Bush didn't have an exit strategy, should we?

by darth frosty 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I was just reading cognacs post and another by a person who was study with witnesses. I got to thinking, there are a lot of disillusioned people who are flocking to the web for answers. We on this board especially the vets need to have a welcoming commitee waiting for them.

    With the linda scandal and the mild Richie Rich thing It seems that we can be a lil harsh on new ones. But as we have seen from all the new ones on here, we cant let a few bad examples cause us to either berate or challange noobs too hard for proof of authenticity.

    The BORG is hemmorging left and right. They are putting band aids on doctrinal wounds the size of bowling balls. I know we have the wonderfull best of... section but perhaps we should have a welcome for newbies section.

    With a welcome for newbies section, it can serve as a kind of Ellis island for those frustrated with the BORG who are finally strong enough to seek out real answers.

    I know for me personally it took 2 full years of not going to the hall before I had the courage to type 'jehovah' into a search engine and examine the results that popped up. It may be different for those coming out now, But I believe a newbie section for the tired, the poor, the huddled masses looking to break free from the control of the BORG, can be a welcome site for those at the end of a long drift in the cult ocean.

  • dinah

    Good idea, Frosty.

    When I first joined people were pretty nice. It's a shame we have to be jaded. We are just a REALLY BIG forum, and when you search anything JW there we are!

    It's equally asks for trolls and people who need friends.

  • darth frosty
  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Considering the hypnotic thing, can we get some feed back on a newbie section.

  • chickpea

    i can relate to the shell shock a forum experiences when a fraud has been perpetrated.... i have been a moderator for a few years on a forum that was devastated by a "pretender" who feigned a terminal illness as well as an "auntie" who posted updates and announced her having succumbed to a lingering illness" and THEN this piece of work had the stones to return 6 months later in a different identity with equally horrific circumstances!! ( it is a forum for adult survivors of childhood s*xual @buse .... and believe me there are horrific and horrifying life stories told, so one more is not automatically suspect)

    it is a thin edge to walk when red flags are raised..... esp when a forum is a refuge for individuals in a vulnerable state..... maybe a welcome area is not a bad idea..... dunno, i am but a n00b...

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