Christendom basically has it right!

by Amazing 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    I saw Yadirf's post (formerly Friday on H20) barking about how Christendom still has it all wrong regarding the Trinity, Immortal Soul, all going to heaven, Hellfire, Jesus dying on a Stake and not a Cross, etc.

    It is obvious that such people as Yadirf have never visited a regular mainline church or he would not make such absurd claims, the very same idiotic claims touted by the Watch Tower Lying and Deceit Society.

    Most Christians and Christian theologians do profess the Trinity, in varied forms, but it is not a matter of salvation to accept it. Likewise for the soul, hell, the cross, etc.

    Genuine everyday Christians are far more concerned about living a christian life, doing good, and following Jesus. They do witness, though informally as the spirit moves them ... which is a far more caring, considerate, and successful method then the Watch Tower door-to-door system. That is why the churches keep growing and prospering, far more so than the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Theological doctrines such as the Trinity, the immortal soul, hellfire, the Cross vs the Stake are viewed as far less important, and such topics are not even found in the Bible except the mention of Hell or the Cross. These issues are clearly not Biblical concerns, but are Watch Tower contrivances to make an issue where none normally does not exist ... they are academic fodder for theologians and those with an interest in debating ... but that is about it.

    Rather, a Christian (not a Jehovah's Witness) will be found in Red Cross stations in war zones helping the dying, injured, and homeless. Christians will be found at Goodwill, Salvation Army, and Union Gospel Missions feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, and sheltering the homeless. Christians like Mother Teresa will tend to the sick, educate the ignorant, and bring hope to people's lives. Many chruches have hospitals to treat people of all faiths, and help the poor who cannot pay. All without obligation, threats, or coersion to join a group.

    Basically, Christendom has it right ... and it is the Watch Tower Lying and Deceit Corporation that has it all wrong, from false prophecy to false 'straw-man' issues that no rational person finds all that important to real life. - Amazing

  • metatron

    Exactly so.

    But what can they do in the face of whithering doctrines
    and the organizations general self centered attitude?

    Of course, they could reform or change to a more Christian
    way of life but I'm sure the old farts would oppose that.


  • wannahelp

    "Most Christians and Christian theologians do profess the Trinity, in varied forms, but it is not a matter of salvation to accept it. Likewise for the soul, hell, the cross, etc.

    Genuine everyday Christians are far more concerned about living a christian life, doing good, and following Jesus. They do witness, though informally as the spirit moves them ... which is a far more caring, considerate, and successful method then the Watch Tower door-to-door system. That is why the churches keep growing and prospering, far more so than the Jehovah's Witnesses."


    I've always stated that the views of the trinity, whether or not Jesus died on a cross or torture stake, even if the star of Bethlehem was satinic in nature or not doesn't mount to a hill of beans when you actually understand Jesus' words of salvation..

    The JW's are too caught up in doctrine that they miss the spirit of the bible...

    As the saying goes, "You can't see the forest through the trees"...

    Three cheers for Amazing!!!!!!!!

  • Satanus


    I agree, more or less.


  • DannyBear

    I think in the early days 1860's-1950's symbolisim was very rampant. Almost all of the fraternity, lodge, and various sects were flourishing. It was into this mele that CTR and JR found a listening ear.

    Alot of fanfare about pyramids, winged creatures, classes of people, chosen one's, zionisim, all very hot topics of the day.

    So couple all of the above, with a paradise earth 'carrot', living forever on the earth, no roast and toast in hellfire, you had a receipe for a brand spanking new sect (cult) 'Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Plan of the Ages' Oh yeah! Ole PT Barnum would have been proud.

    It's interesting that the 'marketer's' of this new religion, did not miss a beat, to capitalize on the trends of the day. The Golden Age carried a many now defunct article, on some screwy idea...'miracle wheat'....aluminum pans are name it the author's were unashamed and blatantly made completely off the wall claims and predictions.

    That history has not changed, only the subject matter, they continue to claim the sole honor of understanding Bible prophecy and interpret what god's words(as claimed by Bible and WTBS writer's). Is it any wonder why they continue to survive, they just simply change their tune, whenever and wherever it suits thier advantage.

