WTS is a member of FIREPHIM

by Trevor Scott 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    Here's a translation from french on the International Federation of Religious and Philosophiocal Minorities (FIREPHIM).

    Surprising (not!) to see the WTS in an "association" (their word) with Scientology, Moonies, Mormons, Wica, etc, etc.

    Oh ya, don't forget that "Jehovah's Witnesses have nothing in common with other religious groups and can never seek any affiliation with them." (AWAKE! 22 November, 1975, p. 23.)

    (Original URL below.)


    Descriptive sheet of the Center of Consultation on the New Religions
    For further information,
    you can communicate with the personnel of the Center.

    " International federation of the Religions and Minority Philosophies "

    Kind, typology:

    Confession, religious membership or spiritual approach:

    Summary description, mission:

    International federation of the Religions and Minority Philosophies. Association founded in Switzerland and France on October 7, 1992, directed in particular against Associations anti-sects, and gathering in the beginning 17 associations of which Scientologie, Raëliens, the Church of the Unification (until 1993), Shri Chimnoy, Wica Western, Witnesses of Jéhovah, the Assembly of Baha' is of France, the Patriarch. See Adfi. A section in Canada. Represented, in France, a defence reaction of the qualified groups " sects " by the media.

    Internet site:

    Statutes of Firephim in France

    Source of information:

    DICTIONARY OF the RELIGIOUS GROUPS Today Religions:églises:sectes:nouveaux spiritualistic movements religieux:mouvements.
    By Jean Vernette: assisted by Claire Moncelon second re-examined and corrected edition: January 1996
    University presses of France ISBN 2 13 047036x
    How to control this book on Internet.


    (I bolded "Witnesses of Jehovah" in the main body, so it would not be missed.)

    original url: http://www.religion.qc.ca/Fiches/fiche134.htm


  • MadApostate


    I've tried some of the links, but since I don't speak/read French, I have no clue what they say.

    Is there any EVIDENCE, independent of someone with an "anti-cult" o "anti-JW" agenda, which PROVES the WTS is a member of this group?

    Is there any EVIDENCE, such as news reports, etc., which even show that this group has done anything in the past 6 or 7 years.

    I'm really skeptical of this, and we certainly do not need to tie a "half-truth" to the UNDPI issue, which is all truth.

  • chasson

    Firephim has ended his activity since 4 ou 5 years. now the jehovah's witnesses in France have some relation with the Cesnur of Massimo Introvigne but they are not part of this association devote to "study the new religion"



  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott


    I agree. The link I posted however was not from an "anti-cult" source, but was from the Center of Consultation on the New Religions, which I would have to say is pro-cult.

    It sounds like the source for the claim that the WTS is part of FIREPHIM (at least at this site) came from this book:

    DICTIONARY OF the RELIGIOUS GROUPS Today Religions:églises:sectes:nouveaux spiritualistic movements religieux:mouvements.
    By Jean Vernette: assisted by Claire Moncelon second re-examined and corrected edition: January 1996
    University presses of France ISBN 2 13 047036x
    How to control this book on Internet.

    (Thanks for the update Charles.)


  • bj

    Another quote is made in the book UNE SECTE AU COEUR DE LA REPUBLIQUE, by Serge Faubert, (Calmann-Lévy, 1993), p.202. There, Jehovah's Witnesses are mentioned among the 17 organisations.
    The address of FIREPHIM was: 27, rue d'Ottrot, 67200 Strasbourg, France.
    As I said to Charles, I'm trying to obtain further information on this topic. The new association that replaced FIREPHIM is l'Omnium des Libertés.


  • chasson

    "Omnium des libertés" has evidently the same function but was not made by the same persons. This were not the cult who has created it instead of the firephim (Rael, Moon, Scientology)



  • bj

    Charles, as the Omnium des Libertés was founded in 1996 (by Joël Labruyère)I presume that FIREPHIM ceased before it. On their site it says that to become a member you just need to pay 200F yearly.
    What do you think of writing a letter and ask the question? In that case the e-mail is: [email protected]


  • Kent

    Hi Mad;

    As I said in another thread, FIREPHIM has been closed down for 4-5 years now. Most of the material on this PRO-cult movment, which tried to do what CESNUR is NOW trying to do, is to fight anti-cult movments.

    Unfortunately for the JWs, the Watchtower has been and still is involved with a lot of different societies and "clubs", also official political ones.

    If you search the net for the names of the people in the legal-dep, you will find they do more or less travel all over the world all the time to give talks for such clubs and orgaizations. Not just a bit - but all the time.

    One example of a strange connection is their use of the Russian Prayer Network, where their lawyer in Khazakstan is posting all the time!

    Another good searc is to search for @wtbts.org

    I'm sure you will be amazed :))

    Check out this mailinglist: http://www.skeptictank.org/gen1/gen00543.htm

    Yakki Da


    I need more BOE letters, KMs and other material. Those who can send it to me - please do! The new section will be interesting!!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

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