Loyalty to who or what?

by ozziepost 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ozziepost

    A question in the current Written Review asserts that " the loyalty that marks Jehovah's organisation transcends every human relationship, such as that of close flesh-and-blood relatives. " - Question 35

    Note that loyalty that "transcends every human relationship" is not to God, but to the 'Organisation'.

    It doesn't take much to refute this from the Bible, so we can refer to, for example, the words of Jesus: " All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. " - Matthew 28:18


  • blondie

    Just some quotes. Beware, vomit material ahead.

    Loyalty to Gods Organization Through the Years

    *** w97 8/1 8 Serving Loyally With Jehovah's Organization ***

    Expect that Satan will try to undermine your loyalty to Jehovah and to His earthly organization. Let us consider some ways in which Satan does this.

    If we refuse to let human imperfections erode our loyalty to Jehovahs organization and if we guard against such subtle forms of disloyalty as misplaced loyalties, then we will be better prepared should our loyalty be tested more severely.

    3. Why is it so important that we remain loyal to Jehovahs earthly organization?

    *** w97 9/1 26 My Heart Overflows With Gratitude ***

    Yet, Mother never deviated from loyally supporting the organization, thus setting a fine example for me.

    *** w97 9/15 31 Aristarchus-A Loyal Companion ***

    Nevertheless, similar loyalty to Christs spiritual brothers and to Jehovahs organization is necessary for all those in the Christian congregation today. (Compare Matthew 25:34-40.)

    *** w96 1/15 6 They Assembled as Joyful Praisers ***

    "Serving Loyally With Jehovahs Organization" was a talk that showed that loyalty is vital for Gods servants. To be loyal to Jehovah means to stick to him with devotion so strong that it acts like a powerful adhesive. Loyalty requires that we avoid deliberately violating Bible commands, whether others see us or not. It also requires that we loyally uphold the Bible teachings found in the Watchtower and Awake! magazines as well as all other spiritual food provided by the Watch Tower Society.

    *** w96 3/15 16-17 Meeting the Challenge of Loyalty ***


    We now come to the matter of being loyal to Jehovahs visible organization. Certainly, we owe loyalty to it, including "the faithful and discreet slave," through which the Christian congregation is fed spiritually. (Matthew 24:45-47) Suppose that something appears in Watch Tower publications that we do not understand or agree with at the moment. What will we do? Take offense and leave the organization? That is what some did when TheWatchTower, many years ago, applied the new covenant to the Millennium. Others took offense at what TheWatchtower once said on the issue of neutrality. If those who stumbled over these matters had been loyal to the organization and to their brothers, they would have waited on Jehovah to clarify these matters, which he did in his due time. Thus, loyalty includes waiting patiently until further understanding is published by the faithful and discreet slave.

    Loyalty to Jehovahs visible organization also means having nothing to do with apostates. Loyal Christians will not be curious about what such people have to say. True, those being used by Jehovah God to direct his work on earth are not perfect. But what does Gods Word tell us to do? Leave Gods organization? No. Brotherly affection should keep us loyal to it, and we should continue to "love one another intensely from the heart."1 Peter 1:22.

    Loyalty to Jehovahs organization will cause those of us who are elders to try to help any who need spiritual assistance. (Galatians 6:1, 2) Though we will be kind, loyalty will make us candid with our fellow elder, just as Paul spoke to the apostle Peter candidly. (Galatians 2:11-14) On the other hand, overseers want to be careful, lest by acting unwisely or showing partiality or in some other way abusing their authority, they make it difficult for those in their charge to be loyal to Gods organization.Philippians 4:5.

    What will help us to meet the challenge of loyalty in these four areas: loyalty to Jehovah, to his organization, to the congregation, and to our marriage mate? One aid is appreciating that meeting the challenge of loyalty is bound up with the vindication of Jehovahs sovereignty. Yes, by remaining loyal we show that we view Jehovah as Universal Sovereign. Thus we can also have self-respect and the hope of everlasting life in Jehovahs new world. We can help ourselves to stay loyal by considering fine examples of loyalty, from Jehovah on down to those mentioned in the Bible and in our Watch Tower publications, including Yearbook accounts.

