Day 2 Convention Experience

by yknot 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    So Day 2.....

    Paying the piper for yesterday's behavior...... ( )

    There was no lecture, no 'look'........just the privilege punishment of cleaning the section and our parents, well placed throughout our section. It worked like a charm during the morning presentation. We all were model JWs. The programing, the pep rally feel good vibes were taking effect by the time lunch rolled around.

    As we began eating the conversation turned into remorse for yesterday's shenanigans...... even I found myself feeling nostalgic & pathetic.

    Luckly, I was able to shake it off in time to suggest we cut out 10 minutes early from lunch.....I had a plan, and a good one!

    Once at the hotel, everyone handed over their MP3 players.....I loaded two playlists consisting of the today's afternoon talks and all of Sundays.

    In place of kingdom melodies I upload classic worldly songs. Many that were on the no-no list but that everyone listened too anyways. (Think along the lines of 2LiveCrew)

    I explained how scripted the talks were (many thought I was lying) and that we were going to critique the presenters TMS style (and also to prove the farce of 'personal' observations or experiences) The rules for the songs was mandatory mouthing of the lyrics while looking like we were singing from our book..... Being secretly naughty is always fun.

    So the spell was broke many were dismayed and disgusted how we all were being played by the WTS.

    As for our janitorial duties.....I planned ahead for that too..... we brought 4 iDogs and plugged in the MP3s last final songs..... of 'Time to Clean the Kingdom Hall", "Pioneer Blues", and some Screaming Kingdom Guitars...... the other sections thought we were sooooooo spiritual for lightening up the mood of sweeping, mopping and wiping down. As we finished and walked toward the door there was still a little rebellion in us as we took off our name tags........

    It took us another 30 minutes to start the pool party.... which was a blast! We paid 6 JW teens who were lifeguards this summer to supervise the kiddies swiming while we enjoyed the alcohol marinated watermelon, spiked drinks and pizza. We were blessed to have the grandparents put the kids to bed at 8 while we all gathered into one of the rooms and decided to meditate on today's discussion on choosing entertainment wisely........we chose to watch the second"Harold and Kumar" film.

    I am skipping day 3....... happy to be back home!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I love it!

    We used to skip out early all the time too. Even when I was being good!!!

  • penny2

    yknot, your DC threads really made me laugh! The elders must be wishing you'd stayed home!!

  • WTWizard

    Good--I hope the attendance the next year is way down.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    now see...that's what I am talking about...what a great read...

    How come there was never anyone like you around when I was attending the Grand Boasting Sessions?

    I might have been able to stand it.

    Snakes ()

  • Regehr

    Hahaha..that's a pretty good story.

    Man, I think the only thing I really miss is being an attendant at the Conventions...I could get away with not being in my seat for entire sessions at a time. Made the long hours just fly by. I did it like three years straight, then I got reproved in 06..then I've been DF'ed the last two years and haven't gone.

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