Develop Your Perceptive Powers - Nov KM

by expatbrit 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Here's some assorted naff bollocks from this article in the November km:

    In his first talk, entitled "Safeguard Spirituality by Training Your Perceptive Powers," the visiting speaker explained that those in the world cannot distinguish right from wrong. (Isa. 5:20,21) This is due to their refusal to acknowledge and observe God's righteous standards. In contrast, we who have received spiritual training in Jehovah's organization recognize God's standards, which serve to guide our activities and conduct. Thus, we are in a position to prove to ourselves what is good and acceptable in Jehovah's eyes and what is in accord with his perfect will.-Rom. 12:2.

    To avoid the world's confused thinking and consequent bad fruitage, we must continually train our perceptive powers. How is this accomplished? As recorded at Hebrews 5:12-14, the apostle Paul emphasized the need to feed on more than just the "milk" of the word. We need solid spiritual food, such as we are reciving in the study of Isaiah's prophecy at the Congregation Book Study. Then we must readily apply in our lives what we learn. When we do so, we are convinced of the rightness of Jehovah's principles and standards. This trains our perceptive powers to distinguish clearly both right and wrong.

    Sad to say, some have faltered spiritually. Why? They have not focused their attention on what is good and upright in Jehovah's eyes. As a result, they have fallen victim to radio and television talk shows with Scripturally objectionable content, to debasing music, or to bad influences in computer chat rooms. By acting wisely, we will avoid being influenced by immoral, stupid, or wicked men.-Prov. 13:20; Gal. 5:7; 1 Tim. 6:20,21.

    'Should I adopt a certain style of dress and grooming?' The world's faddish trends in clothing and grooming often reflect a spirit of rebellion. Such a spirit influences people to dress shoddily and unattractively or to flaunt sexuality. What relevant Bible principles will help us to counteract such tendencies? Having trained our perceptive powers, we will take into consideration the principle found at 1 Timothy 2: 9,10, to dress "with modesty and soundness of mind...., in the way that befits [people] professing to reverance God." Other principles that apply include those mentioned at 2 Corinthians 6:3 and Colossians 3:18,20.

    There's more, ad nauseum, but I can't stomach typing it.

    Expatbrit, undistinguishing-refusing-confused-bad fruit bearing-unconvinced-unperceiving-faltering-unfocused-debased-badly influenced-unwise-immoral-stupid-wicked-faddish-rebellious-shoddy-unattractive-sexuality flaunting-unsound minded-stuff it you Watch Tower thought-police!! class

  • radar


    They still feeding this garbage? brings sad memories.

    Spiritual food that engenders self righteousness and superiority and conformity.

    Mind control at its best.


    Where there is no sense, there is no feeling

  • wannahelp

    1 part spiritual milk, spoiled to taste
    2 parts regergitated spiritual food granules - recycled if possible from past meal(s)
    2 packets of prepared #2 speeches

    Mix together in large bowel (oops, bowl) until smooth.. Crush any 'lumps' in mix with dose of anti-independant thinking pre-mix and hammer as neccesary to insure the final result:

    Final product should be bland in appearance and taste, very dark (add does of 'new light remover' as neccesary to insure darkness) and have a prominent mind-numbing effect on all who eat it..

    Occasionally, people consuming this food do not receive the full effects of mind numbing.. In cases such as these, it is wisest to increase dosages.. If that still has no effect, immediatly remove food from said person, and see if they suffer sufficient withdrawal as to ask for it back.. If they do, remember to 'test' to make sure that they are indeed now succeptible to mind numbing effects.. If resistance to mind numbing properties of food is still detected, they are to be thrown away like the bad apples they are!


    This product may cause severe cognitive-dissonence, depression, isolation from family and friends who are not sharing in the consumption of similiar food, dillusions of grandour (rightousness), clouded views of the meaning of the words 'truth', 'love', 'friend', 'God', 'Christ', 'Chrisitian' and a few others, and an unrelenting urge to tell all how good the food tastes, even if personally the person experiences a hard time swallowing the food from time to time..

    It is said that new batches of 'food' are made almost daily, however, we have scientifically sampled many different batches of 'food', and found that although the ingredients sometimes are changed, more than likely the quantity of the individual ingrediants are changed.. The overall Quality, texture and taste of the food remains relativly unchanged, and tastes roughly the same today as it did 'generations' ago... Also note that the Quality is been proven to be very low grade nutrition at best.. In fact, serious deficiencies in essential vitamins, minerals and other ingredients known to be essential for a happy healthy life are seriously lacking, or in many cases non-existance altogether.

    Scientific research has investigated and proven that for 99.999% of the population of Earth, this food is actually very sour and bitter, but has a 'hint' of everlasting sweetness to it that is alluring..

    Researcher and at one time consumer of this food Dungbeetle has been quoted as saying, "After comparing this food to everything else in this world, DUNG tastes better.. DO I make my point clear?"

    NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: This food is classified as addictive, and professional help is often needed to fully reverse the effects of long-term exposure and consumption.. While being weined from the product, side effects such as severe loss of self identity, abandonment, anger, sadness, turmoil, trama, stress, disbelief and fear are common. The patient needs to be assured that these symptoms are only temporary, and although may last for years, they are NOT permanent. The best solution to these symptoms is good old fashioned human love and compassion!!!!

  • Nowfree

    "the visiting speaker explained that those in the world cannot distinguish right from wrong. (Isa. 5:20,21) This is due to their refusal to acknowledge and observe God's righteous standards. In contrast, we who have received spiritual training in Jehovah's organization recognize God's standards, which serve to guide our activities and conduct. Thus, we are in a position to prove to ourselves what is good and acceptable in Jehovah's eyes and what is in accord with his perfect will.-Rom. 12:2."

    How self-righteous can you get? The JW's are the WORST people for trying to hide their nasty little habits.

    Take for example a brother I know in a local congregation. Steadfastly believes that it is right to refuse blood, to the point of death, even for a child, because that is what the religion teaches.

    and yet...

    Regularly looked at hard core pornography on the internet, which he managed to keep hidden for months and months. Even though the religion says that is wrong too, he conveniently forgets that.

    The HYPOCRITES - But of course the rank and file JW's are only following the example from the Governing Body (affiliating themselves with UN as one example).

    While us lot in the world apparently can't distinguish right from wrong?

    Yeah right!

  • AMarie

    Wanna Help:

    LOLOL. Very creative. Have you even considered being a writer?


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