The Matrix: A Prophetic Vision of the Borg?

by Mindchild 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    Is “The Matrix” a Prophetic Vision of the Borg?

    Neo: Right now, we're inside a computer program?
    Morpheus: Wild, isn't it?

    In the Watchtower Matrix many of us have learned that our reality was false and our nightmares were true by actual life experience. In the popular film The Matrix, Thomas Anderson (Neo) begins having doubts about reality. He has lived in the year 1999 until Morpheus contacts him and leads him into an alternative reality. Neo soon finds it is 200 years later, and the world has been laid waste and taken over by advanced artificial intelligence machines. The computers have apparently created a false version of 20th Century life to keep humans enslaved, while AI machines draw power from their bodies.

    It is not really difficult to match the WTS ideology and our own life experiences with this movie. If you substitute Neo for someone who is trapped inside the false version of the world the Witnesses create and add the contact from someone in the “outside” who shows them that the WTS has created a false reality, and is using their energy to power and propagate a massive artificially produced meme, then you can follow through the remaining parts of the movie and notice even more poignant comparisons along the way.

    None of this is likely new to you if you watched the movie but the point of this thread though is to outrageously suggest that quite possibly something more exciting can be gained from the comparison of the Matrix with the Witnesses version of it. I’m going to constrain myself below to present the outline of the movie but I invite your personal views to see if you can guess where I’m going with a prophetic preview of what may actually happen in real life.

    In the movie Anderson is subsequently both perused relentlessly by "Agents" (computers who adopt human form and infiltrate the Matrix) and hailed by Morpheus as "The One” destined to lead humans to overthrow the machines and reclaim their existence. In the movie this computer/neurological simulation allows the AI to enslave humanity, within the Matrix however there exist certain possibilities for escape. Morpheus and his cyber-terrorist crew are located on the "outside" of the computer-simulated reality grid and have liberated their bodies from the energy farms. As a result they are able to enter the Matrix and function therein with superhuman potential.

    Neo – as the One – is expected to turn the tide in favor of a human rebellion, an "Awakening", by shifting the balance, by making a leap, literally and metaphorically, from game player to game master.

    Morpheus: When the Matrix was first built there was a man born inside that had the ability to change what he wanted, to remake the Matrix as he saw fit. It was this man that freed the first of us and taught us the secret of the war; control the Matrix and you control the future.

    Morpheus: When he died, the Oracle at the temple of Zion prophesied his return and envisioned an end to the war and freedom for our people. That is why there are those of us that have spent our entire lives searching the Matrix looking for him.

    You no doubt remember that in the film this is accomplished when Neo attains the level of “realization” he needs to be able to stop the bullets with his mind, since they are virtual, and project himself into the holographic image of the enemy and explode it from “within.” Then Neo appears invulnerable. He becomes "The One" in the sense of the first to realize a "true" nature and so becomes a person who can mold reality subjectivity.

    Part of what helped Neo realize his ability was realizing that he is in the "world", but not of it. This realization cannot be attained, however, without first confronting his doubts. In this respect, the "Oracle sequence" is pivotal. Before meeting her, Neo pauses in the waiting room witnessing a brief magic lesson from a child with a spoon.

    Spoon Boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead…only try to realise the truth.
    Neo: What truth?
    Spoon Boy: There's no spoon.
    Neo: There is no spoon?
    Spoon Boy: Then you’ll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

    This spoon-bending incident prepares Neo for the mental manipulation the Oracle subjects him to. She lets him believe he is not the One, adding that Morpheus will not accept this and will probably die defending his belief in him. Neo is placed in a Catch 22 situation where he has to fight for Morpheus and for what he believes in even though he now regards this as false.

    The Oracle appears to see time laid out before her like a map, she presumably knows that Morpheus will not die, and that Neo is the One, but that both facts/possibilities depend upon Neo's believing the opposite. In order to become the One, Neo must primarily be freed of the intolerable burden that this entails, until he comes to his own self-revelation. Hence, he has to prove his identity, not to someone else, but to himself.

    Morpheus: Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize just as I did . . . there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

    Do you get it?

    Skipper (the Matrix Class)

  • ofcmad

    Got that on the first watch of the movie. It's one of my all time favorites.

  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    Yes, mindchild,

    "The Matrix" is a great movie. We have it and watch it all the time. I never fail (so far) to get something new from it everytime I watch it.

    IMO it's main theme is about believing in yourself. If you "believe" you are the are the one! Neo had a hell of a ride to realization! It was great!

