When There's Too Much Talk About Satan???

by Celtic 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    Perhaps it is that when so many of us have been subjected to horrific mind manipulation methods, we become dumbed down to the seriousness of the issues at hand.


    When a 'church' teaches, no, in fact instills so much about satan and all his crafty ways and methods, including quite terrifying teachings of matters pertaining to demons, what happens to the innocent victims of that kind of abuse? How do, these innocent victims grow up, what effect does this have on their personal development and natural balance?

    Perhaps it is that we have become so accustomed to the speech concerned with this, that we can actually joke about it now, thank ruddy goodness. But this surely cannot be healthy, normal behaviour, to want to teach such things as this. God is supposed to be Love afterall, why not spend more emphasis focussing on Him?

    Lets face it, we were taught and knew of this even whilst still very young, it wasn't just the 'bogeymen' we were being taught surrounded us, but dark, heavy, extremely evil real forces. Hence the no buying of secondhand furmiture, the ban on most unclean TV and music etc etc etc etc etc etc etc. It was because these practices might invite these real poltergeist living spirits of terror into our lives.

    Back to my question above, and couple this with the dark veil of armegeddon psychology manipulation and what do you get? More specifically, is this overall not a form of very dark child abuse in its own right? And this still goes on all over the world, in every kingdom hall on a daily basis.

    Of all the issues which we all seek remedial action upon, unrelated now question, just how many professional organisations have taken an interest in these specific issues and to what effect thusfar has ground been covered, plus what scope is there for improvement, if any?

    Peace and WhatKnot, WhatKnot indeed.


  • VioletAnai

    Yeah, but what about other religious denominations? Catholics absolutely terrify you with hellfire and purgatory!!! Others, demons eat children and the such. Still others are happy to sacrifice these little anklebiters.

    Nah, I've always felt safe knowing that I could protect myself from spiritual influence. I had a seance and I truly believe they are out there and evil. Told me when my gran would die and she did. Told me other stuff that's come true. Other deaths. We had the kids waking up screaming in the middle of the night saying they'd seen red eyes and the such. They had no idea we'd done a seance. Yeah I think it's safer to be educated about them, that way you can protect yourself from heartache. Most people make the mistake in underestimating them or believing they don't exist! I've always believed, I used to be an occultist, I know their tricks. I don't fear them however, they can be destroyed just like us.

    And if you're wondering, yes, I'm associated with JW's. Studying again. Will always believe it's the truth. Just don't trust the people. I will never, however, doubt Jehovah, who righteously warned us of all he intends to do. Satan ever warn you of his attacks????

    Yes yes, fanatic here. Not really though. Just very passionate about my feelings and beliefs. Passionate about other's lives too. I want everyone to be happy. However, some don't want that for themselves.

  • Celtic

    Hello VioletAnai

    I see your pretty new to this place, hopefully, after you've been here a while, some of the down to earth common sense of the place might start having a positive healing effect upon your own mind, helping you and enabling you to make better imformed choices in the future.

    Ai, I know what I'm talking about here, just a tad. Why not the Catholics or the others that you mention? Simply this, I wasn't brought up in their faith and therefore don't meddle in issues I know not whole understanding of. The JW's on the other hand is where my experience is, that is why I am asking the question from this particular perspective. Everyone has their chosen speciality subject, this is my own imformed choice to pursue these issues.

    Anyway, welcome here and looking forward to your postings in the near future. Have a good 'un today.



  • Scorpion


    How can you believe the WT to be the truth and not trust the people as you say?

    If you do not trust the people, why would you think they are being honest and tell you the truth


  • VioletAnai

    It's kinda hard to explain. I've read the NWT, I know I know, it's the JW's interpretation, but I've also had a look at the literal translation with the interlinear. What can I say? I totally agree that there was something better for the earth and humans than what we have today. I have never been able to swallow other doctrines, such as trinity, purgatory, paying for forgiveness of sins. Tripe to me. It's far more logical to my mind that we should live forever. I mean we have a longing for it and a longing for God. And ALL humans on earth worship some deity or the other. So who put it into us to worship something we can't see, to want to live forever. Sounds good to me, no more tears, beautiful paradise, I can have kids, my bad memories not called to mind. I can finally learn the violin (would have plenty of time) and could brush up on my artistic skills (I need that)!!

    It's just that the jw's have violated me too. With molestation, well it's all coming out now isn't it. But it's the people. Some get on their high horse and think you're personally attacking them. One elder refuses to speak nicely to me after I opened my fat mouth and asked what scripture had the two witness policy. Know it now, but he didn't tell me then. I fully weigh up everything and mediate on any information I'm given by them and I process it, and decide for myself if I believe. I never used to. Left when I was 15, to pursue worldly things, and now I'm 24, matured, change of goals and personal opinions, preferences etc, I am willing to accept that Jehovah is a loving just god. It's the humans who do not apply his counsel in their lives that make God look bad. So that's what I mean by people failing me. Not their predictions, their actions. Look at the Jews, God didn't ever want human sacrifices, it never came into his heart, however, what did some of them do? Sacrifice their children to Baal. Now that's satan in action!

