JW protection of murderer story posted on Kuro5hin

by mikepence 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • mikepence

    I am happy to announce that my story, "The Murderer at Your Door" has been published on the web site Kuro5hin (pronounced "corrosion").

    Kuro5hin is an important web site that is considered one of the top web news sites for the net savvy. Stories submitted to K5 are subject to a vote by the community. Each member of the community can vote the story up (+1) or down (-1). A story must accumulate 95 points to be published. If a story gets down to -20, it is dumped. Since the K5 community generally consists of very intelligent people, a story has to be relevant and well presented to make the cut.

    Getting published on K5 was my first literary goal in launching my writing career. I am thrilled that it happened so quickly, and that the abuses of power of the JW's is getting high profile play among the web's intellectual elite.

    Today, you can see my story on the front page of K5, at http://www.kuro5hin.org. The URL to the story directly, including comments by the user community on the story, is here http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2002/4/1/1515/18246.

    Viva la revolucion.

    Mike Pence

  • Dutchie

    Great article Mike. Congratulations!



    Well, Mike I guess you are on your way to an exciting new career. Your article is excellent and informative. Very well done.

    Maybe, you could send a copy of this fine article to the writing dept. of the WTBTS. They could use some 'new blood'. But then why waste such a wonderful God given talent?


  • mikepence

    I suspect that if anyone in the writing department deviated from the dour style that they typically employ, they would promptly be removed. What if the Watchtower actually contained an insightful, well-written article? It would be described as "worldly!"

    Actually, much of Ray Franz's stuff was very good, and they now pretend it does not exist.


  • 2SYN

    COOL! Pity it didn't get to be a headline, but hey, it's on the front page, and I'm glad about it. Maybe more articles should hit these big tech sites, eh? Good job. How about you post the next one here so we can all give you feedback and research & stuff before you send it off to K5 etc? A group effort would eliminate many little inaccuracies and typos (if any...)

    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa - For Great Justice!

  • mikepence

    Excellent idea. I will do that next time. And there will be many next times.

  • openminded

    Great job on this article! Keep up the fine work.


  • Moxy

    getting a k5 article published *is* impressive. i note, however, that you are receiving little sympathy from the commenters. k5 posters are a little brighter than 'the children! wont someone PLEASE think of the children!'


  • 2SYN

    Good point there, Moxy. Most people who post on K5 are members of the new Elite classes !!!

    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa - For Great Justice!

  • mikepence

    Yeah, there was a lot of discussion, all of it very educational.

    There are many people who agree with what was written. People who disagree generally vote the story down. High fives and atta boy comments are generally considered bad netiquette in such forums, so those who have a beef with what you wrote are generally the ones who comment.

    It is all good. Having people challenge your point of view is very educational. I want to write more about the sexual abuse issue, and it helps me to see how a disinterested but intelligent audience responds to such issues.

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