Sexuality discussions on JWD

by Lady Lee 53 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    It has long been the policy that serious discussions of sexual issues are an essential part of our recovery from being involved with the JWs. As JWs normal healthy sexuality was taboo. The GB states they have every right to know what goes on in the marital bed and anything else if forbidden.

    Once we leave the repressed teachings of the WTS most of us quickly realized there was a serious problem with the way sexuality was dealt with in the pages of WT literature.

    The board has, on many occasions been able to have serious and informative discussions about sex.

    What Simon and the rest of us want is to allow the freedom for people to ask their questions and get some good feedback from other posters.

    What is not allowed is the circus atmosphere that seems to attract posters who want to stretch the boundaries of what is helpful and informative. There are other sites that are more than willing to cater to the interests of those who think boundaries should not exist.

    The link at the top of the page that says Terms of use that you were supposed to read when you were registering states the following:

    2. This Web site contains one or more of the following interactive services: bulletin boards, chat areas, news groups, forums, communities and/or other message or communication facilities. You agree to use such services only to send and receive messages and material that are proper and related to the particular service, area, group, forum, community or other message or communication facility. In addition to any other terms or conditions of use of any bulletin board services, chat areas, news groups, forums, communities and/or other message or communication facilities, you agree that when using one, you will not:

    • Publish, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, derogatory, defamatory, infringing, improper, obscene, indecent or unlawful topic, name, material or information.

    Posting porn images will be deleted asap.

    Turning a thread that might be a serious topic into a fun and sex game thread will be moved off the board.

    The Posting Guidelins below every posting box states:

    1. Annoying the forum owner
      If you have a query or a complaint then send a personal message or email. This is my site and I can say or do what I want and don't need lectures from anyone who doesn't like it. If you don't like this then don't use the site.

    We all know the trolls will ignore the rules. And there are a few posters that will try to stretch the rules.

    But there are many others who want and need a safe place to be as they continue on their journey out of the WT.

    Thank you for the PMs and the threads that can let us know there is a problem on the board. We can't be here all the time. But a heads up makes our jobs a lot easier.

  • jgnat


  • SnakesInTheTower


    Snakes ()

  • Paralipomenon

    I completely agree with the posting of porn on a message board. I usually surf with images off so I haven't noticed any.

    I was curious however about "sex game threads". Could you give a bit more detail of these?

    Is sexual discussion that isn't of a biological nature now frowned on, or is it just limited to hijacking other topics that were created with serious intent?

  • NewYork44M

    I sign on to JWD at work. That last thing I want is to open an thread and an "inappropriate" picture comes up. So, I agree with your guidelines.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Sorry Was having too much fun to realize when to quit.

  • jgnat

    An example is a recent thread asking which posters were black descending in to a discussion on prairie oysters. I had to watch it anyways so that race relations did not reach fever-pitch, but then when it descended to the nether-regions. It became unbearable to watch.

    Such is the way of all yanked threads.

  • mouthy

    Oh good Lee!!! On some of the threads I was afraid I would go blind my Mum said I would

  • emy the infidel
    emy the infidel

    I want to thank you Lady Lee and all the forum assistants for keeping this a safe place for us, a lot of good happens here b/c of your efforts, and it is very much appreciated.

    I was on last Sun. during the apparent manic episode of a troll, where porn images started appearing everywhere, but they were removed very quickly and all went back to normal after us real members regrouped.



  • minimus

    Mouthy, I think it's too late for me.

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