Signing up to be a JW again

by moman 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • moman

    Why would someone, upon tasting freedom, want to return to bondage?

    Lets call it the "Shawshank Redemption Syndrome" To those that havn't seen the movie, its one of those 'triumph of the human spirit over extream adversity' movies.
    The movie depicts the lives of prisoners & how difficult it iz to adjust to freedom after years of incarceration,you know, the guy that breaks the store window so he can go back to prison & whats familiar.

    I can understand, in light of the above, how some who leave the Borg,& then have a yearning for the old ways. The Watchtower offers answers for everything, you need not think, just play by the rules & everything will be OK, because we have the REAL God on our side!

    Years of having your BRAIN hyjacked by the BORG can have the same effect, some just can't enjoy the FREEDOM, they just don't know how. Never understimate the power of the BORG!

    This iz so sad!


  • Celia

    Indeed, why ?
    And being a JW means that you must try to convert as many people as you can to your "religion"....
    How could anyone do that, knowing what they know about the lies, the hypocrisy of the Society ? The pain they inflict on their followers ?

    It must be the end....
    Farkel goes his way, Joelbear wants to be a "follower of followers" again...
    Who next ???

  • ThiChi

    Even though you may know the lowdown on the Jws, as Franz states, some want to give up freedom for “security.”

    “Cancel my subscription to the resurrection. Send my credentials to the House of Detention, I got some friends inside.....” The Doors


    Hey moman,some people have to go back and see why they left in the first place,its a good reminder if thats what you need.I`ll never go back I don`t need to be reminded of why I left.I left because their lying hypocrates,and don`t mind supporting an organization that intends to murder billions of innocent people.Just as long as their evil god dosen`t destroy their cowardly ass!What a sorry way to live...OUTLAW

  • Celtic

    I think I can understand Joel and others who may wish to do this, at least partially anyway. Your right in what you state. I think too, it comes down to a certain amout of a need within the individual for reassurance or dependence, a needing of a 'crutch' or staff to lean upon for support throughout life.

    I know there have been many times when I too have questioned myself and wanted to return to the Witnesses, but at least I have made myself aware of the issues involved and for that/those reasons could never go back to a system which I believe so fundamentally to be totally wrong, but the attraction at times is still there.

    Perhaps too, it might be the realisation that people on the outside don't really care, don't really understand and have no interest in putting themselves into somebody elses shoes.

    Perhaps such ones feel demoralised by the lack of real care in the ex jw community, that there are no moving on platforms to assist such ones, perhaps they are self defeating within their personality and outlook anyway. Perhaps there are too many overlapping issues compounded that an internet community by itself cannot hope to part way, atleast, provide a 'cure'. Perhaps we are all responsible in that we are not utilising all the tools that are available to us. Perhaps some of us see the dangers, the gaps in provision, but are at a loss as to how to reach these ones personally should the need arise.

    Perhaps we all need to think again about the priorities we place upon these recurring situations.

    Just a few thoughts.


  • Nute


    I remember in my early child hood (mid 60s) my father use to warn us kids that some day soon our parents may be taken away from us by the authhorities ... (After the preaching work was stopped)and tell us to sign some document giving our allegiance over to the Government, he told me that they may trick us kids by saying that your parents have already sighned such papers. Soon after the tribulation would begin then Armageddon would follow and all wicked people would be distroyed. I was so terrified of Armageddon because I may have to watch my own parents being persecuted and they would hurt me and my siblings ... But, giving in was no use because I would just die at Armageddon anyway .... I did not want that because it was discribed as a horrible death, your eyes and tongue would rot away while you were still alive. When your a little kid this can be very frightening, it took me a good 3 years after leaving the JWs to realize that I was not going to die at Armageddon, I was in my mid 30s by then. I am not sure why these two individuals want to return to being JWs again, perhaps they are still afraid of every thing they have been told. It takes an incredible amount of strength and courage to leave this organization. That's what this organization is counting on.


  • moman

    Nute, You made it dude, your a survivor of 'Stalag Watchtower'
    Those vicious little images take a long time to fade, but they do.

  • Tina

    in MNSHO,there are far too many folks here that really need to be in a professional milieu,a therapy group. And that takes a committment to wellness,hard work, courage, honest self-assessment,learning social and communication skills among other things. One on one exit counseling may be needed. Counseling for the deeper personal issues that pervade every aspect of being that the WTS has affected.

    One has to take serious personal responsibility for ones wellness. And that means action. And if all some are doing is hanging on boards like this: Well that's not taking personal responsibility for real growth ,change,and acceptance of what the real world is all about and finding our place in it,nor is that real action or comittment to wellness.
    Some still need the crutches of an idealized world. A world that doesnt exist except in high control groups or the fantasies served up by charlatans like the WTS and other groups that offer you quick and easy serenity on a platter. One size fits all.(eyeroll)
    These boards cannot provide the specific needed structure nor facilitate on an intimate group level,the dynamics needed for true growth and change for some. Tina

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • Celtic

    Thankyou Nute for bringing yourself to this board and a warm welcome extended your way. Your way of putting that into words I have often found to painful to do so, cheers for summing it up like that in one small paragraph, that really helped.

    Kind regards

    Celtic (UK)
    Community Action Network (Voluntary work I do now)
    [email protected]

  • Mum

    The phenomenon of people returning to the org reminds me of the way children can be so attached to their abusive parents.

    I wonder if anyone has ever done brain scans of people who have been brainwashed and had to re-adjust to living without brainwashing and/or abuse. I would be interested if anyone is aware of any such research or if anyone here is qualified to undertake such research.

    Change and adjustment (just ask any addict) can be difficult to maintain, to say the least. Physical addiction is not the only kind.

    Mum, in a bleeding heart mode.

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

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