph. 5:23) The woman was excellently suited for her rolethat of wife and mother.

    However, we also read: "The head of every man is the Christ," and "in turn the head of the Christ is God." (1 Cor. 11:3) In the Christian congregation, men are to take the lead. But they are not to try to take over the role of Christ, acting as if they are mediators between their fellow worshipers and God. (1 Tim. 2:5) In the same way, women are not authorized by God to take over the mens role of presiding and instructing in the Christian congregation. Gods Word says: "I do not permit a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man." (1 Tim. 2:12) And: "It is disgraceful for a woman to speak in a congregation," that is, in a manner that challenges the headship of men.1 Cor. 14:35.

    But if there are things the woman does not understand, what then? Instead of disputing with those to whom God has given the assignment, Gods Word says: "If, then, they want to learn something, let them question their own husbands at home." U.S. News & World Report of December 15 states: "Disputes over such issues as black power, the war in Vietnam and draft resistance are raising large questions about the future of the National Council of Churches." Over these disputes a woman now presides, contrary to the principle that only men are to preside in the Christian congregation.

    How does the Council measure up in other regards? Earlier in 1969 a commission of the Council condoned student violence in the belief that "God is in some way present in the midst of these movements, and we would be prepared to see in them His creating of a new order." But nowhere does the Bible teach this. Jesus did not promote communism, capitalism, socialism, revolution or any other such philosophy. He taught that God will replace all present systems with the kingdom of God.Matt. 6:10; Dan. 2:44.

    Christians, Jesus commanded, are to preach "this good news of the kingdom . . . in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matt. 24:14) But of the Councils actual work, two ministers said: "The National Council of Churches does have as its primary objective the preaching of the gospel of Christ . . . It has become an ecclesiastical power bloc, aiming for a powerful super-church, which would be the instrument of revolutionary, social and political change."

    That the Council has deviated so far from Gods commands should come as no surprise when we consider the spiritual health of its member churches. A poll taken of Council delegates found that 33 percent of them doubted that "God really exists," and 62 percent doubted that "miracles actually happened just as the Bible says they did." An Episcopal minister said of the Genesis account of creation: "Its a myth in the true sense." Another maintained that the Ten Commandments were out of date, irrelevant to modern society.

    Episcopal theologian J. Fletcher said that in some cases fornication could be more moral than married love, lying more Christian than telling the truth, stealing more acceptable than respecting private property. Episcopal minister F. Wood told an all-girl college: "There are no laws attached to sex. I repeat: absolutely no laws. . . . Premarital intercourse . . . can be very beautiful." And ninety Episcopalian priests classified homosexual acts between consenting adults as "morally neutral," declaring that it may even be a good thing.

    But Gods Word declares: "Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons . . . will inherit Gods kingdom." (1 Cor. 6:9, 10) Do you believe God, or the clergy who say the opposite of what God says?

    Is your church a member of the Council? If so, it shares responsibility for what the Council says and does. And what the Council is saying and doing is contrary to what Gods commands are. Hence, the Council is in fact turning its back on God, and is responsible for misleading others to do the same.

    What about you? Are you a member of a church that belongs to the Council? Do you think you will please God by remaining part of any system that proves by its fruits that it has turned away from God and is influencing others to do the same?Matt. 7:19, 20.

  • Amazing

    Hi Mustang:

    Well, save all your reference material: CDs, old WTs and such. Here comes another of those changes "that dont happen".

    Excellent and so true! I spit out my coffee when I read this. Yes, and there IS more to follow. Thanks again.

  • Amazing

    Blondie: Thanks for the past WTS quotes about the NCC ... it will be interesting to see what the future brings on this issue.

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