Reducing Stress

by larc 17 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • larc

    On the lighter side of mental health issues, I was curious as to some good ideas you all had regarding the methods you use to reduce stress. I will give two of my favorites and hope that several of you would provide one or two others and then come back in a day or two if others miss a favorite of yours.

    Two of my favorites are humor and music. As many of you know, I like to joke around, even though some of my posts are very serious. I love stand up comedy routines, love to tell jokes, and watch funny movies. Humor takes my mind completly away from ponderous issues. On the serious side of humor, Norman Cousins wrote a book about how he extended his life after contracting a terminal illness by watching his favorite comedy movies. Apparently, humor is good for the immune system. Plus, of course, it is down right fun.

    Music has good effects on me too. I choose either soothing music or lively music depending wheather I want to relax or perk myself up to get stuff down. I avoid sad songs if I am in a meloncolly (sp) mood.

    What are your choices for reducing stress?

  • neyank

    Hi larc,
    I have to agree with you that comedy is one of the best ways to
    relieve stress.
    Another one would be excercising.
    And taking a nice long drive. But NOT during rush hour.


  • crossroads

    Hi Larc it's been awhile- Hope all is well.
    Well I must agree about MUSIC-MUSIC-MUSIC.

    The others-Hugging someone you care about after
    the strom has ended.
    Rocking a little one to sleep-tranquillity at it's finest hour.
    Playing center field-nobody can harm you-your all alone
    but surounded by eight others who have your back.
    Then the crack of the bat and off you go to run it down
    nothing but you and the ball and you KNOW your going
    to catch it.

  • expatbrit


    I read the Watchtower and meditate on the marvellous blessings showered upon us by the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

    Sometimes I look forward to the joyous new system of things that's just around the corner, with peace and love covering the whole earth.

    Or occasionally, I'll call up an elder and have a lovely in-depth biblical discussion.

    Oh yes, most of the time I relieve my stress by visualising vile apostates having their entrails ripped out through their belly buttons and wrapped around their necks, while their eyeballs bubble and fizz in their blistering sockets.

    I think I'll go have a nap now. The fish I had for lunch might have been a bit funny.......

    Expatbrit, relieving his stress through sarcasm.

    p.s. Humour is my main way to really reduce stress. Watching Britcoms like Python or Mr Bean etc. I also have a den full of old books and antiques which I can escape to and read a good book while listening to Mozart.

  • Introspection

    Hi Larc, I have to say what I do to reduce stress is not take on too much in the first place. I have read Anatomy of an Illness by Cousins and I think it is a great place to start for those who are interested in the whole mind-body.

    I think Wayne Dyer makes a good point about things you can and can't control. If you have control over it, you can do something about it. If you can't, there's no sense in worrying about it. That covers everything that can happen to you! I think integral to that is acceptance. You have to accept the fact that some things are beyond control and just let that go, but actually we don't want to feel helpless either regarding the things we can do something about.

    I think one aspect of humor is being able to laugh at yourself. When you don't take yourself so seriously and can laugh along with others when you do something funny, then I think you've "got it."

    Well to add to the list, I also use sleep. This may seem silly, but you need to get your rest! I mean sometimes we miss the basics like rest and nourishment, and I think that's first and foremost. Of course to balance that we do need physical activity as Neyank pointed out, and to that end I enjoy Tai Chi. I think this is a good excercise to connect the mind and body, as the forms and movement are very subtle. It could be considered a type of moving meditation. But of course, you can do something more active, any kind of sport can become a mind-body excercise, it just depends on how you go about it. I think taking that approach helps your performance too, and the key there is not to judge your performance, but focus on the process and just enjoy it. I think the thing is to really play it and not treat it as a job, again not taking it too seriously in a way..

    What kind of physical activities do you guys enjoy?

  • Seven

    Hi Larc, Since no one technique has a monopoly on quieting the body via the mind-to each his/her own. Music is the ultimate. Listening or playing. My painting is a close second along with owning my own business. Also, snowboarding, hockey(the more physical the better), jet skiing, ATV trail riding, beach volleyball, and nature photography. One of my favorites is to go down to the end of my dock with my dog and sit there with my feet in the water watching him play while the minutes turn to hours. Knowing that I don't have to punch a time clock ever again.


    Keeping an open mind is virtue-but not so open that your brains fall out.-James Oberg

  • Introspection

    Seven can you point me to a message and/or a website where your art is displayed? I'd love to see it.

  • Seven

    Hi Intro, I'll send you a few by email. Probably the earliest tomorrow afternoon.

  • larc

    Hi folks,

    What is one man's stress reducer ia another man's stress inducer. Crossroads, you mentioned center field in baseball, and I played center field in high school. I love baseball, but I found center field to be stressful. As I told my wife, who is now a baseball fan (I converted her), in the outfield you are either a hero or a bum. But, put me in coach I'm ready to play, today, centerfield.

    Expat, I loved your humor regarding the thrill of the Witness life. Great stuff. Seven, I wish I had your artistic talent. I can't draw worth a lick. I do love photography though, and have a good eye for composition. My favorite, like yours, is nature photography. Intro, you mentioned sleep. Now that I'm retarded... er ... I meant retired. I love to sleep until I am done, with no alarm clock and then get up fully rested.

    I will add one more. I like to research stuff. I spent a lot of time on my family history and now I'm doing some research of a more scientific nature. The whole process is very absorbing, interesting and gives you the feeling that you have found something no one knew before that will be interesting and/or useful to others.
    Thanks all, for your contributions!

  • larc


    I forgot to mention one NiYank's, taking a ride somewhere. It is one that my wife and I enjoy together, just getting in the car and meandering off through the scenic country side.

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