Dyslexia is spelt Watchtower.(long but please reply)

by vomit 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • vomit

    I just happened to come across the new article on the Watchtower.org home page.
    As it happens I grew up with Dyslexia, it wasn't easy not because of the dyslexia but how my mother through direction decided to act on it. Well inaction more than act.

    Knowing my mother, she is probably thinking how loving the organization is at bringing this out now.
    But I still find fault with the article, although it suggests to bring it to the attention of the teachers, it does not suggest to bring the child to a qualified educational physiologist.(This is vital for college as I will later talk about)


    Growing up as a JW, you are pressured not to bring reproach on Jehovah. Well how could something like Dyslexia bring reproach on Jehovah? Well pretty much anything can if you are outside the bounds of being "normal". One anything that might encourage children to get involved with schooling on a Saturday, field service time, would not go down well. Not being able to do the bible reading off the platform, because you are a lazy boy. Might just bring enough reproach that deserves discipline of "the rod" variety, some of you will know what I mean. I love my mother, but sometimes I am so disgusted at being hit because I had such bad handwriting(micrographia extremely small handwriting.Symptom of Dyslexia). Instead of focusing on my homework, I was encouraged to put the kingdom first and be at all the meetings.

    Quote from the Watchtower.
    ""Ideally," recommends Reading and the Dyslexic Child, "each [dyslexic] child ought to have an hour a day of tutoring on a one-teacher-to-one-pupil basis." Sadly, circumstances rarely permit this. Nevertheless, dyslexics can help themselves."

    "Sadly, circumstances rarely permit this." Yeah this attitude to a problem your child needs help with. An hour a day, you wouldn’t want to miss a meeting for the benefit of your Childs future career, since we will all be in the New System anyway.

    In reality Dyslexic children have average and often above average intelligence. I myself have a Masters, there were hurdles along the way, but the thing I learned from an early age, was that I had to help myself.

    The big problem I see with Dyslexic is... the social stigma. Or in America, people often jumping on the dyslexia bandwagon as if it was something to be proud of.(Causes misdiagnosis) I am at a paradox myself as I am quite proud of the way I view the world and the person I am, and dyslexia has shaped me and my experiences to an extent. The reason I stress going to the proper channels, if you don’t have money you can get easy financial help for your child to take all those extra classes. And as I found out the hard way in college as I was refused much needed funding because there was a huge gap in my educational record regarding my problem. i.e. the years after my mother found Jehovah.

    1: No referenced quotes.
    2: almost entirely based on anecdotal evidence..
    "David, in his 70's, struggles to read simple words that he mastered more than six decades earlier."
    Some guy gets a stroke and its worthy anecdotal evidence to be put in the Awake magazine. (I do feel for David though)
    3: This kind of utter crap"
    "Poor eyesight frequently causes learning difficulties. Correct the vision defect, and the dyslexia disappears."
    4: The usual shit the Watchtower suggests

    "Tips for Self-Organization

    Make use of the following:
    a personal notice board
    a planner calendar
    an in-tray
    a personal file
    a diary
    an address book"

    None of these I have ever used in my life. I memorize almost everything. This things can be a help for some. But the problem I have with the Watchtower dictating it is, that parents with get the idea that that is all they have to do for their children is buy them some crap you can get in a $1 shop.

    "Recognize that your specific difficulty need not stop you from learning." Leave a cult organization and that gets rid of a lot of learning difficulties, not just Dyslexia.

    "Make use of a portable typewriter or, better still, a word processor with a program that helps you check the spelling of what you enter."

    Oh right a typewriter... best not buy a computer and expose your children to all that apostate and porn on the internet.

    The computer is dyslexics best friend, even in the UK the government will buy one for your child. My suggestion is dont use the spell checker too much, as it does even make me a bit lazy.

  • outnfree

    As a mother who tried (and failed, thank God!) to bring her children up as JWs, I'm ashamed at how willing I was to believe the trite crap that was published in the publications concerning some serious problems, such as you highlight here about the article on dyslexia.

    As a future teacher, I was interested in participating in a school fair that educated grammar school children on learning disabilities and to learn how very many forms of dyslexia exist. I know I have a long way to go to really comprehend how this hidden disability can be combatted. I didn't even know there was such a category as "educational physiologist."

    Thanks for educating me.


  • damselfly
    But I still find fault with the article, although it suggests to bring it to the attention of the teachers, it does not suggest to bring the child to a qualified educational physiologist.(

    Teachers with 25-30 kids in a class don't always have the time to spend with kids that have learning disabilities. Much better to get tutors involved and therapists that specialize in this time of thing.

    Congratulations on your Masters!


  • james_woods

    I read the autobiography of the famous Grand Prix racer Sir Jackie Stewart and he tells much the same story of struggling with this condition during his school age years.

    He grew up to become a two-time world champion, and was also an olympic class trap & skeet shooter.

    Nothing wrong with his eyes, eh?

  • Virgochik

    "Make use of a portable typewriter"...!? You can tell somebody very old and very out of touch with the modern world wrote this article. Hello! Nobody uses a typewriter any more!

    Some little 85 year old man in the writing department probably pencil whipped this fluff article to make a deadline, but imagine how much harm it could do when Witless parents apply this baloney loving counsel to their unfortunate kids.

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