    U have yourself a brilliant day to Celtic.

  • Carmel


    You might be interested in the "Origins of Satan" a book by, I believe Eleine Pagels. She traces the original understanding of "evil" as being a product of our baser nature and that Judiasm did not personify evil into Lucifer or Satan. In fact the personification of "evil" didn't happen until the third century AD, so the apostles and early Christians didn't even believe in Satan as contemporary Christians do. Having a "bad God" to instill fear into the flock became a handy tool for control and was part of the politicalization of early Christianity. Too bad 21st century folk are still locked into a myth rather than seeing how much power our imaginations have and how much we can infuse bogus ideas into the minds of small and large alike.

    I'd be happy to discuss a more inteligent understanding of "satanic forces" off line if anyone wishes to e-mail me. [email protected]



  • plmkrzy

    Hello all, I have to jump in on this a bit, I'm at my limit so I may not get back on again for awhile but anyway, I have some expierence with quite a few churches and cults. Not an expert mind you, just expierenced. One of my sister-in-laaws joined a cult when her and her familt moved to arkinsaw several years ago. They were Born Again Chrstians then after her husband became close to some of thier neighbors they bagan going to thier revival meetings. They dance with snakes. If the snake bites them they have no faith. I have never before in my entire life heard anyone say the names Jesus and Satan
    as much as she did the last time I saw her. She couldn't complete a sentance, NOT ONE damn sentance without leading it and ending it with "Praise Jesus!" or "Its Satan trying to decieve You!" OH! OH! "It's the work of the Devil!" Thats what television is to her now. They through away there T.V. the kids are not allowed to watch it anymore because it's one of Satans tool's of munipulation. She didn't have any problem listening to the radio though. That is to me one of the more creepy cults. We were so worried about her when she went into labor with her 3rd child she had major problems , bleeding, pain, and B--- her hubby refused to take her to the hospital because they had to show there faith in Jesus. He will protect her and the baby if it is his will. My Mom-in-law called the Sheriff and child protection services on them and told her hubby if he didn't get her to hospital she was most certainly going to have him shot. He took her to the hospital and the baby was tangled in the cord and she needed a c-sec. Everything turned out ok.

    Catholics? Oh yeh, several of those in the fam. My ex-husband is Cathoilc, altar boy the whole nine yards. He, His whole family, are terrified of dieing. Must be because they sin so much and so freely.
    Totally convinced that they ,if they miss confession, and die before repenting which can happen very easy any car accident can take care of that, they will suffer the flames of hell for eternity. They are more afraid of Satan and his power then they are of God, by far.
    They also believe that the antichrist will be a real dude, the litterial son of Satan. They believe that Satan will impregnate a women who will give birth to Satans son and he will, if not already, grow up to be a very powerful leader and decieve everyone into believing that he is a God send.

    There are several religons that teach a lot more scarry stuff about Satan then the JWs by far. I'm not afraid of Satan myself, never really have been. I would not dabble in the occult either, know some of those to and i'd rather play with fire.

  • VioletAnai


    I disagree. Jesus often warned the apostles of satan. He even said to him when he offered him the kingdoms of the earth to "Go away satan". And Peter mentions the devil roaring round like a lion seeking to devour someone. Hmmmm...didn't believe huh?

    How can you believe in the existance of God (do you?) and not the existance of the opposite, an opposer or Satan, of God? We can all oppose God at times, so that in effect makes us satans as well. However, I do agree that there was one angel who rebeled first and then got the name for it. I have evil in me too. But that's our free will, I consciously have to control my urge to go out and attack my attacker, or seek revenge, or have a fit of anger, or blaspheme against god. It's how we use that free will. Adam and Eve had no idea of good and evil because God didn't want them to suffer the knowledge of something so bad, they were protected and niave at first. However, to deny them the knowledge of satan before he tempted eve, kinda unfair. She didn't even have a chance. Then they argue that she was perfect and should've known better ra ra ra.

    Ok, done rambling. That's my opinion anyways. Take care carmel.

  • Celtic


    Whilst I really appreciate your viewpoints, I've asked the question above for a particular reason. If you want to discuss JW doctrine, would you please do it on another new thread started by yourself?

    Could we bring this back to the original posed questions please?

    Peace and whatknot, whatknot indeed.


  • VioletAnai

    Sorry Celtic I didn't mean to offend. Just trying to explain my opinions. I thought however that this was a place for openminded people. I've found a few hypocrites here though. I just don't understand your logic. I'm trying to though.

    So sorry again, shall not bother you anymore if you can't accept a differing opinion. I will however, keep track of your ideas, so that I don't make future offending mistakes. toss toss toss!!!!!!!!!!

    Talk about walking on eggshells, maybe you should become a jw. They're very intolerant of varying opinions.

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