    To sum up: Loyalty is the sterling quality manifested by Jehovah God, by Jesus Christ, and by all of Jehovahs true servants. To have a good relationship with Jehovah God, we must meet the challenge of loyalty to him by living up to his righteous requirements, by having nothing to do with his enemies, and by coming to Jehovahs defense in witnessing formally and informally. We must also meet the challenge of being loyal to Jehovahs visible organization. We must be loyal to our congregations and loyal to our marriage mates.

    *** w93 1/15 24 Why Guard Against Idolatry? ***

    Loyalty to God, acceptance of guidance by his holy spirit and organization, and determination to avoid involvement with demonism also prove to be powerful incentives to guard against idolatry today.

    *** w92 11/15 20 Serve Jehovah Loyally ***

    As Jehovahs dedicated Witnesses, all of us must be loyal to him and to his organization. We should never even contemplate turning aside from Gods wonderful light, pursuing an apostate course that can lead to spiritual death now and eventual destruction. (Jeremiah 17:13) But what if it is hard for us to accept or fully appreciate some Scriptural point presented by the faithful slave? Then let us humbly acknowledge where we learned the truth and pray for wisdom to deal with this trial until it comes to an end with some published clarification of matters.James 1:5-8.

    *** w90 9/1 12 Trusting in Jehovah Brings Happiness ***

    Trust in Jehovah and loyalty to his organization resulted in many blessings for the congregations during those early years.

    My hope is to maintain my integrity and loyalty to Jehovah and his organization to the finish, trusting in the promise that in due time I will be united with my dear Lord, Jesus Christ, and with many of my faithful brothers and sisters in heavenly glory.Psalm 84:12.

    *** w89 9/15 24 Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead ***

    Surely, loyalty to God and his organization should move us to respect the judicial decisions of the overseers.

    *** w89 10/15 19 How Harmful Gossip Can Be Crushed ***

    Love believes and hopes all things found in Gods Word and moves us to appreciate the spiritual food provided by the faithful slave class, instead of listening to the slanderous statements of lying apostates. (Matthew 24:45-47; 1 John 2:18-21) Since love endures all things and never fails, it also helps us to remain loyal to Gods organization even if "false brothers" or others speak against it or its members.Galatians 2:4.

    *** w88 3/15 18 Serving as Jehovah's Trusting Fellow Workers ***

    Loyalty to Jehovah God requires that we also be loyal to his servants on earth, our fellow Christians. The apostle John makes this clear when he reminds us: "He who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen." (1 John 4:20) The imperfections of others may test our loyalty in this regard. For instance, when they have been offended, some have manifested a weakness in their loyalty to Jehovahs organization by staying away from Christian meetings. Another test of our loyalty to our brothers arises when those whom Jehovah is using to take the lead err in judgment. Now and then, such mistakes have been used by some as an excuse to take umbrage and disassociate themselves from Jehovahs visible organization. But is their course of action justified? By no means!

    Why are such persons not justified in leaving Gods organization? Because his Word assures us: "Abundant peace belongs to those loving [Jehovahs] law, and for them there is no stumbling block." (Psalm 119:165) Moreover, we are commanded to "have intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins." (1 Peter 4:8; Proverbs 10:12) Furthermore, suppose a person was to separate himself from Jehovahs people. Where could he go? Is he not faced with the same issue that confronted Jesus apostles when he asked them if they also wanted to leave him? The apostle Peter rightly replied: "Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life." (John 6:68) There is nowhere else to go but to "Babylon the Great," the world empire of false religion, or into the clutches of Satans political "wild beast." (Revelation 13:1; 18:1-5) Largely, disloyal ones who have left Jehovahs visible organization have made common cause with those in God-dishonoring "Babylon the Great."

    Peter knew that there was nowhere else to go because Jesus had "sayings of everlasting life." Are you as determined to remain loyal to Jehovahs organization?

    *** w87 7/1 30 Staying Close to Jehovah's Organization ***
    Of course, there are always some Christian brothers for whom you feel a special attachment. One of these was Alfred Pryce Hughes, who died in 1978. His life story appeared in the April 1, 1963, issue of TheWatchtower. For many years he served as the branch servant, and later as a member of the Branch Committee. He was greatly loved by the brothers in the British field because of his great respect for Jehovahs organization and his loyalty to it and his love for all the brothers.

