by SYN 3 Replies latest social relationships

  • SYN

    Thanks for that link on the "Annointed Dude Apologises, H4W!" thread...I poked around a bit more at that site, and then I stumbled across THIS ABOMINATION. As sKally would say, we're all doomed.

    The page has this giant logo on it:

    Hey, we wanna say something to all the girls…we’re sure most of you girls have figured out by now that the sexier you dress, the more attention you get. It’s a basic fact of life. Sometimes when you feel lonely or insecure, that attention can seem like a good thing. But even though it feels good, it’s not good for you. You deserve to be loved, not just lusted over.

    We know it’s a hard thing to walk away from this type of attention, but like everything else God asks us to do, it’s a step of faith, a step away from something we know—to something better for us. When you dress to impress, yeah, guys will notice, but when you try to walk the narrow line that is honoring Christ, a whole different set of guys notice. You probably just can’t tell…cause they’re not going to look you up and down. Instead of thinking about you with no clothes on, they’re going to think about you in your wedding dress. Instead of one night of sex, they’re thinking about what it would be like to grow old with you. Instead of wondering if you’re a cheap date, they wonder if you’re gonna be a good mom.

    So if you’ve been feeling left out, cause you don’t show off your body, you don’t date yet, or if you’re thinking about maybe taking it a little easier on us guys by dressing a touch more conservatively…I promise you’re going to get noticed. In fact, I can name at least five skateboarding, guitar-playing, skydiving, motorcycle-riding, snowboarding, rock-climbing guys in this band who are going to think you’re the bomb.

    And if you’re out there thinking it’s too late for you—that maybe you’ve gone too far, lost too much, made one mistake too many—we have a promise for you, too: God is a God of second chances. God will always love you. And yes, there are guys out there for you, too. Guys who will understand what you’ve been through and will still cherish you. Because we’re all on the road towards purity, we’ve all made mistakes and needed forgiveness—and the kind of guy who’s looking for a wife, not a weekend, will understand that.


    God is NOT a God of second chances! Poppycock! God is "manly, manly man of manly war!" These people are very misguided.

    But wait, it gets worse:

    What is "IT"? I think I read a Stephen King book called that once. But I sure as hell wouldn't want to do "IT" (if that was even physically possible, clowns SO don't turn me on).

    Of course not, silly! I practice abstinence, so what's the point?

    “2 Timothy 2:22 tells us to ‘Run away from anything that stimulates youthful lusts.’ So try to avoid any compromising situations, such as being alone in a house or bedroom.
    Sheesh, I find myself in horribly compromising situations ALL THE TIME then!

    Before pursuing any kind of relationship with the opposite sex, we talk about it with friends and family to see if they feel good about it, too.”
    Sad, very sad! What, can't they think for themselves?

    I try to not watch movies that have sexual scenes in them. It’s just not the right thing to be taking in. I try to avert my eyes from magazines and advertisements that show suggestive pictures.”
    Oops, I just committed a THOUGHT CRIME by looking at the cover of Cosmo!

    When a girl gets caught up in a guy that he is her world, it is going to be really easy to become physically close.
    Gee, I never knew that!

    We stay accountable to each other, too.
    "Oh my God, I think I just saw you committing a thought crime! Get away from me, you Spawn Of Satan!!!!"

    Are you able to control your emotions or do you become emotionally dependent on other people? Are you able to control your mind and body? Is God number one in your life? If you can honestly answer yes to all three (many younger teens can’t), you might be ready.
    Oh no, that means I'll never be ready to date because I'm an athiest! *SOB*

    Group dating basically means hanging out with members of the opposite sex in groups without necessarily pairing up.
    OK, now this is just becoming LAME.

    Sex is designed to help hold two committed people together for life–and, of course, to make babies.
    Don't forget the "making babies" part now!

    (Anything beyond kissing is heading toward dangerous territory.)
    So are thought crimes a dangerous territory then?

    And most people–especially guys–think about sex a lot
    Oh, I see, so men are always thinking about sex. HMMMM.

    The only way to win the battle for your mind is to control what you put into it.
    ROFLMFAO - these people should really read through the stuff they write before they upload it to their servers, honestly!

    And, technically, it’s impossible to get your virginity back.
    INCORRECT, MY DEAR WATSON. There are many doctors who have the skill to repair a torn hymen, and if you're a guy, who's gonna know? BAH.

    Then I would walk my collie, Ralph, to the car, open the door, and let him in, careful not to slam his tail in the door. I would drive Ralph around and then come home, reverse the whole process, and walk Ralph back to the house. No–I did not kiss Ralph.

    "Tell me you love me, Ralph." *WIPES TEARS OF LAUGHTER FROM EYES*

    Well, I hope you enjoyed my "expose"...sites like this just tick me off when they're so self-righteous. Thank you, and Good Night.

    Seven006: "Have you tried drugs? Shooting up a little heroin might do the trick, it's hard to type when your stoned out of your mind. I don't know how TR does it!"

  • Xander

    In fact, I can name at least five skateboarding, guitar-playing, skydiving, motorcycle-riding, snowboarding, rock-climbing Bible-thumping, self-righteous, women-degrading, judgemental, whiney little bish guys, in this band who are going to think you’re the bomb.

    Don't forget the "making babies" part now!

    Better not! Otherwise, you wouldn't be having 'normal' god-approved sex! And that's the only kind a true christian should have!

    Oh, I see, so men are always thinking about sex. HMMMM.


    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • butalbee

    Hey, dogs are man's best friend, right?

  • Satanus


    Are you able to control your emotions or do you become emotionally dependent on other people?

    Jw's are supposed to let the wt control their emotions. They are not to decide for themselves how they feel about the opposite/same sex. Controling lust is a job for the GB.

    They are brainwashed to be totally emotionally dependent on the people (gb) in brooklyn and patterson.


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