80 Questions

by teejay 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    1. Who is the true God?

    2. What kind of God is Jehovah?

    3. What does it mean to know God?

    4. What does the Bible mean when it says that Jehovah requires our exclusive devotion?

    5. How will Jehovah God sanctify his name? How can we have a share in it?

    6. Who is Jesus Christ, and what is his position in relation to Jehovah God?

    7. Why did Jesus die a sacrificial death?

    8. How is the ransom an expression of God's love for mankind?

    9. How does the ransom affect us as individuals?

    10. What is the holy spirit?

    11. How can we benefit from the operation of that spirit today?

    12. Whose ideas are recorded in the Bible? Does that mean that God personally spoke or wrote it all? Is all of it true??

    13. Why should we pray, to whom, and how often?

    14. About what is it proper to pray?

    15. What is the kingdom of God?

    16. What does it mean to "seek first the kingdom"?

    17. When Christ returns, is it visibly as a man, or how?

    18. How can people know when his second presence occurs?

    19. What is God's purpose for the earth?

    20. How will this purpose be realized?

    21. What conditions will prevail on earth in God's new system of things?

    22. Who is the Devil? What is his origin?

    23. Against what spiritistic practices employed by the Devil and his demons doest the Bible warn us?

    24. How can we protect ourselves against the influence of these wicked spirits?

    25. Why has God permitted wickedness to continue till now?

    26. By what means will God destroy the wicked?

    27. What is the human soul? Can it die?

    28. What is sin, and how did we all become sinners?

    29. What should be our attitude toward committing sins?

    30. Do only those who have committed gross sins or flagrant violations of God's Word need to repent?

    31. What is death?

    32. Why do people die?

    33. What future hope for life is there for one who dies?

    34. How many from among mankind will be in heaven with Christ?

    35. What will they do there?

    36. Are Christians under the law covenant with its requirements of Sabbath keeping and sacrifice?

    37. What Christian quality should outstandingly characterize our relationship with our spiritual brothers and with the member of our own families??

    38. In God’s arrangement, who is head of a married woman?

    39. How should a husband exercise his headship?

    40. Is the wife whose husband in not a believer freed from his headship?

    41. Who is responsible before God for the training and disciplining of children?

    42. May a Christian have more than one living marriage mate?

    43. What is the only Scriptural basis for divorce that frees one to remarry?

    44. Must personal living together as husband and wife have their marriage legally registered with the government?

    45. Why must lying be avoided?

    46. What is the Christian view of stealing?

    47. What is the Christian view of drunkenness?

    48. What is God’s law concerning blood?

    49. What doest the Bible say about fornication, adultery, and sexual relations with another person of the same sex and other loose conduct? May a person who is engaging in such practices be baptized?

    50. Why is moral cleanness of all personal among Jehovah’s people important to every one of us?

    51. When difficulties arise between individuals because of serious wrongs, what is the Christian way to handle the situation?

    52. What action does the congregation take when a person in its midst proves to be a persistent and unrepentant violator of God’s commandments?

    53. If a person in weakness commits a serious sin, but he wants help to be restored to Jehovah’s favor, what action should he take?

    54. What is the proper viewpoint to have when one is scripturally reproved?

    55. What is the fruitage of the spirit, and is it reasonable to expect a Christina to manifest this fruitage in his life?

    56. How should Christians view the shortcomings of fellow believers?

    57. What does the Bible say about sharing with other religious groups in worship or any of the other activities in which they engage?

    58. What is the only religious celebration that Christians are commanded to observe?

    59. What Bible principles should guide us in determining whether other celebrations that are popular in the community are acceptable for Christians?

    60. Whom does the Bible identify as the “ruler of the world” and “the god of this system of things”?

    61. What is the position of Christians as to the world alienated from God?

    62. What was Jesus’ attitude toward all participation in the political affairs of the world?

    63. How do Bible command s concerning idolatry affect a Christian in this modern world?

    64. In the light of the following texts, what is the position of a Christian in the world?

    65. Is it necessary for a Christians to be subject to worldly rulers and to show them respect?

    66. Must a Christian pay all the taxes demanded by law?

    67. Is there any circumstance under which a Christian would not obey the law?

    68. Why are true Christians persecuted?

    69. What are some factors to consider in determining whether certain types of employment are proper for Christians?

    70. What should always be our attitude toward the doing of Jehovah’s will?

    71. Why are Christians called Jehovah's Witnesses?

    72. Who or what is the “faithful and discreet slave”?

    73. What is the governing body of the Christian congregation, and what purpose does it serve?

    74. What attitude should Christians show toward those who serve as shepherd in the congregation?

    75. Why is it beneficial to attend the meetings arranged by the congregation?

    76. Why is personal study important in the life of a Christian?

    77. What urgent work doe the Bible set out for all Christians at this time?

    78. In what various ways may this work be accomplished?

    79. Is this work done in our own strength?

    80. Why should one who has sincerely repented and turned around and chosen to be a disciple of Christ be baptized?

    From Organization for Kingdom-Preaching and Disciple-Making, 1972 edition


    *** w85 6/15 8 Digging Deeper Into God's Word ***
    2 Before being accepted for baptism by Jehovah’s Witnesses, each candidate’s basic Bible knowledge is tested by a comprehensive series of pointed questions. This impresses on the mind of that baptismal candidate the need to continue to study beyond the elementary things and “press on to maturity.”