    *** w86 1/1 26 Building for an Eternal Future ***
    Jehovahs organization is building for an eternal future. Whether or not man-made structures weather the storm of Armageddon, we know that Gods organization will survive as a going concern and that Jehovah will use it and those who loyally support it, establishing eternal peace and security in the glorious earthly Paradise of Gods promise.Revelation 7:9, 14-17; 21:1, 4, 5.

    *** w85 1/15 25 "Kingdom Increase" Conventions-What Rich Spiritual Feasts! ***
    The baptism talk, "Subjecting Ourselves Under Jehovahs Mighty Hand," emphasized the fact that a person is loyal either to Gods organization or to Satans.

    The soul-searching talk "Do Not Share in the Sins of Others" stressed the need to be loyal to Jehovah and his organization. If we are unable to persuade our conscience-stricken friend to confess to the elders, we should go to them about the matter. Actually, this is for the wrongdoers own spiritual well-being, and reports indicate that a number of individuals have acted in harmony with this counsel.

    *** w85 3/1 30 'Preaching in Favourable Season and in Troublesome Season' ***
    And remain loyal. Maintain loyalty not only to Jehovah and Jesus Christ but also to Gods earthly organization that nurtures and cherishes us. To be sure, our loyalty does get put to the test through adjustments within the organization, through trouble brought upon us, or through that which comes from our own foolishness. But the precious qualities of loyalty and trust will see us throughthrough favourable season and troublesome season too.

    *** w83 2/1 14 Titus Tackles a Tough Assignment ***
    As, for example, Paul wrote: "An overseer must be . . . loyal." Such loyalty is demonstrated by "holding firmly to the faithful word" as expounded in the publications of Jehovahs modern Christian organization.Titus 1:6-9.

    *** w81 5/15 31 Attend the 1981 "Kingdom Loyalty" District Conventions ***
    By our attending the "Kingdom Loyalty" Conventions, we will receive instruction, admonition, encouragement and exhortation on all the various ways we can and must show loyaltyto Jehovah, to his organization, to our brothers, to our families. Let us show loyalty by our very attendance at this convention, being present right from the opening song, if at all possible, to the concluding prayer each day.

    *** w81 12/1 12 "Kingdom Loyalty"-What Does It Mean to You? ***
    Will Jehovah say the same of you? Will you always wait for him to act? Will you be loyal to Jehovah, his approved anointed ones and his theocratic organization and its arrangements? If you are, then Jehovah will reward you as he did David.

    *** w81 12/1 31 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter ***
    Favored indeed are all those who serve loyally with the "faithful and discreet slave" organization, Jehovahs visible agent of communication! Theirs is the wise choice, for their pathway leads on to the precious goal of everlasting life in the new order that Jehovah is creating.Isa. 65:17, 18; 66:22.

    *** w80 12/1 10 Coping with the "Realities of Life"-A Worldwide Educational Program Shows How ***
    How vital that we never forget which organization God is using today and the need for heartfelt loyalty!

    *** w79 2/1 13 Fifty Years in "the Vineyard"-A Way of Life ***
    We were to establish a pioneer home and work with and strengthen the brothers who were staying loyal to Gods organization.

    *** w78 8/1 18 Are You Self-Indulgent-or Self-Sacrificing? ***
    No course of life you could now choose in this world, no amount of hard work at any trade or profession, no acts of loyalty to any human or organization of this world could ever produce a future such as Jehovah promises those who serve him. Surely, then, it is well worth whatever sacrifices may be involved.

    *** w73 7/1 404 Praise Jehovah with His People ***
    If we truly appreciate Jehovahs earthly organization, we will remain loyal to it, knowing that the organization is his. If we were to leave it, where else could we go? There is no other organization that is doing the divine will or that is educating people for life everlasting. When many abandoned Jesus Christ, he asked his apostles: "You do not want to go also, do you?" Peter replied: "Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life; and we have believed and come to know that you are the Holy One of God." (John 6:66-69) If we have Christian appreciation, we, too, will stay with Jehovahs organization, his Christian congregation, despite difficulties and persecution today.

