Research, JW Style

by DakotaRed 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    Also from the new School Book, on page 33, there is a chapter entitled, "How To Do Research." On the right side of the page, there is a box listing appropriate research material:

    1. New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.

    2. Comprehensive Concordance

    3. The Watchtower and Awake

    4. Reasoning From The Scriptures.

    5. Jehovah's Witnesses -- Proclaimers of God's kingdom.

    6. Insight on the Scriptures.

    7. Watchtower Publications Index.

    8. Watchtower Library on CD-ROM.

    Where is Vines Expository Dictionary, Strongs Exhaustive Bible Concordance, Smiths Bible Library, Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary, etc etc.?

    On page 37, there is another paragraph entitled, "Other Theocratic Libraries." It discusses Pauls valuing of certain writings and how he kept them. Then, it says, "Do you save your personal copies of the Watchtower, Awake!, and Our Kingdom Ministry, even after these have been used at congregation meetings?"

    Nowhere in the entire chapter is the student encouraged to look outside the Societies publications at all, not even for another Bible translation. Only their own NWT.

    How sad to think that many follow this blindly and still claim to independently research all points.

  • VioletAnai

    And all the while I've been hearing that the only tool we need to refer to is THE BIBLE - not bible-based aids.

  • DakotaRed

    Well, Violet, they do list "THEIR" translation first. However, when it is convenient, they do quote from other translations.

  • Haereticus


    Instead Bible study it should be referred as WTBTS litter(ature) study or something to that direction. But only if one prefers to be honest.

  • Hyghlandyr

    Sounds a lot like research Christian style. Vines Expository? Or Strongs? Or the Bible?

    How about the Egyptian Book of the Dead?
    The Baghvad Gita?
    The Tain Bó Culaigne?
    The Murder of Hypatia?
    The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold?
    The Jesus Puzzle. Did Christianity Begin with a Mythical Christ? : Challenging the Existence of an Historical Jesus ?
    The Real Jesus : The Misguided Quest for the Historical Jesus and Truth of the Traditional Gospels ?
    The Historical Jesus : Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ ?
    The Fabrication of the Christ Myth??

    As a starting list. JWs arent doing anything that christians havent done for centuries. Censoring, destroying and controlling information so that only their misperception of reality is allowed to filter through.

  • Bang

    Non-prophet litter-at-ya.

    I like that.


  • Preston

    Here's a funny story:

    When I became active within the congregation, and doing a lot of research, i brought the King James Version of the Bible to the book study just for the heck of it. Well...I was asked to read a scripture from the Bible, and as I was done reading it I was really put on the spot and was "encouraged" to bring the NWT "next time". Thanks for the embarrasment!!!

    Lesson: Beware of religions that have a monopoly on Bible translation.

  • r51785

    How about some older WT books:

    Millions Now Living Will Never Die
    Comfort for the Jews
    Let God Be True
    Harp of God
    From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained

    So much spiritual food...
    So little time.

  • waiting

    Ahhhhh, the older books.

    Gently referred to as:

    "writings before the light was bright."

    "They had some things wrong back then - but they were honest hearted."

    "It's alright to have these in your library, but not to read them. It might confuse you."

    And currently suggested:

    "Why not contribute these old books to your local kingdom hall for historical significance?"

  • Satanus

    When i was in the process of apostatising, before i was dfd, i asked my mother if she would give me some of her old books. She refused. Gave 'em to the kingdung hall instead. I guess she thought that in my hands they woulda bin like bombs or guns or sumpthin. Ain't my mother great?


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