    *** km 9/86 3-4 Question Box *** Question Box
    When is a person eligible to receive his own copy of Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry, and how and when should the elders make arrangements for reviewing the questions with those desiring to be baptized?

    ... when a person has conformed his life to Jehovah’s righteous standards, is a regular meeting attender, and is having a meaningful share in the field service as an approved associate...

    Upon receiving the book, the approved associate should begin reviewing the questions for baptismal candidates starting on page 175. He should endeavor to discern the application of the quoted and cited scriptures. After he has had opportunity to go over the designated information, some of the elders will review the questions and answers with him. The presiding overseer makes arrangements for this.

    ... Those conducting Bible studies should be alert to the spiritual progress of their students, discern when they are approaching dedication, and let them know how to make arrangements for baptism.

    Elders reviewing the questions with a [candidate] may decide that it would be advisable for him to make further spiritual advancement before taking this important step. Perhaps he needs to take in more knowledge or become more adept at expressing his faith to others [or] gain additional experience in the field ministry... the elders should outline what further progress is needed...


    *** w86 7/1 24-5 Lining Up With Jehovah's Integrity Keepers ***
    4 ... before being accepted for baptism, they have regularly attended Christian meetings; participated regularly in the Christian ministry, sharing the Kingdom good news with others; [and] in the final weeks before their baptism, have carefully reviewed more than 120 questions about Christian teaching and conduct, as well as considered hundreds of supporting Bible texts—all of this to become approved...


      However, Jehovah’s angel spoke to Philip, saying:
      “Rise and go to the south to the road that runs down from
      Jerusalem to Ga'za.” With that he rose and went, and, look!
      an E·thi·o'pi·an eunuch, a man in power under Can·da'ce
      queen of the E·thi·o'pi·ans, and who was over all her
      treasure. He had gone to Jerusalem to worship, but he was
      returning and was sitting in his chariot and reading aloud the
      prophet Isaiah. So the spirit said to Philip: “Approach and
      join yourself to this chariot.”

      Philip ran alongside and heard him reading aloud Isaiah the
      prophet, and he said: “Do you actually know what you are
      reading?” He said: “Really, how could I ever do so, unless
      someone guided me?” And he entreated Philip to get on and
      sit down with him [and] Philip opened his mouth and declared
      to him the good news about Jesus.

      Now as they were going over the road, they came to a certain
      body of water, and the eunuch said: “Look! A body of water;
      what prevents me from getting baptized?” With that he commanded
      the chariot to halt, and they both went down into the water,
      both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. When they had
      come up out of the water, Jehovah’s spirit quickly led Philip
      away, and the eunuch did not see him anymore, for he kept going
      on his way rejoicing.

      Acts 8:26-39
  • Matty

    Whoa! There's a little bit to discuss here isn't there?

    All I can say is that when I was "doing the questions" - using the "Our Ministry" book (Others will remember the Organization or the Lamp book). I felt the need, not to answer them from my own heart - but to give the answers I was "expected" to give. I wonder how many here felt the same?

  • SYN

    I just parroted the paragraphs from the book when they were doing mine...it was so dumb.

    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

  • Amazing

    Hi Teejay: Today there are a total of 227 questions which include about 60 or so alternative questions. You can read it here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=25142&site=3#318977

  • terafera

    I never went over the baptismal questions, but I remember when having my weekly Bible study with a pioneer sister.... I would answer from 'my heart', not looking at the book ( I think we studied the Live Forever book). The sister would pause and look uncomfortable and keep encouraging me to say exactly what the paragraph said. I soon caught on, that I should keep my personal opinions and ideas to myself and just regurgitate what we just read. It got really boring, quick!

  • teejay

    Thanks for that link, “Jay”. I missed that thread the first time around. I’ll hafta copy that to a Word document for future use.

    Good grief! Two hundred and freakin’ 27 questions!! It makes the Society’s divergence from the scriptural precedent set in the case of the Ethiopian even greater than the 80 I answered in ’74 (from the 72 O-R book). I’ve never seen these before.

  • detective

    Hey Teejay, thanks for taking the time to copy the questions. It's appreciated!

    So, do you have to get them all "right" in order to be baptized or are you still eligible if you get a couple of the answers "wrong"?

  • teejay

    You’ve boxed me into a corner, Detective, and I don’t like it!!

    Confession time.

    It’s been a while but as far as I can remember, three brothers ask you the 80 (now 227, Jay?) questions.

    It was back in ’74 when John D. asked me one particular question and, for the life of me, I didn’t know the answer. But, since I was the fifth of six kids in the same family who had already been officially dunked, Brother Nelson gave me a pass when I couldn’t answer one of the really tough ones. After he asked the question followed by a long pause by me, he said, “I know you know the answer, which is...”

    I agreed with his answer, of course, and passed Jehovah's Ultimate Test.

    Btw, my Momma woulda strapped me good if she’d ever heard me call Brother Nelson “John D.” Every one else did, though. Even my boyhood friend Jon, who was the same age as me--called a man old enuff to be his daddy “John D.”

    My Momma didn’t, so I didn’t.

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