    The governing body of jw's if nothing more, are a group of individuals and committee's throughout it's history, who for nothing else, should win the prize, for being the most sneaky, underhanded, without shame, SALES AND MARKETING firm of the 20th and 21st centuries. Although Avon, Shaklee, and a few other's have done a pretty good job as well.


  • Rev B
    Rev B

    Well you are wrong all :-). The JWs are too, but rarely in their doctrines.

    1. Many churches consider it EXTREMELY essential for salvation (deliverance from burning hell in their opinion) that you believe Jesus is God Jesus is Jehovah/Yahweh. That bounds in their false understanding of what Jesus was/is about. He was a SINFREE MAN on earth.

    2. Secondly people are kept in the dark that the bible points to the resurrection as the hope for all that ever lived. Underneath this 'believing is the only essential' lies a huge amout of selfishness, it's just another form of selfmindedonlyhealing. The 'all good people go to heaven teaching' is definetly more charming but like universalism, not based on the bible.

    3. Doctrines like trinity, immortal soul and burning hell aren't biblical true.

    God Bless

  • anewperson

    There are some Church groups like highly fundamentalistic Pentecosts who do stress you must believe the Trintiy or else, and this is stressed even by their grassroots members. Happily though many others, probably most do not. As Amazing said, for most members in most churches theological fine hairs are just background noise that their trained preachers get excited about. Long live the Free Christians movement.

  • Bang

    'We should preach Christ everyday - and even use words sometimes' - Francis of Assisi

  • Yadirf

    Hello, Amazing. This is Yadirf. You know, "(formerly Friday on H20)". That's hilarious. Now you be sure that nobody mistakes who you are referencing, Amazing. Okay? Ha, ha, ha ha ha!

    Now down to business:
    The great wizard, “Amazing”, has spoken. Wow … all bow now … Bow-wow! Ha ha ha.

    And … even as Amazing has fallen into doing since he left the WTS, be SURE to wave the

    You are so funny, it hurts, Amazing. Amazingly funny as a matter of fact. Keep on jabbering … because when it comes to honest-hearted people you actually help the cause of the WTS more than do any damage to it. Don’t you see, the more publicity people like you give the WTS the more that people want to know what the fuss is all about. THAT opens up doors for JWs in their door-to-door work. Interest is thus followed up with serious discussions regarding such subjects as you mention. Then the householder for the first time in most cases really begins to think deeply about what the Bible teaches and what it’s all about. Potentially, some of those will like what they hear about living forever on a paradise earth … you know, like Adam was supposed to have done. Like I said, Amazing (you little fag of a flag-waver you), keep making a fuss. I think it’s great!

    It is obvious that such people as Yadirf have never visited a regular mainline church
    Well, you’re 100% wrong. Although it’s not necessary to “visit” any of Christendom’s divided denominations, because there’s other ways of familiarizing oneself with all that they do, I have attended a few of their services before I became a JW. As a matter of fact I attended a funeral that was held right there inside a Pentecostal Church only this summer. Any thing else that you think is so obvious about me that really isn’t, Amazing? You are simply amazing, Amazing!

    “(formerly Friday on H20)”

    Daniel 11:35 ... a prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Bang

    Yardiff writes:

    Don’t you see, the more publicity people like you give the WTS the more that people want to know what the fuss is all about. THAT opens up doors for JWs in their door-to-door work. Interest is thus followed up with serious discussions regarding such subjects as you mention. Then the householder for the first time in most cases really begins to think deeply about what the Bible teaches and what it’s all about.
    Bang responds:
    Ah, No. What I see is people everywhere that don't know that the JWs aren't christian. Among them are those who haven't received the Lord into their homes before (orphans), and those who are mourning for losing their first grace (widows), as well as those who are literally orphans and widows. But, if they already knew that the well dressed people were in fact liars who wanted to visit them for their own sakes, they wouldn't get in the door. They dress up and come to steal the Christ within people - the kindness and care people already have.

    Some well dressed people came to my door and said they were christians, so naturally I invited them in, though in my heart I knew something wasn't quite right, but at least they were trying. Later, when I realised that they weren't christians - well let's just say I was angered. The good thing is that we know now.


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