    The WTS in many ways reminds me of the The Matrix and the agents remind me of the congo goon squad (better known as the elders).

    Your commentary on the movie is very good and I enjoyed it...thanks

  • PopeOfEruke

    My favourite line from the film : "Your mind makes it real".

    Neo: I thought it wasn't real.

    Morpheus: Your mind makes it real.

    Neo: If you are killed in The Matrix, do you die here?

    Morpheus: The body cannot live without the mind.

    The Pope

  • patio34

    Hi Mindchild,

    Good thread and food for thought. I saw that movie a few years ago when in the borg and didn't make any connections (sigh). But now looking back after your ideas, a lot of things occur to me.

    Your statements made me think of the following:

    1. The WTBS has no power except what we think they do. We have to realize 'there is no spoon' and poof! we can make them 'explode,' because the only power they have is what we imagine them to have.

    2. Tho they hunt us, we have the real means of showing them up with all the info published and on the web. This too, renders them powerless.

    3. Ones who don't know the truth about the troof are still giving them power and can't fight them effectively.

    Maybe i should go rent that video again this weekend.

    Thanks for the ideas.


    "It's easier to put on slippers than to carpet the world." (from "Stuart Saves His Family")

  • jerome

    i think this post is a little out of my league.

    mabe there is just a little to much wisdom here for me to comprehend.

    yes the movie is a great film.

    my two cents


    1) i think though that the agents were more like the governing body
    [they have superhuman abilities and controll the entire organisation. they only care about acheiving their goal and forcing others to comply to it. they have the ability to change pratically anything in the matrix with in reasonable limits *without drawing too much attntion to the mater* at will and only the ones who know the signifiance of the changes may react negatively.they, the gb,they are the inslavers.]

    {also they tried to create the perfect world for their captives a world with little pain and suffering forthe humans but it dident work. they lost many crops and had to rethink their stratagey for keeping the humans under inslavement so there is now a perpetual time peiod of history where man is always at its peak.

    this relates to the failed expectations for the end of the worldwhich created an almost perfect senario for the witnesses to see all of their hopes realized.

    after they lost much of the flock they had to rethink much of their stratagey of keeping them in bondage.
    current witnesses expect the end of the world any moment
    could be tomorrow could be next year or later but soon.]

    2) and the law inforcement officials were better compared to the elders
    [they know a little more than the everyday person but still follow orders sometimes something smells fishy but they manage to ignore it]

    3) then the every day person who just dident know what was going on would becompared to the rank an file.
    [they know the least and just go about their everyday lives suspecting nothing. most never fight for fredom because they dont even know that they are inslaved. the agents can take over their minds at a mere whim using them to do their dirty work and they dont even know it. many die in the fight but they are expendable to the agents they are just numbers.]

    4) the people on the outside i.e the resistance they would be the apostates who fight for freedom sometimes at great risk to themselves
    they loose family members and colse ones in the fight
    the fight for freedom. they have their differences but at least they have the freedom to search for the truth most try to help others while there is alwayse the one who dosent like the freedom who he has and just wants to go back to his previous life with all security as he had before.

    their only effective weapon when combating the inslavers in the REAL world..

    the electromagnetic pulse
    [this would most definately have to be the knowledge distrubited on the internet which buys time for the resistance to organize themselves and infeltrate the matrix and free the those that are inslave.]


    those were some comparisons of mine but there are many differences

    the main difference is that they dont use the name of the Lord tojustify there means.

    the bible is a two edged sword
    wield it the wrong way and it you WILL cut yourself!

  • Mindchild

    Hmmm, very interesting comments. Does anyone thing there will be a


    Could there be an indivdual who was a former dub who somehow takes an action against the Matrix so powerful that it changes the balance of power? Or, do you think there are many Neo's?


  • Nemesis

    Hey Mindchild, Elder ‘Smith’ from Bethel would like a word with you!

  • Satanus


    I think there are many neos. Ray franz and alanf are neos. I think many/most of us are neos or neos in development. For example, how many of us could go head to head in a debate w an elder? The main thing, for me anyway, is overcoming the programmed in fear of acting against who i thought for 30 yrs were god's reps, his princes. Even though they and their system is totally fluff, to be immune to their psychological tricks, one must do a really though cleansing.


  • California Sunshine
    California Sunshine

    ****************2) and the law inforcement officials were better compared to the elders
    [they know a little more than the everyday person but still follow orders sometimes something smells fishy but they manage to ignore it]*************************

    You gave me more food for thought...and you are right.


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