    *** w72 8/1 465 Cooperating Fully with God's Appointed Ones ***
    Is this scripture directed to overseers or elders alone? No, for if anyone sees one of his fellow workers taking some false step before he is aware of it, it is his responsibility to try to restore such a person in a spirit of mildness. Really, it would be loving on our part to do so. If the sin is serious, we would properly tell the wrongdoer to report this to the responsible overseers in the congregation promptly, and that if he did not do so, we ourselves would be duty-bound out of loyal attachment to Jehovahs organization to bring the matter to the attention of the congregations judicial committee. (1 Cor. 5:9-13; Ps. 31:23) One who loves righteousness and is truly loyal to God will courageously step forward and expose any grossly sinful conduct of which he is a witness within the congregation and he will freely testify to the truth of the matter when called upon to do so.Lev. 5:1; Eph. 4:24; Luke 1:74, 75.

    *** w71 3/15 174 Persecution by Permission of Jehovah-Why? ***
    Certain conditions were allowed to develop within the religious organization that searched out to the full depths the heart devotion of every individual who claimed to be espoused to the Messianic King, Jesus, as a member of the "bride" class. (Ps. 45:10-14; John 3:29) In three ways particularly their submissiveness was tested: first, as to their reliance on the doctrine of Gods Word as revealed through his channel of communication; secondly, as regards their willingness to share in the preaching of this good news of the Messianic kingdom, which must be done before Jehovahs purpose in this "time of the end" would be concluded; and, thirdly, as regards their complete loyalty to his earthly organization, which was yet to be built up in full theocratic structure, something that must be accomplished during this "time of the end." This was essential, not only to enable his people to stand and to face severe persecution that Jesus knew they must yet receive, but also in order that his people would be ready to take over the responsible work that would be theirs after the present system of things was destroyed in the approaching world trouble.

    The Mordecai class brought these matters to the attention of the Esther class, who needed to learn organization and be strengthened in loyalty to the King. This was especially true since they were newcomers. (Rom. 16:17, 18) Through the Esther class it came to the Kings notice when these newly selected ones of the "bride" of Christ chose loyalty to the Messianic King and to the organization. However, no particular reward was given to the Mordecai class at that time.

    *** w71 10/15 638 What Do You Want to Do? ***
    Of course, any organization claiming to be Christian should instill in its members strong faith in God, a knowledge of his Word, and loyalty to his kingdom.

    *** w71 11/1 669 Missionaries Told to Be Loyal, Merciful ***
    Jehovah is "loyal in all his works," President Knorr told the graduating class, but the question is, Will you be loyal to him? (Ps. 145:17) After showing the importance of remaining loyal to God, the Societys president emphasized the need for loyalty to Gods organization. He told the students that sometimes things interfere with ones showing loyalty. For example, problems can come up because of living in close association with others in a missionary home.

    Helping the audience to get the right viewpoint, Brother Knorr emphasized that all Christians are sinners. All, including overseers, make mistakes. So when this happens, will you pack up and leave your missionary assignment? Or will you remain loyal to Gods organization? he asked. Brother Knorr told the graduating students to remember that Jehovah is guiding his organization.

    But how might a fearful one be laying a snare for others? By gossiping about an overseer to others, and thus causing them also to become fearful of him. Gossiping about the faults of an overseer is not showing loyalty to Gods organization. So if difficulties arise due to human imperfection, he said, go to your brother and follow Jesus counsel and so enjoy peace.

    *** w70 4/1 213 Building Disciples Having the Quality of Endurance ***

    The student must also come to appreciate the theocratic organization of Jehovahs people. Loyalty to the theocratic organization will prevent the student from stumbling over an explanation of Gods Word that may be difficult to understand. In the first century many missed out on the grand privilege of being a part of the congregation of God, because they quit when Jesus brought a difficult doctrinal truth to their attention. But how did the well-trained apostles respond when Jesus asked them: "You do not want to go also, do you?" The apostle Peter replied: "Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life." (John 6:67, 68) True loyalty, like that possessed by Peter, is what we want to build in those with whom we study Gods Word, so that they will stick close to Gods organization at all times, with blessings to themselves.

    Edited by - Blondie on 2 February 2003 7:44:19

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Hi Ozzie/Blondie,

    Yep..Every statement includes loyalty to Jehovah and/or/or just the org.

