new orleans apostafest

by bigdreaux 29 Replies latest members meetups

  • bigdreaux

    i started a thread a while back inviting everyone to an apostafest in new orleans during mardi gras. if anyone's interested, i'll need to know pretty soon. i will try to get a group discount at a hotel. if we wait to long, no rooms will be available. can anyone interested let me know here or through p.m. serious inquiries only please.

  • IP_SEC

    im coming but prolly wont need a room I'll find a dark alley

  • bigdreaux

    i'll probably be right next to ya. i'm only getting a room for a place to shower. lol

  • Gopher

    Is it a coincidence that you started this thread on the 20th day of the month, at 20:20 central daylight time?

    I think not. When you multiply 20 by the scriptural number for emphasis, 3, you get 60. Divide that by 10, the number for earthly perfection, you get 6.

    So, figuratively speaking and in an anti-typical fashion, this thread started at 6-6-6.

    I think something sinister will happen as a result of this thread.

  • bigdreaux

    it was a coincedence. maybe a force bigger than myself is at work here.

  • snowbird

    I would love to see you and Missanna, but I get nervous just thinking about the drive.

    However, who knows what may happen in the future?


  • bigdreaux

    that's cool snow, hopefully ya can make it.

  • nvrgnbk

    If the Universe is still here, and I a part of the Universe, I will make every reasonable effort to be there with you, my brother.

    What's Mardi Gras?

  • Gopher

    Nvr, FYI ----

    Mardi Gras is a decorative roll of paper towels:

  • nvrgnbk

    Thought so, Gopher.

    When someone throws beads at you, you wipe, right?

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