    I like that scripture Ozzie, and Thank you for posting those references Blondie, very interesting!


  • gumby

    All authority has been given me .

    This is true oz but..........we must remember that in 1919 that authority was entrusted to the Faithfull and Discreet Slave class. Who is the wise slave whom "HIS MASTER APPOINTED OVER HIS BELONGINGS?" Most people don't realise that this Slave lives at bethel headquarters consisting of well experianced sharp coherant older men, who know the answers to things the rest of us don't.

    Since Jesus left the earth there is no way possible for his teachings and work to continue on without Jehovah's Witnesses......it can't be done. Jehovah works through these men in bethel and then they teach us...........why can't people understand this and why do people put these faithful brothers down so much. I think you are all very mean here and feel like I don't want to talk to you all anymore.


  • Englishman

    " the loyalty that marks Jehovah's organisation transcends every human relationship, such as that of close flesh-and-blood relatives. " -

    Translated roughly as: If it's a toss up between the kids or Brooklyn, then dump the kids.


  • yesidid

    Thank you Ozzie and Blondie,

    That information is just what I needed to help a a precious but misguided friend.

  • somebody

    Ozzie and all,


    And I'd like to add how developing the loyalty to the organization first begins.


    This really says what the message is that is instucted to be preached. It starts right from the day a JW shows up at your door. It happens so quickly that people don't realize what's happening to them and what their brain is being fed.

    km 4/93 3-4

    "To the House of Jehovah Let Us Go" (And the title if honest, should read: To The House of the Watchtower Soceity Let Us Direct Others)

    3 Direct Interest to the Organization:

    From our initial contact with interested persons, we should be directing their attention to the organization. While we may be able personally to locate scriptures and explain fundamental doctrines, we are not the source of such knowledge . Everything we have learned has come from the organization, channeled through the slave class that supplies food at the proper time. (Matt. 24:45-47) From the start, new ones need to realize that pure worship involves more than just us or even the local congregation; there is an organized, theocratic, worldwide societyoperating under Jehovahs direction. 4 The direction we receive originates with Jehovah, who has promised to guide and teach us. (Ps. 32:8; Isa. 54:13) ....

    So if the organized,theocratic, worldwide society is operating under God's direction, one would think that the instruction would be disseminated primarily through the Bible, right?


    The article continues.....

    " This instruction is disseminated primarily through our literature. If we can help interested ones develop a high regard for the literature, recognizing it as a source of lifesaving instruction , they will be far more likely to read and apply its message than to discard it quickly. "

    There ya have it. They consider their own writings to be lifesaving. And instuct it's followers to go door-to door directing others to become loyal to it.

    They go therefore making baptized publishers, baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and in association with their organization.



  • Lieu

    Loyalty begets loyalty.

    Loyalty to Christ and to God....no one else when it comes to matters of faith.

    As Paul commented on the folks saying they were followers of certain men, "who is Paul, Apollos, ..."? Certainly, Paul did not die for us and neither did anybody in Brooklyn. So, I'll go along with Paul's comments and say Christ is my leader, I belong to Christ not the WBTS.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    including "the faithful and discreet slave," through which the Christian congregation is fed spiritually.

    So who is that? I get the feeling that if anyone is ever called to account, that all eyes would simply look to someone else, and so on. Does anyone officially make up an fds - to be held accountable as being the fds?

    Or is it that the fds not actually exist, but rather is a shadow that cowardly folk may hide behind, blame, speak about, publicise, explain - but in reality no one is it?

    Is the organisation like their god - just a 'beat up' as we say here ?

    Is there a speaking fds - or are people just trying to give life to something. A lot of people speak for the fds, but who is the speaking fds, accountable for it's sayings ?

    Must have been the zealous brothers then, eh - which ones?

    There's a story in the bible - well, mine anyway - Bel the Dragon - jws would do well to read it.


    Edited by - a paduan on 2 February 2003 10:14:53

  • heathen

    A Peduan may have a point. Apparently the fds is made up of interchanging parts .Suddenly we have a new fds and la viola some new light to go along with it . Too bad for them that noone can be held accountable but what we see is flagerant misinterpretations that are held up as the truth through this loyalty they claim to have .

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